Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Me In A Nutshell. Or at least I think so...

Global Personality Test Results
Stability (80%) high which suggests you are very relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic..
Orderliness (60%) moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly organized, reliable, neat, and hard working at the expense of flexibility, efficiency, spontaneity, and fun.
Extraversion (66%) moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense of developing your own individual interests and internally based identity.
Take Free Global Personality Test
personality tests by similarminds.com

Monday, December 21, 2009

Sometimes, People Are Wonderful


All I Want For Christmas Is....

My two front teeth.

No, actually in all seriousness, I've compiled a list of things I'd like for the holidays (although I celebrate Christmas I also accept Hanukkah and Kwanza gifts...) and I thought I'd share it with you, my wonderful blog audience, as well as any cyber Santas surfin' the net, in case either of you need any gift ideas for your favorite blogger (me).
  1. For magic, like Hogwarts/Middle Earthian magic, to exist and for going on long and epic quests to be a completly natural occupation. Like, so badly.
  2. The ability to Apperate and Disapperate. If I can't have all the magic and quests at least let me teleport.
  3. World peace. Like, not just wars. I mean like I want the Moteques and Capulets to shake hands and be besties, I want to put a stop to major and minor quarrells between friends, family, Team Edward and Team Jacob supporters, mythical creatures, ancient tribal warriors, my many suitors,EVERYONE to end. No more fighting, no more drama, just peace and harmony among everyone. The only conflicts that are allowed to remain are inner conflicts, and only because they provoke self-growth and betterment.
  4. The power to morph into whatever and whoever I want. Come on now, who wouldn't want that?
  5. Coraline and Singing In the Rain on DVD
  6. For every single Harry Potter DVD on earth to be instantly replaced by a copy of the book. Do the world a little good.
  7. A boyfriend? Perhaps. I'm still undecided on the make and model Santa dearest. You can decide, but please remember all those hours of commuinity service I've done... ;)
  8. Obviously, a cure for cancer, AIDS, and all other terrible and currently incurable illnesses. Except STDs. You sluts deserve those.
  9. For the next season of Glee to start, like, tomorrow.
  10. Guitar skills far beyond what I currently posess.
  11. Ditto for singing skills. So that I can fufill my secret dream of rockstardom.
  12. In the event that singing skills are unavailable, a mic stand will do.
  13. Awesome socks.
  14. All six Star Wars movies on DVD.
  15. A sick new umbrella.
  16. A legit Hogwarts robe.
  17. My car back...
  18. To be allowed to have Christmas (HOLIDAY) lights in my dorm room.
  19. An endless supply of double sided sharpies (in black)
  20. Twenty things would make me sound so greedy...(*cough* A PONY! *cough*)
Anyway, I wish everyone the best this holiday, no matter what you celebrate. Remember those less fortunate and if your college student budget permits, help them out. If not, there are all sorts of ways to give something as priceless as your time and energy to charities, homeless shelters, or retirement communities this holiday to brighten someone elses. Peace and blessings to all and to all a good night!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Why? Because I Love HP

So, because most of my conversations, friendships, and clothing purchases revolve around Harry Potter fandom, I was told about this wonderful video that I thought I'd share with you. Because if you're not a Harry Potter fan then you probably stopped reading my blog long ago due to the excess of Harry Potter references.

To all those still reading, STAY STRONG! Your missing Hogwarts letters could arrive any day, I hear owl post isn't the most reliable...

To watch while you await your letters.

And to any complete and total Muggles who have not read the Harry Potter series yet insist on reading my blog; READ THE BOOKS. Seriously. Movies don't do them justice. Honest. You can even borrow my copies, just let me know!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

As If We Needed More Proof that Kurt Vonnegut Is Awesome

By far, my favorite speech of all time:

"Ladies and gentlemen of the class of '97:
Wear sunscreen.
If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. The long-term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists, whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience. I will dispense this advice now.

Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth. Oh, never mind. You will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they've faded. But trust me, in 20 years, you'll look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you can't grasp now how much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked. You are not as fat as you imagine.

Don't worry about the future. Or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind, the kind that blindside you at 4 pm on some idle Tuesday.

Do one thing every day that scares you.


Don't be reckless with other people's hearts. Don't put up with people who are reckless with yours.


Don't waste your time on jealousy. Sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind. The race is long and, in the end, it's only with yourself.

Remember compliments you receive. Forget the insults. If you succeed in doing this, tell me how.

Keep your old love letters. Throw away your old bank statements.


Don't feel guilty if you don't know what you want to do with your life. The most interesting people I know didn't know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives. Some of the most interesting 40-year-olds I know still don't.

Get plenty of calcium. Be kind to your knees. You'll miss them when they're gone.

Maybe you'll marry, maybe you won't. Maybe you'll have children, maybe you won't. Maybe you'll divorce at 40, maybe you'll dance the funky chicken on your 75th wedding anniversary. Whatever you do, don't congratulate yourself too much, or berate yourself either. Your choices are half chance. So are everybody else's.

Enjoy your body. Use it every way you can. Don't be afraid of it or of what other people think of it. It's the greatest instrument you'll ever own.

Dance, even if you have nowhere to do it but your living room.

Read the directions, even if you don't follow them.

Do not read beauty magazines. They will only make you feel ugly.

Get to know your parents. You never know when they'll be gone for good. Be nice to your siblings. They're your best link to your past and the people most likely to stick with you in the future.

Understand that friends come and go, but with a precious few you should hold on. Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle, because the older you get, the more you need the people who knew you when you were young.

Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard. Live in Northern California once, but leave before it makes you soft. Travel.

Accept certain inalienable truths: Prices will rise. Politicians will philander. You, too, will get old. And when you do, you'll fantasize that when you were young, prices were reasonable, politicians were noble, and children respected their elders.

Respect your elders.

Don't expect anyone else to support you. Maybe you have a trust fund. Maybe you'll have a wealthy spouse. But you never know when either one might run out.

Don't mess too much with your hair or by the time you're 40 it will look 85.

Be careful whose advice you buy, but be patient with those who supply it. Advice is a form of nostalgia. Dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than it's worth.

But trust me on the sunscreen."

Again, the man's a genius.


Things every college student will likely need to know....

(because we've all been there, don't lie to me...)


Spotted Around Campus

And here are just some more things I've spotted or been shown around campus....

"Bike in Tree"
No idea how it got there or why someone decided to cheap out on a bike lock, but points for originality....thanks to JennyFromTheBlock for this one...

"March of the Cosplayers"
Spotted in the mall amitst the Christmas shoppers, these Naruto characters were just hanging out. I may or may not have followed them through Sears to get a decent shot...
But at the same time a large part of me wanted to don a questly outfit and join them.

"Big Man On Campus"
I just thought the fact that someone at school drives a Smartcar was awesome, not even taking into consideration its wonderful color.

"Triumph at F***ing Pucillo!"
Last day of climbing that god-awful hill to wellness. Peas-n-Carrots and I had to commemorate the occation, seeing as we'd walked together everyday since the begining of the semester. So glad to be done with that class!!!

Sorry About That...

So I realized that I've been absent from this blog from so long that Blogger logged me out. Needless to say I was pretty sad. Anyway, home on break now, so for the time being I guesss I should change my title to 'Krysti Not At College' or 'Krysti At Home' but that just sounds like I live in my parents basement and play video games and eat old pizza all day. Quite the contrary, I live on the top floor, read Harry Potter and quest all day, and eat freshly made pizza quesidillas (recipe later, SOO GOOOD). So I guess I'll just ramble on like I always do, but I decided to start with a shout out to all of those wonderful three readers living in the 717 eaither all the time or just 8 months of the year...
Today, I went to the Amish Country with my family. While in a restraunt, an elderly Amish lady got up and dropped her plate. Her immeadiate response was, "Oh shit!". The entire restraunt went silent. Her husband started praying and her children cried. I love Amish people. MLIA.
Moving on...recently I learned:
  • Parents love you a lot more when you leave for four months and come back.
  • Driving in snow is not something I plan on engaging in any more than needed. When I'm working I'm saving up all my sick days for any day there's snow and we don't already get a snow day.
  • I miss working with kids. I didn't really learn this, but a loving reuniting of two year olds in a Payless reminded me...
  • I was meant to go to Hogwarts. And I now have the sweater to prove it. And magically, the silly Muggle cashier only charged me six bucks because he said it was 'out of season' and no longer in their system. Needless to say my Confundus Charm worked perfectly....
  • Debit cards are a wonderful invention.
  • Supermarker sushi can sometimes beat any TGI Fridays spread...even if you break in to get it.
  • TGI Fridays has a terrible security system.
  • My wellness teacher is a douche.
  • The best feeling in the world is the last Wellness class ever. Climbing the gym's hill for the last time knowing you never again will have to reach the top before 9:00  in the AM.
  • My father cannot pick out presents...my poor mother....
  • More people should engage in Christmas caroling. And I don't mean just to the elderly. Not that they don't enjoy a rousing chorus of "Jingle Bells" but so do the rest of us.
  • Sometimes weather people are right.
  • That my schools text alert system does work, as it proved five times today with various weather-related texts that have no bearing on my activites two hours away.
  • Plum is the new black this season, add it to your wish lists, it's currently my favorite color.
  • I am secretly Neecy Nash.
  • I love to Kareoke. But not in front of people or anything like that. Just give me an empty basement, a microphone stand, and Youtube versions of all my favorite Broadway hits and I'm fucking Hannah Montana.
  • My secret dream is to be a rockstar. And I don't even care if I were to be a cardboard cutout Disney star, as long as I was a rockstar.
  • M-ville has been Zombie-free for almost 155 years. Congrats MUCAZ, you're doin' great girl.
  • Kevin Jonas got married today. AKA inside I'm in mourning.
  • Voldemort is hiding in Kuwait. Obama, your priorities are all wrong...
  • I don't know what I would do if I were in a single. My mouth almost shriveled up and died after not talking to people for two and a half hours...I can't imagine all the time.
  • The most valuable thing I learned at college is how to get permenently stuck speaking in a 1800 British peon accent.
  • I miss my roomies and hall buddies already...

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Oy Vey

Oh man, nothing like a week from hell right before finals to remind you what it really means to sell your soul to the art department...Tay Tay was so right. So this blog is just going to be a quick mish-mash of stuff I've been meaning to post which will hopefully provide you with some welcome mental relief during the hellish week and a half to come, so here goes:

WOW: Word of the Week
man chair (noun): a man chair is the chair that men sit in while their partner is shopping for long periods of time. They can be found in almost any clothing or shoe store. What can we, as men do while our gf's or wives are shopping, we can sit in a man chair.

Honey, Ill go over here and sit in a man chair while you go shop around and meet me here when your done.
Spotted Around Campus (and off campus):

Link (from the Legend of Zelda game series)
Last spotted on my bus trip to NYC. Had the same hair style, completle with nonchallant whisps about the face, and had very narrow elven features, like Link.
Also, an aside for those who didn't know; Princess Zelda is the girl character, Link is the guy....


Cristina Yang (from Grey's Anatomy)
Last spotted swiping cards at UD, never very friendly though.

And lastly, some websites, videos, etc. to check out when you're stuck needing a break from all that finals work:

mylifeisaverage.com << Just plain awesome.
http://www.pandora.com/ << great site to build a studying soundtrack
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwcFA4nHvho&feature=fvw << Used in our awesome health video, SS used to be sooo awesome!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZ9WiuJPnNA << I love her, she's so cute. The song is from an iPod commercial, so you may know it
http://www.mysterygoogle.com/ << Just plain creepy
http://www.sporcle.com/ << A great time waster that tests your knowlege on useless information!
http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1913584 << an awesome parody by the people at collegehumor.com
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvG8G9Hb9Mg << Love this catttt, reminds me of JennyFromTheBlock

Other than that, good luck with finals to everyone, hope this is enough for now, more later hopefully, but for now I need to sleep!! Maybe leave a comment with what you want more of, anyone can leave a comment, regardless of whether or not you have a Blogger account. Adios, P&B, P&B!

Monday, November 30, 2009


So,every man, woman, child, yeti, jedi knight, zombie, headless horseman, glee club member, and everyone of any other obscure label should watch this. It is, hands down, the most epic work of genius created by anyone. Darren Ciss (Harry) wrote, directed, and stars in it. He is god.


Enjoy. You can thank me once you get through all 20+ parts. Trust me, it's worth it. Oh, and I have the legit soundtrack if anyone is interested....let's just say I know a guy.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Hamonica Boy Strikes Again. FML

So, today I got a ride back from break with everyone's favorite harmonica-playing asshole. Why? Because I enjoy torture and I know how much you all enjoyed our last adventure. Sorry folks, never again. NEVER. "Why?" You ask concernedly, knowing full well that I'm going to tell you. Well let me tell you. Car ride begins, around four with the usual uncertianty about a time frame followed by a phone call giving me a roughly ten minute heads up. Which I am used to by now and was fully ready and packed, stuff by the door, don't worry. Then, I get the oh-so-joyous news that we are gaining a passenger on our jubillent ride-one, John, tech ed guy 'soft spoken and like a hippie' whose girl friend is 'ugly,' 'redneck' and 'has him whipped, don't tell him I said that.' Folks, I can't make this shit up. So we journey and extra hour-oh yes, the fun is extended for three hours rather than the usual wonderful two. I get to be navigator because he dosn't know where he's going and forgot his glasses. But he's doing it, so between the two of us (John and I) he can make a profit and buy beer. Now, if that doesn't give you an idea of the classy kind of guy he is then I don't know what will. But I digress. Here we are navigating through Burks county, him smokin' like a fucking chimmney as he questions me about the partys at school and recounts his own drinking/smoking exploits. We're also jammin out (no harmonica yet, but later) to some Elvis-Costello, not Presley. This small snippit is a exerpt of our limited conversation:
"Now we're gonna listen to some Elvisssss-"
"-Oh, cool. Love Elvis-"
"Oh....I don't really know his stuff..."
"Yeah, I like him cause he sings songs about killing girls."
"Oh. I feel like this is the part where I should make a run for it..."
"Yeaaahhh....let's take a drive into the woooods huh???"
I think you can guess who said what. So we get to John's house, where we wait as HB has to get out and check out the 'forge' that John has in his garage and HB talks about how he can hook John up with some cheap propane. WTF? Anyway, HB needs his coffee and proceeds to curse out the town for not having a Starbucks and we end up at the good ol' golden arches. HB orders two double cheeseburgers (yes, people, that's FOUR burgers. Which, I don't know if you know this, but it's MURDER on the bowels....) and tries to order an extra shot of expresso....IN HIS MCDONALS COFFEE. Which confuses the guy taking his order.  HB then continues to play the role of just general asshole customer, inching up a little too far at the window...hitting on the cashier chick, etc. He then asks for them to throw away his Red Bull can, which they can't do? (company policy apperently?) so, when she closes the window, he throws the can at the window and hauls ass out of there. Oh, and he also takes this oppurtunity to share with us that he was once arrested for throwing a hamburger AT A KID. 'But the charges were dropped. Assault with a hamburger weapon. HA.'


So we continue along on our merry trek, a mere hour has passed, and here we are with HB and his incessent farting, John and his fucking bird? Yes. I said bird, as in he is traveling with a bird in a covered cage on his lap. Which HB at one point says he hopes the bird dies so his car will be haunted by an animal spirit. And there's me. Who by this point is sending HELP ME texts to like everyone. I almost sent one to my own mother. Oh, and he's also calling me "spads" (as in, rhymes with 'fads') because I'm pretty sure he forgot my name while introducing me to John and so he called me by my last name, which he then shortened to "spads." As follows:
"No, you don't actually call me that...that didn't happen. And isn't. You can call me Spade. That's acceptable."
"Nah, that's like dark. Spades are a symbol of death....(which, has some truth to it, I googled it...)"
"Ummm...or they're a shovel."
"Or they're something you use on your dog."
Silence ensued. For a good while. So, as is usual when silence ensues, he plays with the radio. Among other songs, we listened to 'the penis song' about having a large penis which chases away sadness, the pokemon theme song, and snoop dogg superimposed over kirby. Also featured, Asian rock. Including the song from the Wii comercials. By hour two I'm ready to throw myself from the car. The next hour is pretty similar, I'll leave it at that. Oh, and the harmonica is back too, the same riff over and over and over to every song. WONDERFUL. And you know the best way to appreciate harmonica? With a migrane being choked to death via secondhand smoke. It's soooo much better that way!

Long story short, his parting remark (right before moaning "moooooooooooooooooooooooooneyyyyy." at me as soon as he put the car in park) was this (as I argued women could drive dispite the fact they weren't in NASCAR-which isn't actually driving....any child who can turn a wheel can do that) was this:

"So, I was talking to a girl in a bar the other night and she was like 'yeah I'm majoring in sociology and like feminism or feminists or whatever-"
"Gender studies"
"-yeah. And I was like 'Oh, so you're majoring in being a bitch.'"

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Phun With Photos

So, I was looking through the photos on my phone and realized 90% of them are either pictures taken by me for this blog or pictures sent to me by people so I can put them on the blog. My memory card is rapidly filling up so I decided that a random photo gallery was needed. I call it "Spotted Around My Life" Please enjoy, and remember, feel free to send in anything awesome/funny/odd you see either around campus or around your life!

"The Wooden Shoe"

My favorite Anarchist Bookstore, the Wooden Shoe. Located on South Street, for my fellow anti-governmental readers.

"Swords for Spirits"

Also on South Street, the Occult Store, well equipt with all the potions, powders, talismans, and spirit swords you'll need to battle your own personal demons. Who needs Quest Week therapy sessions?

"Fat Booty"

Gotta love Philly Graffiti. And it's fat booty apperently.

"If this Homemade Dark Mark Doesn't Convince You..."

Yes, it's official, I am once again a proud member of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named's most elite. Although he was a little more eager to get Molly Weasley to sign up....

"Damitri Martin is an Okay Comedian"

The statement above is false, he's pretty freaking funny. And this was just some DM-inspired graffiti on the desk next to me in psycholoy. Ps. I'm trying to start a graffiti-off with the girl I share a desk with but so far all she's done is tell me my drawings are 'cute' ugh.

"Amish Love"

This corn was left for me on my birthday by my Amish secret admirer. Although I don't know how he got in without using the electric card scanners....

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Turkey Day and the Triumphant Return of the Blog

     So, I feel like I've tried starting blogs before, because I distinctly remember writing a very touching and emotional Thanksgiving entry about how we should appreciate all we have, the good food, the love of our families, the reuniting of long-absent friends, etc. I remain a firm believer in this, more so especially since college and I've been separated from all three. And although absence makes the heart grow fonder, it can also clarify things. As a small aside, I am currently learning to read Tarot cards and should warn you that the past hour spent reading my guidebook is leaving my writing profoundly cryptic and pensive. I apologize for the weirdness. But hey, I'm writing aren't I?

     Poor Thanksgiving, the forgotten child of the holidays, wedged in-between the aftermath of Halloween tummy aches and the pre-Christmas shopping frenzy. I mean, one could argue that Turkey Day has been reduced to nothing but the green light for the Christmas season. Every year the day after Thanksgiving marks the acceptable day to wake up at the ass-crack of dawn to shop like a maniac, put up your plastic Santas and obnoxious blow-up lawn decorations, and readjust all the radios in your house to a station that plays Christmas music 24/7 so that when you finally get to Christmas the mere sound of "Jingle Bells" makes you want to punch a baby. And then there's Thanksgiving. The holiday without any songs or intense decorations, whose main point is to hunt down and mercilessly slay a turkey (which, btw: turkeys are so ugly I think of this more as putting them out of their misery) while stuffing our faces full of everything good in the world until we can't move and need to run out on Black Friday just to buy jeans that fit. I mean, in all the madness, who remembers to give thanks? I know I usually don't- well at least, not until the last slice of pumpkin pie has made its way safely into someone’s stomach. But in reality, I have so much to be thankful for, and so much of it goes unacknowledged 364 days of the year, and then Thanksgiving guilt trips me into remembering. Although you may not be reading this on Thanksgiving, take a second, pause, and think of all the stuff you've forgotten to be thankful for. Here are some suggestions that may have slipped your mind:
  • Good roommates (or good roommates soon)
  • The fact that Taylor Lutner is shirtless for a good portion of "New Moon"
  •  Access to a car, Target, family, clean drinking water, and camcorders for Skype
  • citationsmachine and Sparknotes
  • Cleaning ladies and/or mothers
  • Good music and books
  • The element of surprise
  • Freedom from persecution or discrimination due to age, race, gender, or religion (and eventually sexual orientation, though we're not there yet).
  • Sewing machines
  • The random kindness of strangers
  • Public transportation that runs
  • Imagination, which gives us the ability to turn something incredibly shitting into something lovely or hilarious
  • Elevators (for those of us who may be in very tall dorm buildings)
  • JK Rowling
  • Bug spray
     Just a few ideas you may have missed in addition to the obvious (friends, family, good fortune, opportunity for education, shelter, clothing, food, etc.). And with than I close this particular entry, but don't worry, I'll be back, in my hiatus I've found a wealth of pictures, videos, and lessons to share, so sit tight. But for now, hug your parents, send nice texts to your friends, be nice to your siblings, stuff your face with leftovers, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I'm back. For A Little While Anyway.

Recently I learned:
  • Why I never trust other people with my projects (well, I was reminded actually).
  • That sometimes you do use what you learned in high school.
  • Sometimes that random knowlege that you thought you were never going to need again will totally come in handy when trying to impress professors....
  • That while in REM sleep your muscles are paralyzed, unless you're weird and they're not which leads to sleep talking and walking (ASHLEY! haha).
  • That procrastination is a terrible, terrible thing.
  • With blood, sweat, and tears it is possible to do four weeks of art homework in approx. four days.
  • I would not recomend the above to even my worst foes.
  • My seven year old cousin thinks I'm old because I go to college.
  • Drunk people don't take too kindly to people (*cough* JennyFromTheBlock *cough*) yelling things like "555-GET LOST" at them when they ask for your number.
  • People driving through campus at 2am are INSANE.
  • Swans like faux-reos.
  • My friends have the most adorable parents.
  • More or less all of the people I know watch Glee. Which makes sense, because I know people with good taste.
  • People remember all the random shit that I talk/blog/complain about, even when I don't.
  • In total I have eight All American Rejects, Amberlin, and Taking Back Sunday songs on my iPod.
  • Art Ed majors have a drawing potion of the PRAXIS II.
  • Amtrack is a bitch.
  • The real Michael Cera might be partying at Drexel as a promotional thing....omg.
  • Looking good on a Monday morning is frowned upon in college.
  • I accidentally had my razor (like, for my legs people, don't be alarmed) in my pocket all of psych class. Why? I have no idea...
  • Wellness is a stupid class.
  • I can make it to the art building, and back, and to the art building again in under ten minutes (this was not a pleasent fact to learn).
  • Nothing feels better than being done with a particularly stressful day.
  • But finding out a project deadline has been pushed back comes in close second for best feeling ever.
  • Screw Google Calandar, I just went DIY on it's ass.
  • The vending mechine needs better 'midnight munchie' food....like french fries.
  • RAY-J IS LEAVING!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF
In conclusion, late night, lots of sketching, brain is dead, no metors tonight, concert tomorrow, more work. Peace and blessins' to all. Stay awesome. G'night.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Adventures in the 2-1-5

Hey all, I'm back from a huge ass blog-break. Since last blogging I took an adventure back to the hometown, skipped my first class, turned 19, had my immune system die on me, annnnnnnd had several epic reunions. Kinda swamped these past few weeks (and up coming week) but I know you all anxiously await my blog posts (all two of you readers). Anyway, since I last posted I learned:
  • Glee is the greatest show. EVER.
  • Men can be ladies too.
  • Health services is much less scary than a real doctor's office, and they're nicer!
  • Skipping class is much easier on the consious if you sleep through it.
  • 1 minute of reading Cosmo = 2 minutes of playing Halo (to keep your guy-quotent up).
  • The guys hall still smells like ass. I haven't been there in awhile, I thought maybe something had changed?
  • I now have an option other than Harmonica Boy to get home!
  • I have a secret Amish admirer who left me corn for my birthday!
  • Some people cannot recognise my handwriting even after 10 years of friendship.
  • I miss high school.
  • I also miss quality Chinese food.
  • That when you sneeze (which I've been doing so much lately) your heart skips a beat, which is why people say 'God Bless You!'
  • I have been dubbed 'Becca of the Freshman.'
  • I'm not the only one who has missed exits because they were rocking out to showtunes too hard.
  • I now have three phone twins!
  • (More) random people read my blog.
  • Registration is not that hard, granted you are in the honors college. Ahh the perks of Diehm.
  • All of the sophomores are going to the midnight premire of Twilight too...
  • Though Kirt is my favorite character on Glee, Artie will probably have the best one liner EVER.
  • Showtunes get stuck in my head way too easily.
  • GW cast parties never change. And I mean it, like you still run into the same people at every one, even though they graduated...
  • I love my mommy (this is one of those 'I just re-realised this' things).
  • Glow sticks are the shit.
  • Nothing beats good (familiar, non-UD) food with good friends...<3
Other than that, keeping a blog is hard work! Yeah right, I'm just super lazy, but like I said, I'm going to be blogging less frequently so please enjoy this video clip (if you haven't already) because everyone needs to see Tracy....

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

New Celeb Spotting! And an apology....

So, yet again, JennyFromTheBlock hath sent me a lovely picture (I now outsource my creeping) of one of our favorite celeb look-alikes....


Also, an apology for not blogging, I will soon I promise! It's been insanity with going home, class registration, schoolwork, birthday, planning things, New Moon....ugh! So expect more soon, The longer I wait to blog the more I'll likely have to say! And don't forget, SEND ME PICTURES/AWKWARD CONVOS/ANYTHING really, and I'll probably post it. G'night all, and see you at 6AM sharp to register for classes! FML!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

New Segment: Heard Around Campus!

I always thought I should do this, seeing as I have some similar posts and seeing as I am an evesdropping, stalker creep according to some people (*cough* DAN *cough*) although those some people still complain I don't blog enough....but I digress. So though I've heard a few that I thought were good at the moment, I've forgotten them. But now, thanks to a guest submission by GlindatheGood, I have been forced to create this segment. This quote is to great to not tell the world. As always people, guest submissions are welcomed, nay, ENCOURAGED! You get to see your (code)name in print and you get all the associated glory! So, here goes (thank you GTG for this!!):

Overheard @ the Galley by some random guy in line:
"You know that Josh Grobin song that makes you orgasm every time you hear it?"

Speech Ideas

So, I've been hearing a lot about how horrible Honors Speech will be for me next semester, seeing as the majority of my hall is currently enrolled and how it has single handedly reduced sleep in Diehm by 78%. So, in order to attempt to restrict the hold the dreaded class will have on me I've decided to brainstorm some ideas for topics:

  • Why Valentine’s Day should be banned as a holiday (if you love someone you should show them every day...
  • Why Pokémon was completely ruined after they expanded from the original 150.
  • Why JK Rowling should/should not have written the epilogue after Deathly Hallows (I'll have to re-re-re-re-read it before passing judgment).
  • Why Jacob Black is a marginally better choice for Bella than Edward Cullen is.
  • Why Uggs are not only the cause of 78% of heinous fashion crimes but should also be banned due to misuse by sluts.
  • Why leggings should not function as pants (unless a dire emergency occurs mid-changing, a shirt worn with leggings should AT MINIMUS come to mid-thigh. Don't even fight me on this, I know I'm right).
  • Why Eowen is nothing but a home wrecking slut in LOTR (take that Peas-n-Carrots!).
  • Why all people should go through a mid-life Quest, rather than a mid-life crisis.
  • Why schools should eliminate nomathetic testing.
  • Why schools should keep art programs despite budget cuts.
  • Why creamy peanut butter is far superior to chunky (point one: Johnny Depp prefers creamy, check out Secret Window).
  • Why living at college (if possible) is a great experience, and staying on weekends as much as possible adds marginally to that.
  • Why everyone should read the Harry Potter series.
  • Why we should start charging people to use plastic bags.
  • Why we should stop wasting money on Smartboards in schools, seeing as they are (mostly) useless.
  • Why Ms. Rowling should have kept her big, fat (genius) mouth shut about Dumbledore's sexual orientation.
  • Why cleaning ladies are hired.
  • Why rain boots should be standard issue here.
There are just a few of my many ideas. If anyone has any suggestions, I'm starting a list now because from the looks of it I'm going to need all the help I can get next semester...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

WOW: Word of the Week

Brothel noun (bro-thul): It's like a regular brothel, but all the clients and employees are dudes. Bro-Thul

ex: I heard one of the bros in Beta House couldn't afford tuition last quarter and had to make up the difference by working facedown at the brothel over in Castro.
Oh man Diehmers, guess we weren't the first to think of this one....

I'm baaaaaaaaaaack

I feel like every post begins with "so I haven't posted in awhile..." so henceforth, I'm not going to write that anymore. Instead I'm going to assume that by now you've figured out I'm not posting daily anymore. Which really makes little to no difference, seeing as I can only assume very few of you check my blog daily. So, now that we straightened that out, I'm prefacing this by saying that this post isn't going to be very long, because my unrealistic goal for the evening is to be in bed by 11:30. Fat chance, I know, but I can dream. Today I learned:
  • Some guys think that winter hats with ears are cute. Personally I just think that it makes them look even creepier when they're walking unusually close behind you.
  • Prank wars are not easily stopped, sadly.
  • Cygnyts, dispite the fact that it is an ice cream place, has katsup packets readily available?
  • Halloween is a wonderful holiday.
  • That I should start playing Kingdom Hearts?
  • Amtrack customer service is not as evil as I would have predicted.
  • Scheduling is a bitch.
  • Henna tattoos are the shit. I actually knew this already, but figured I'd point it out to anyone who has never gotten one; do it!
  • I can mail things from the RA's desk!
  • Guys have way more time on their hands than I would have ever thought.
  • 'Polyanna' meaning a secret gift exchange (ex. a secret santa) is not as common of a word as I thought.
Other than that, I'd like to let everyone know that I A. am in the midst of an inter-room prank war and B. may or may not be getting a ride back from the weekend this weekend with everyone's favorite harmonica-playing car buddy....

Peace out cub scouts.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Back from the Weekend @ Home

Things (literally objects) I Missed From Home:
  • Normal toilet paper rolls
  • My sewing mechine
  • A clean, hairless shower
  • My craft supplies
  • A car
  • Cable TV, with a legit guide
  • Tortilla chips
  • A couch that doesn't look like it belongs in a doctor's waiting room
  • Halloween decorations
  • Legit plates and cups
  • Radio
  • My Yes to Carrots shampoo
  • Wireless Internet (that actually runs quickly)
  • The matress topper on my bed at home
Things I Hate (which have been further accentuated by this weekend)
  • Short weekends
  • Rain
  • Amtrack
  • Yetis
  • Short weekends
  • Leaving my family :(
So, yet again, I have been bested by public transportion. Let's just say the people at Amtrack will be getting a very frustrated phone call sometime tomorrow...Seriously? How does a train rail just break? And what kind of a station only has one track anyway!? People need to travel places! Not all of us have horses and buggies that we can just hitch up on a whim!! Thank goodness for amazing roommates though....<3<3<3

On another note (in case you haven't figured it out, this entry is just a random mod-podge of things) only 364 days until next halloween!! I love halloween and am in love with this years costume!! I missed my sewing mechine so bad! It and I had a bittersweet reunion Friday night and Saturday morning as a whipped up my questly elf costume complete with semi-movie accurate elven cloak (with pointed hood, very useful in rain) and Leaf of Lorian <3. New goal: find somewhere else to wear that outfit to. Hell, I'd wear it around campus, it'd be totally legit with maybe a cardigin in place of the cloak.

All in all, I miss home but am lovin' the college life. Disney movies and Smash Brothers make me smile, the Phillies make me frown. Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter muffins make me happy, Wellness exams first thing on a Monday make me want to weep bitter tears. Take the good with the bad. Take the wins with the loses (Phils, you're excluded, WINS ONLY FROM NOW ON) and carpe die(h)m.

Friday, October 30, 2009

And So It Began, Stupid School Internet

So a quick explanation. One, this post was supposed to be for yesterday, but since school internet decided that only skype and school email were worthy of actually working after 10pm last night, here we are. Secondly, Zombie tag is currently occuring the honors college, with students randomly assigned to  be human or zombie. If a zombie tags a human, they become a zombie. Zombies have 24 hours to eat a human or they die. Headbands and armbands are used to tell who is who and marshmellows can be thrown by humans to stop a zombie for 15 minutes. So, on to my actual planned entry"

New Celeb Spotting!

And you guys are going to loooooove this one.

Looks like Sue finally got her way and disbanded Glee because Mr Schuster was spotted today on campus directing traffic then hopping into a campus work truck. Keep and eye out for this one!!

On a related note, but sadly nowhere near Mr. Schuster, Emma! Although this girl had a bit longer hair, the style, color, wide-eyedness, and general posture made her a 'shoe-in' for Emma. Spotted near the quad, kind of heading in Shoe's general direction.

To sum up, everyone should start watching Glee!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Smile! You're On Candid Campus!

So, as you all probably know by now, this is one of my favorite segments, and sadly I have not collected very much for it recently, so I'd like to take this time to remind you oh loyal fanbase, that you too can submit any odd occurances around campus. Just sayin' I'm not yet a master; I cannot yet catch them all....

"The Lone Cycle"
Haha the best part of this picture (other than the fact that it's hilarious) is the story of how it came about. I was walking past this bike rack and this guy was walking towards me and he paused and took a picture on his phone. Then he saw me see him and looked at me sheepishly. Then I pulled out my phone, took a picture of it too, and nodded at him. Respect, sir. You have good taste in oddities.

*DISCLAIMER* This WAS NOT taken on campus, it was sent to me by my friend and I found it to  be quite awesome. If possible, I would love to find this and go...

Sunday, October 25, 2009

WOW: Word of the Week

Quest: (noun): Quest is the most intense of all the words describing a journey. It would be considerably more treacherous than a mish or a trott, as it will probably entail passing several ghettos beofre arriving at the destination. Tread with care, he who dares partake.

ex: The party's supposed to be in Amsterdam man. Where are we now? Yorkshire. Quest!!!!!!

This one pays homage to any fellow Questers who may be reading this. Don't worry, I'm spreading the word...QUEST WEEK 09: WINTER EDITION!
Also, your corresponding Elven phrase:
"Lle naa haran e' nausalle"
Which means "You are king in your imagination." Ladies, use this to punch a hole in some jerk's giant ego. It says 'I'm classy, yet well versed in the ways of nerd.' Who knows? You may attract a slightly nerdy yet adorable replacement for the jerk you just shut down? Good luck!

Random Video Fun

So, as I usually do to make up for not posting, here are some videos I've found and/or been shown recently. Hope you enjoy them and they make you forget about how infrequently I post.

Oh the things parents put on youtube..."is this real life?"

This is one of a few awesome videos done by the same people about turning fun into positive reinforcement for desirable behavior. I love it!

And this one is compliments of SG (who I have not yet asked for a codename, start thinking SG!) about the impending doom that is swine!

Holy Moley!

So, loyal readers (of which there are most likely many fewer now) it's been quite a while since I've blogged and I am deeply sorry to all of you who had to actually do your homework for the past few days instead of getting your daily dose of stupidity from this blog. I would like to alert anyone who doesn't already know that yes, there was swine in the building, no it was not as widespread as it was made out to be, yes I have a surgical mask on hand now, and no there is not a mass outbreak. I do however still encourage you all to keep santising those hands, just in case. In other news, recently I've learned:
  • Glee will not be back on until sometime in November. HUGE DISAPPOINTMENT.
  • Sometimes some good old fashion Nursery Rhymin' will win over the hearts of even the most senile of judges.
  • Becca has an attitude.
  • Here, when it's not raining, the sky is thinking about when next to rain.
  • Elven ears are a rare commoddy.
  • The best way to watch a LOTR movie is with people who A. know random trivia B. can recite lines from memory and C. know of corresponding parodies/youtube videos that go along with it.
  • The quad can fit a shitload of people.
  • Napping can lead to really weird dreams.
  • The Sims is way too addicting for its own good. And mine too.
  • Slouchy boots are FANTASTIC.
  • I should not go shopping with WhoreNextDoor. EVER.
  • The people at the Chinese food places in the mall don't care how many times you walk by or how many times they see you stopping by the competition, they will always feed you.
  • Gertrude Hawk, however, will not.
  • Costume stores ain't what they used to be.
  • My family misses me, and I miss them!
  • Unicyclists are people too.
  • We Diehmers make quite the impression.
  • I love Tasha, and hope she reads this and knows how horrible I feel for not letting her know when I was done with my homework!!
And not on that note at all, here are some epic things collected from the Saturday night movie crew. Be aware, they all relate to Lord of the Rings, which you should deffinatly watch if you haven't seen it. They are the most questly movies of all time.

Family Guy clip that kills me every time:

Freaking Hilarious Posts by My Bretheren in the Blog:
at least read Legolas if nothing else...

And, an awesome alternate ending:

And with that, I take my leave.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Welcome to Swine 09.

Okay, so it's pretty legit, swine has hit the Diehmers. And it's hitting without remorse. Rumors are speading like wildfire and at this rate the Zombie game will actually become a life or death thing. Mashmellows will not save us now! Not to mention the traffic between the halls, oh man we're in for it now, all that joking about the swine...CURSE YOU KARMA!! So, in honor of said swine, this post will be dedicated to swine flu, it's prevention, and the amusing things that spring from it.



  2. Cover your freaking mouth when you cough or sneeze.

  3. Drink lots of hot drinks, they will kill possible swine germs because they fester in your throat and not your stomach (thanks Damsel in Distress!! See you did use your codename!)

  4. No high fives!! You never know where that hand has been.

  5. Hand Sanitizer is your best friend.

  6. Surgical masks are this season's hottest accessory. Decorate for added flair.

  7. Gargle with salt water and use mouthwash (again, to kill germs in your throat. Thanks D.I.D.!!)

  8. Hold your breath if you must go down 2B.

  9. Don't go into 2B for any reason.

  10. Refrain from kissing pigs, dogs, and other wildlife.
This is the song I always think of whenever someone says something about 'the swine,' Enjoy it, she's pretty clever....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6u4jz1A877M.

Also, some stolen bumper stickers that I didn't feel like sending to everyone to everyone I know:

Disney gets hit with Swine:

And my personal favorite:

New Banner.

Like it? Hate it? Lemme know. Shout out to SeeLaurieKnit for the tip!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Na Na Na Na Na HEY Na Na Na Na Na

Clever title, right? This intro is going to be short and sweet. It's already over.

Today I learned:
  • The dimentions of every single piece of furniture in my room.
  • How to do the Creeper Shuffle.
  • What to do to protect myself from creepers.
  • That 2B has several sick people. If it's swine I'm going to put myself under house arrest.
  • That there's no worse feeling in the world than wanting to comfort someone but not knowing how.
  • That I'm kind of  a bitch.
  • That I am 5'7. Which is good because it means I haven't been lying on every form I've had to fill out recently.
  • That apperently Cream of Mushroom soup is more native to New England than clam chowder.
  • Why the forth, fifth, and octives are considered 'perfect.'
  • That 'linner' is not as commonly used a term as I always thought.
  • That I have many soulmates <3
  • Alex is (still) so over me.
  • Rearranging the quad is like one of those puzzles you know has an answer, but you just can't figure it out and it drives you insane until you get it.
  • I don't like working with charcoal.
  • That we 'roll quad deep e'ry day.' (Thank you anonymous white board writer)
  • Lysol is not supposed to be sprayed on skin or clothing. Oooopps. Sorry Jen-nay.
  • That I am most likely Y-chromosome repellent.
  • Curly fries are my guily pleasure.
  • New stall talks never seem like a big deal, until you get one.
  • Ray-J has been super-ill for the past few days, I'm not saying 'SWINE' like I usually do because I don't want to scare everyone.
  • I am now identified by what 'Whatcha Say' text tone.
  • That going to college doesn't mean the end of drama.
  • That I need to do more homework...
That's all I've got for tonight, but I will leave you with this video, because I found it today and fell in love with the idea of modifying behavior using fun as a reinforcer, I'm so all for this. It may take awhile to load,  but it's so worth it.

Enjoy, and goodnight, my faithful readers! In case you haven't noticed, the link for this blog is now posted always on my facebook profile under my picture in that little 'About Me' section. Also, For some reason Blogger has removed it's Spell Check feature and I am now on my own for spelling, which as you probably have already noticed, is a hot mess. And Word reformats everything when I copy-paste. So, for the time being, please excuse all the heinous spelling errors that I assure you will riddle this blog until I find the spell check again. I know, I know, I should be a better speller, but it's just not my strongest suit. I hope you can overlook it for now and I'll work on it. G'night all, and have a pleasent tomorrow.

Monday, October 19, 2009

WOW: Word of the Week **Now With Added Bonus Content**

Prostitot: (noun) A young girl with too much makeup and not enough clothes.
(ex: That prostitot should put on some clothes.)

BONUS: Elven phrase of the week. Impress all your friends and charm all the ladies with this tried and true phrase:
"Cormamin niuve tenna' ta elea lle au'"
Which translates in common speak to "My heart shall weep until it sees thee again." You'll be a hit at parties.

Things On YouTube You Must See Before You Die.


Probably #1 must see. Watch it, and edjamacate yourself.

"Today, on MSN my boyfriend said to me 'You're such an angle', meaning angel. He didn't understand why I replied 'Aww, you're so acute. MLIA" < Love this site (mylifeisaverage.com)

***NEW*** Celeb Sighting!

Alrightly kids, here he is. I've upped my creeping to actually taking pictures of these look-alikes. This was too good to miss. We have a repeat offender here. In case you cannot tell from the pictures, Charlie Brown everyone! Top picture is submitted from 'Jenny from the Block.' Thanks, girl! Creep onward!

Also sighted: Shaggy! Diehmers, you may see him around!

Smile, You're on Candid Campus!

"Illegal Fountian"

Apperently it is illegal to take picture with this fountian. So natch, I did.

"Hack the Planet"

So, this anamorphic message has been haunting the lawn by the pond since Thursday and has been known to say "I love rain" in addition to the phrase "hack the planet" as seen here. Being Diehmers, we of course changed to to "save the planet."

Just Another Manic Monday

So I've decided that posting every day is a bit much, but I'm still trying to post as often as possible. Plus, on the bright side, now I'll have more to say when I do post! Okay, so Saturday, Sunday, and today I learned...

  • Cleaning ladies are not maids. They are simply here to smoke and yell about how we don't clean our own bathrooms.
  •  Forking is epic. And a good way to spread the work.
  • Never trust the SMC printers.
  • Doors are totally classifiable as WMD.
  • Bacon Cheeseburgers are wonderful.
  • That three Smornoffs=3 slices of apple pie.
  • Creepers=great dance moves.
  • It is possible to create a large shoe-house out of cardboard in two hours.
  • What I am being for Halloween.
  • What it is like to love and have lost.
  • Sometimes, life does cut you a break.
  • However, sometimes not.
  • There are so many fun things you can draw with circles, try it.
  • There is a four lane freaking highway and a 90 degree hill between the bus stop and Joann’s.
  • I have access to TWO Halloween stores.
  • Choir kids are awesome at doing the robot.
  • I love dressing up!
  • Glee is still the SHIZZZZZZz. If you haven't checked it out, DO IT NOW.
  • My hall would rather watch Lord of the Rings than a chick flick.
  • I am sooooooooooooo totally in the right place.... (see above).
  • I am wayyyy too obsessed with Halloween...
  • Waking up early can actually lead to increased productivity.
  • You can draw a shitload in eight weeks.
  • Sometimes laundry isn't so bad...
  • Laziness is actually the mother of invention; necessity is just the baby mama.
  • Some things make you wayyy happier than they should, but you don't even care.
  • There is no quicker way to get hypothermia than walking through Lake Harbold without shoes.
  • Flats are sooo impractical for rain.
  • One can get tired of rain boots, that's when you know it's been raining entirely too much.

Other than that, an all around exciting weekend, psyched for the parade on Saturday, hoping to get some slouchy boots (preferably before ye olde hallows eve...) and SO EXCITED to go home on Halloween <3.

Th-th-th-that's all folks!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Not too much from me, seeing as it is 3am

Okay, so this'll be quick. Today I learned:
  • Potatoes are both veggie and herb.
  • Peanut Butter Chocolte muffins are very resillient.
  • There are quite a few less LOTR vigins in this hallway now.
  • I love my hallway.
  • There are other teachers equally as creepy as Hawkins.
  • Who I can go to on Wednesdays to watch Glee with.
  • That Septa costs more on Fridays.
  • Rain SUCKS.
  • I have like 12000 meals left this week.
  • I've been spending at least $2 less than I could have been for every lunch at Gordy's.
  • Twelve people is about max capasity for good bunkbed movie watching.
  • I can get my laptop into my bed with my ethernet cord.
  • A bunk bed can hold five people.
  • The tables at UD could quite easily be arranged into very phallic shapes very easily.
  • Where to get cheap slouchy boots.
  • Leveage cookies work. REALLY WELL.
  • The stamp: envelope exchange rate is currently 4:5 according to Dan's rates.
That's all for tonight, excited for the mall again tomorrow and then getting all dolled up for the concert later. With that I leave you all probably the latest post yet. Goodnight all!

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Welcome, dear readers (I love addressing you guys like that, it makes this blog seem classy...) to the fiftieth installment of my wildly (or mildly) popular blog! I can't believe I've actually stuck with this so long, 50 posts is a hell of a lot of rambling. You would think that talking almost nonstop to my roommates and hall mates would leave me speechless, but no. Silly readers, I am almost NEVER at a loss for words. As you probably have already noticed. So, to ring in post numero fifty, I will resume with my lessons for the day. I don't think I've posted them since before break, so I'm ending about a week's drought. Over break/this week/today I learned...
  • The mall has TWO costume stores. I'm in heaven...
  • October is a freaking COLD month.
  • Rain boots are the greatest invention. Ever.
  • My portfolio is waterproof. Good thing too, because I had to lug it across campus in the 30 rainy weather.
  • That apperently, if you're a cleaning lady, the stairwell is a perfect place for clipping your nails.
  • Sometimes the ride is more fun than the destination.
  • The saddest face I ever saw is when Lindsey lost the contents of her perfectly constructed
  • subway sub.
  • Glee is SUCH A QUALITY SHOW. Except the internet here sucks and is moody about playing Fox on demand and hulu.
  • Michael Cera can speak!
  • Gavin DeGraw's 'Chemical Party' never gets old. Thanks Kel!
  • There's nothing to brighten up your weekend prospects like a planned weekend-long quad sleepover :)
  • People do not know who George Lucas and Peter Jackson are. AND YOU CALL YOURSELVES HONORS STUDENTS!
  • Melissa is even more creeply associated with my life than I first though.
  • The internet jack in the downstairs meeting room is shitty and does not work.
  • My computer hates me sometimes.
  • Kayla has a small third world country hut's roof for an umbrella.
  • The puddles here are so deep they cover my whole feet.
  • There's a fine line between 'soul food/Motown night' and racism.
  • Hawkins is even creepier than first though. F-ing asswipe.
That's all for tonight. P&B!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Holy Crap...

that was the longest blog EVER! For you're heroism in reading that whole thing (or skipping to this one) you deserve a medal! But since all I have is what I can scour up on the world wide web, I'll leave you some links and such instead. So, for you're viewing pleasure...

I love this kid:

If you don't know who Bon Qui Qui is, end you're ignorance. If you do know, watch it again, she's that great:

These guys are great...the Harry Potter part is my fave:

Also, for your listening pleasure, check out:
'Chemical Party" by Gavin DeGraw
'Starstuckk' by 3Oh!3
'Laughing With' by Regina Spektor

Back From Break

Okay, so I'll admit, I'm a bit late on getting back to blogging, but I've been muy busy readjusting from break. I had shit to unpack, some bangin' curtains to hang, an awesome dress to bask in the glory of, and some adorable new clogs to clog around in. Oh and a ton of art homework to finish, as per usual. Anyway, only one day back from break, not too much I learned today. SO instead I will recount the epic journey that I made to get both home for break and back here. Sorry Diehmers, you've already heard this one a thousand and a half times, but you have to admit, it doesn't really get old until the thousand and first time...
So, my youngest brother's friend's older brother goes here, and he's technically a junior and has a car on campus. Lives ten minutes from my house, goes home all the time. Awesome, right? Yeah, I mean, I've never really met the kid before in my life with the exception of like a 'hi-bye' when one of us dropped off our sibling at the other's house. So I text him, introduce myself, set everything up, coolio. So Friday rolls around and he rolls up in his family's mini-van. Whatever, I drive one too, nbd. He introduces himself, I introduce myself, minor awkwardness ensues, majors are exchanged, etc. He stopped for coffee and gas, all the while insisting that every time he gets his grande iced latte or whatever he always has to pee by the time we get off the turnpike. A little too much info, but I laugh it off. And off we go. Not two seconds after he gets back into the car, he lights up a cigarette. Ugh, a smoker. Which I can tolerate, I mean, if you don't care about your lungs, why should I? He's pretty good about it, keeping it by the open window as to minimize my cancer intake. Lovely. Anyway, half hour later, he's on his third cancer stick and has proceeded to start spitting- yes spitting- out his window, while driving. Ten more minutes and he pops in his David Bowie CD and starts singing along. Minutes later he is accompanying Mr. Bowie...ON A FUCKING HARMONICA. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, he has a cigarette in one hand, a harmonica in the other, and he is just free styling along the road. The steering wheel? Oh, he'll pause for a moment and adjust it as needed.
Needless to say that by this point I'm a little, surprised, to say the least. I mean, the guy has a case of harmonicas in every key sitting on his center console and is just playin' away as we weave through traffic on the way to the turnpike. So then, we get stuck in traffic, which I don't know if you knew this, but is actually the best time to switch to a Cake CD and start to harmonica along with that because then he can easily use both hands to play. An hour later, we are now back at full speed and listening to a metal 'concept album.' AKA the songs tell a story of a man living in a haunted house with his cat (Magic, in case you were wondering) who falls in love with some little girl ghost child who was hacked to death with an axe by her father.

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. About that.

Don't get me wrong, dear readers, Mr. Harmonica was a perfectly nice person, we chatted about books and majors and music and whatnot, but seriously? I'm all for honest first impressions, but jeeeeez! A bit strong there....
Anyway, break went fine, got to see the parents, brothers, grandparents, a wedding, the golden wingers, Nora, a movie, wonderful weekend overall. So Tuesday night rolls around and now I find myself in a ye old Explorer this time, at least playing a radio station I know and love, pulling 80+ down the turnpike. Little to no harmonica this time, still the same amount of smoking and spitting unfortunately though. Plus, the door of this car rattles like an old woman's dentures in the dead of winter. Like, I am concerned that this car is going to survive the trip. He warns that sometimes on sharp rights it'll fly open unexpectedly. Peachy....just peachy. So, we're about a half hour from school and have had a pleasantly metal-free, harmonica-free, abet kind of quiet ride and we're almost back. I guess I spoke to soon because as soon as we get off the t-pike he starts scanning the side of the road. For a nice place to pee. Yup, right there on the side of the road. Does he ask me if I have to pee (I do...) and if I'd like to stop at somewhere civilized, like a fucking McDonalds at the very least? Nope. I just have to sit in the car and pretend to text to avoid obviously looking away. Needless to say the last thirty minutes were very quiet, with only a small goodbye and comment about the only part that's out of his way is taking me to my hall, which is across the street from his house. So, at the back door we part ways, him lighting up another cancer-stick as I wait, locked out, at the back door, frantically texting everyone I know to let me in. He waves goodbye, which I don't return (because my hands are filled with my bags which he didn't offer to help with) and he drives away. And I'll most likely be getting a ride from him next time I go home. Oh, I can't wait...

So, I figured, if nothing else, this would make for an amuzing blog entry, and I hope it did. I discovered over the weekend that I have quite a few readers back home (hey guys!) which made me happy. Still missin' everyone like crazy though, but I did get to see two out of the three BFFs (twenty four days Bean, if you're reading...) and some other people I've been missing. All in all, a sucess.

Anyway, longest blog entry ever. If you're still reading, pat yourself on the back, I love ya! Live long and prosper!