Monday, January 4, 2010

Wow! A Bright and Shiny New Year!! Whatta We Do With It?

Okay, so I'm not one to make resolutions, namely because I break them quite frequently. Plus, I'm the type to do only two types of things: things that need to be done and things that I want to do. Resolutions really, as much as we tell ourselves we want to do them (lose weight, quit smoking, grow a beard, clean out our closet, etc,) deep down we know the only reason these things are our resolutions is because we really want them to happen but lack the capacity to actually do them. In short, resolutions are big Debbie Downers and I disapprove. I do, however approve of goals. Which are different because they are much more reasonable than resolutions. In terms of a family complex analogy, goals are the hard-working, level-headed brother who gets a modest but steady income while resolutions are the hippy, happy-go-lucky brother who the parents somehow adore and make out to be much more than what he really is. So, instead of setting myself up for disappointment at the hands of my unreachable resolutions, I am writing a list, not of goals, but of things that I would like to do/see happen in the coming year. They range from the practical to the fantastic (in fact, many of them I have no hand in at all!) but I am not resolving to do them so if they don't happen I'm only mildly disappointed. This is another of my philosophys, which may be seen as pessimism, but I call is practicality. Appear to dream small but secretly have a huge and ridiulous dream hidden behind the smoke and mirrors of your small dream. That way you won't get too disappointed if things don't work out but if they do you get really pleasently surprised.

Moving on:

  • Disney to continue in their tradition of classic, hand-animated, musical princess movies.
  • To continue to get my current GPA or higher.
  • To take an epic roadtrip to the Midwest to see the stars, I hear they're amazing.
  • Stop drinking soda. It's terrible, it's my Achillie's heel, it's my scotch after a hard day's work and it really needs to stop.
  • To make an epic 'parody/remake' of Lady Gaga's "Bad Romace" video. In a car. (okay this one is a bit far fetched, but I have this insane vision in my head of the whole thing...oh well, that's for another blog post)
  • For a large-scale Harry Potter Conference to come to Philly!! Since Infinicus 2010 is in freaking Flordia and is wayyy out of my budget.
  • To partake in a show of some sort. I've actually secretly always wanted to be in some sort of play (and by play I mean musical) but never had the balls to actually do it. But hey! 2010 is a new decade, so maybe I'll actually grow a pair and try out! Then again, maybe not...
  • For Darren Criss to perform AVPM again, preferably somewhere accessable to me. If not, I'll make it accessable to me! [Sidenote: for all you AVPM fans- THE SEQUEL IS COMING - SUMMER 2010!]
  • My room to be cleaned out/organised when I move back in during the summer.
  • Get to my school's senior prom! And wear the kickass $20 dress I got last year.
  • Go to a Pennsbury Prom. I would call this a life goal really. I want to go so badly. In fact, if anyone here can make this happen, I'll build your entire float at no cost if you can get me to a Pennsbury prom. Unless you're an asshole, in which case, ah hell I'd still do it.
  • Have President Obama have great sucess 'fixing' the country. I'm kind of sick of political criticism, and I'm not just saying that as a supporter or our current president, I'm saying that as a concerned citizen who's paying for social security I'm probably never going to see and programs that aren't working. I'd really like to see some solutions in 2010, whether it be from Democrats, Republicans, Green Party members, or a roaming band of minstrels. I don't care. Just fix the economy, Afghanistan, health care, immigration, or all of the above.
  • To have my group's camp talent show routine kick butt. Don't ask me why, this is one of those ideas that just come to me while driving with my iPod on shuffle. I just envision things along with songs. Basically I'm insane. I know.
  • A new haircut would be nice, seeing as I've been rocking the same style since like 5th grade...
  • QUESTWEEK '10. Need I say more?
  • See 'Herculese' made into a Broadway musical. Always a dream of mine. Unless Bean & I made the stageshow first....
  • Have Alan Menkin get back with Disney for their movies.
  • To have Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (both parts) be worthy of having itself affiliated with the book series.
  • Finally get my mom to consistantly use reuseable bags when she goes shopping. It's an ongoing process.
  • Reset my biological clock so all my blog posts aren't from after 12 midnight...(happy 2am everyone)
So there you have it. A sort of goals/hope/to do list for 2010. Hope you all enjoyed and are starting to work on your 2k10 lists as well. G'night all!