Saturday, July 31, 2010

Bucket List [UPDATE]

So, you may have seen my bucket list post a while back and noticed some of the smalled, stupid goals put on there mostly to keep my spirits up on the long and treacherous quest to complete my list. One such item was
"Finish reconstructing my polka dot dress"
Allow me to explain. When cleaning out their basement of 40+ years of junk, my grandparents came across my mom and aunts closet full of old dresses. Everything from terribly 80's poofy bridesmaids gowns to casual dresses that would look at home in the Sailor Moon cartoons (I swear, there was a purple Sailor Scout outfit in there...). Anyway, my grandmom offered me anything I'd care to take, the rest was going to Goodwill. So I grabbed this little polka dot number, which my mom informed me was her favorite dress when she was about my age. Now, let me explain something. When it comes to taste in anything from curtains to clothes to water ice, my mother and I are polar opposites. To the point where, if we walk into a store, we will both make a beeline for the same couch/shirt/object pick it up and simultaneously exclaim "This is the ugliest [object] ever!" and "This is the cutest [object] ever!" It has happened. The one time we both picked up the same sweater and both declared it cute we quickly exchanged glances, slowly replaced the shirts on the display, then scattered away. But lately I've been on a retro pin-up kick (think black/white/red, polka dots. bows, etc.) and this was the perfect project to fulfill all my obsessions, plus I think it's kind of cool that I get to reuse something of my moms, that's never happened before, partially because of the style-barrier and partially because she's wayyyyyy skinnier than me. So, this was a great project all around, and I got to try a lot of new sewing challenges (invisible zipper, reconstructing a highly structured garment, snaps, a cumberbun, etc.) I'm pretty happy with it!!!

Now, remove the top and the floppy bow, add a zipper to fit over my ass, a cumberbun, some zippers, snaps, red accessories and TA DA!

Yeah, I'm no pinup girl, I know, but I just love it!!!!

Where the hell I'm going to wear it, I have no idea....but whatever.