Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Leave It to the Redcoats....

WARNING: PUNS AHEAD (and a lot of 'em)

Now, tell me ya didn't smile....LIAR!

College Resourcefulness

So, as I was blow drying some laundry this morning because I absolutely needed it dry NOW I was thinking back to all the super nifty and resourceful alternate uses for common everyday dorm room products that I've either done myself or heard of others using. Ya know, as a reference point for the rest of us dorm-rats who find themselves in dire need of random things that no one in a dorm would have. Suffice to say you start to look at things differently once you get to college...

Clothes dryer = hair dryer, drying rack in front of heater
Comb = fork
Mug = paper bowl (if you're my roommate)
Hand warmers = flatz
Pillow = arm
Haircut = roommate with scissors (very very trustworthy, fashion forward roommates ONLY)
Heater = laptop
Laundry rack = bunk bed, door knob, desk chair
Flashlight - cell phone
Oil for squeaky door = duct tape
Halloween costume = bed sheet
Sled = dining hall tray
Sustenance = dining hall food
Christmas decorations = dental floss, packing peanuts
Spoon = fork, knife, yogurt container lid
Therapy = blog
Massage Chair = roommates, upstairs subwoofer
Pencil sharpener = Xacto knife
Cutting board = desk (whoops)
Snow boots = rain boots (NOT FOR LONG!)
New rain boots (because old ones have a hole) = duct tape

Any good ones I missed?