Friday, December 31, 2010

You Don't Know What You've Got Until It's Gone II

Things That People Who Have Don't Want
and People Who Don't Have Are Dying For
[NOTE: these are generalizations and are not true in all cases]
  • seen 'Tron'
  • hipster status/indie quotient
  • leftover Christmas cookies
  • their twenty fifth birthday
  • bigger boobs
  • footie pajamas
  • purse-dogs (or so I imagine)
  • free unlimited anything
  • a relationship/significant other
  • time to sleep
  • anything from an infomercial

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Ho-Ho-Holiday Tidings

So, although I know I post about things I'm thankful for many a time in this blog, I personally don't find it excessive in the slightest. If you knew the absolutely amazing family and friends I've been blessed enough to have you'd be doing the same. So, as this year wraps up I'd like to (and I encourage you all to do the same) reflect/shout out to those reading how incredibly lucky I am to enjoy all the comforts I have and the company of the people I do. I'm reminded of it every day at school when I wake up to my roommate's absurdly annoying alarm clock that I have the most wonderful roommates and school friends, this break has reunited me with such amazing friends, and of course my incredible family (especially my mother, who deals with me and all my weirdness for someone so different than me....she's normal, I'm not) and all of my friends families who are basically my second home, you're all so amazing and I love you all. That being said, I'd like to take this (slightly belated, sorry....WoW consumed me for about 10 days there...) opportunity to wish you and yours a very happy holiday season, whatever the season be.

Lady Gaga gloves (a self-bought present....haha)
Of course, these people and the incredible oppurtunities I've been lucky enough to have are gift enough, but....I did get some awesome stuff for Christmas. Here are some of the (inner child) highlights
This EXACT 120 crayon tower
Pokemon/Legend of Zelda eyeshadow by an amazing company, Shiro cosmetics (look 'em up!)

Batman Pajamas (not these ones, sadly no cape...and I don't look this adorable in them)
And several more, more practical gifts of course :) These are just the ones I thought you might enjoy. I know my inner child will. Especially as I use my new crayons to color in my three awesome Princess coloring books (ones a GIANT one from the fantastic TStorm <3<3<3) in my batman PJs. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa, Good Ramadan and Happy New Years to all (I think I got all the main ones, right?!) and to all a good night <3

This Is a Part of the Blog I Like to Call:

"Look at all the ridiculous things I took pictures on with my phone with the intent to put on my blog!!"

A few of my faithful (and wonderful <3) readers pointed out tonight that I hadn't posted on here in awhile (mostly because I'm not actually learning anything noteworthy other than how to kill the shit outta Nazi Zombies. But now that my free trial of WoW has expired *bawls* I'm sure I'll have much more time to talk about all the mundane things I usually do. Starting with this.

Found this in the art building (sadly probably my last time in there, so no more 'Spotted In the Art Building, unless some of my Art Major friends send me things *tear*)

So, school, you can't afford good food or printers that work, but the president needs 'Interior Landscaping'? WHAT THE *%$@ IS INTERIOR LANDSCAPING!?!?!

These are just funny.

Please note that this self-proclaimed "ARTISTIC TOUR DE FORCE" is a $5 calendar of paintings of birds.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Leave It to the Redcoats....

WARNING: PUNS AHEAD (and a lot of 'em)

Now, tell me ya didn't smile....LIAR!

College Resourcefulness

So, as I was blow drying some laundry this morning because I absolutely needed it dry NOW I was thinking back to all the super nifty and resourceful alternate uses for common everyday dorm room products that I've either done myself or heard of others using. Ya know, as a reference point for the rest of us dorm-rats who find themselves in dire need of random things that no one in a dorm would have. Suffice to say you start to look at things differently once you get to college...

Clothes dryer = hair dryer, drying rack in front of heater
Comb = fork
Mug = paper bowl (if you're my roommate)
Hand warmers = flatz
Pillow = arm
Haircut = roommate with scissors (very very trustworthy, fashion forward roommates ONLY)
Heater = laptop
Laundry rack = bunk bed, door knob, desk chair
Flashlight - cell phone
Oil for squeaky door = duct tape
Halloween costume = bed sheet
Sled = dining hall tray
Sustenance = dining hall food
Christmas decorations = dental floss, packing peanuts
Spoon = fork, knife, yogurt container lid
Therapy = blog
Massage Chair = roommates, upstairs subwoofer
Pencil sharpener = Xacto knife
Cutting board = desk (whoops)
Snow boots = rain boots (NOT FOR LONG!)
New rain boots (because old ones have a hole) = duct tape

Any good ones I missed?

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Because, Deep Down Inside, We're All Fucking Nuts.

I continually question why I write this blog, and even more, why people read it. But, I suppose that my non-mind reading self can only, at this point, address the first of these issues, and to be freaking honest that's what this post is about anyway I just needed a sound opening sentence (because, you know I always start with that *snicker*).

So why the hell do I write? I think, personally, we're all freaking crazy on the insides and what we actually see of people we don't know well and think are sane is just them being super-good at hiding everything. Ya know? Like people who otherwise seem like sound, logical, well-put together people who are Mr. Joe Sociable at work or in class, then go home and just rock back and forth in a corner because they just hate interacting with people. Or Suzi Life'O the Party who actually would much rather be at home writing music about the contents of her fridge than be getting shitfaced at some party where she doesn't know anyone. Basically, we're all nuts, and we all have our ways of dealing with it. Me? I do one of three things:

1. I talk the ear off of someone who's close to me (least likely, as I don't like burdening people with my problems. Because, really? Why should anyone else be burdened with my shit? They've got their issues and don't want to hear about mine.)
2. Write this blog. Basically a modified version of number one, but put in a way that people can at least get some enjoyment out of my misery (I feel like I've written a post about this whole thing before, but whatever, just stop reading if you're bored. And if you're getting bored on a site you visit to relieve your boredom I think you should take a step back and evaluate what the interwebs is doing to your attention span....)
3. Put "Bad Romance" on repeat in my car and drive around belting out the lyrics until I literally feel my throat bleeding.

I suppose I also play a shit-ton of Tetris too, but that's not specific to me being crazy, Tetris is just fun.

 I guess I also write to keep my ability to, to practice in a way. In middle school I wrote fan-fic (don't ask, don't judge. and no I'll never post anything here) and now I've matured, now I bitch about my life for a narrow audience. Which, I also kind of feel bad about, burdening you dear readers since my life is not bad in the slightest. I'm extremely blessed and fortunate beyond belief to have everything I do, and I'd like to take this crazy-mixed up, night-rambling blog post to take a second to thank people. I'm not naming names, I don't feel like it A and B I think that's catty and a real stupid way to start shit. I think you know who you are. There are quite a few of you, I'm fortunate enough to say, who've really helped me this semester, because it was quite a doozy. You know who you are. I love you deep down from the bottom of my heart, so much so that I cannot tell you in text or words or deeds or gifts or thank-yous. You are phenomenal and I love you from the bottom of my heart.

Anyway, back to being crazy. I suppose you might argue "Jesus ya psycho go see a shrink, write a journal, punch a pillow. Why the hell are you burdening the cyber-world with your stupid, useless shit thoughts. You're just looking for attention and sympathy.' And to you I say tell that to the makers of Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Xanga, Flikr, formspring, or any of those other social network/lookatmelookatmelookatme sites. Why do you think they're so popular?!?! EVERYONE'S FUCKING LONELY. Everyone wants someone to care about what they're doing, to 'like' their thoughts, to poke them, to leave hearts on their walls. All the time. We need to be constantly gratified that others like us. And yeah, I hate being a part of that. But I am, as much as if not more than most. Why? Because that's our culture, that's what the world has been boiled down to, an endless cycle of repeated need for attention and gratification. I'm not gonna lie, I feel a little tiny flicker of disappointment if people don't 'like' my witty status or new profile picture, but I like  to tell myself its no more than if someone I know at a party doesn't say hello. And yes, I like writing for other people, I like to entertain and I like to be entertained. I don't think that's a crime, it's not hurting anyone. I really don't write anything incendiary and if you don't like it, don't read it. Jeez.

To be honest, I don't even know what I'm saying anymore, I just felt a wave of crazy come on and fought it every way I know. As we speak I'm sucking on a cough drop trying to stop my throat from bleeding while charging my iPod so it's ready for A. my next therapy session or B. xmas shopping in blizzards. Goodnight to you all and best of freaking luck dealing with your individual crazy. As you can see I'm coping with mine...

EDIT: Yeah, so after posting this I just deleted my accounts for at least two of the above sites (goodbye twitter (which was stupid anyway, more on that later) and formspring (no one asked me anything anway)) and one additional site (home of the mentioned fan-fic, sweet god.....). I FEEL AMAZING. DELETE ALL YOUR SUPERFLUOUS SOCIAL NETWORKING ACCOUNTS! YOU FEEL SO CYBER-CLEANLY!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Finals Week: The Final Hour

So, obvs I've been absent due to the horror that is finals. But, here's a lil something to blow your minds, almost as much as mine was when I A. aced my botany final B. discovered the snake game trick on youtube and C. found my blogstats. Enjoy and happy finals week to those of us still sufferin'

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tuna Salad and Cheese Please!

Faith in the opposite sex restored <3<3<3

Dear Women,

I know this is a bold move, but here goes: I'm offering to make you a sandwich. What kind would you like?

Sincerely, Not all guys are d-bags

If you haven't ever been, visit the website

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

(Another) Public Apology

So, I would like to make known an 'error' from a previous post, brought to my attention by one, Sir William of the Turn Table (like you're nickname? everyone needs a secret blog-dentity, this is yours sir). Thou hath been knighted.

Anyway, SW points out that, as defined by Wikipedia, the Disney Renaissance is technically defined as The Little Mermaid to Lion King, 50-odd years off what I defined it as in previous posts. However, let it be known that I still consider those 50-odd years of film (which included Alice in Wonderland, Great Mouse Detective, and Peter Pan) to be classic Disney animation and as such I lump them with the Renaissance period. But, for the record, that isn't the classically defined use of the term. Special thanks to Sir William, who earns his knighthood by fact-checking my audacious claims and offhand comments. We salute you, oh guardian of correctness :)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Things I Do In the Wee Hours of the Morning (1-4am)

  • Water my cactus
  • Recycle all the bottles left around my room (WATER BOTTLES people, WATER BOTTLES)
  • Play sporcle
  • Blog (duh)
  • Wash out tye-dyed shirts
  • Shower
  • Doodle
  • Write lists
  • Creep on Facebook
  • Eat the vitamins I forgot to take this morning
  • Visit the vending mechine
  • Catch up on Hulu
  • Paint my nails
  • Do homework (maybe)
  • Skype <3
  • Do homework on skype
  • Clean my desk
  • Fold laundry
  • Pack my backpack
  • Play Catan
  • Update my calandar
  • Check my emails
  • Write essays
So, as you can see, I'm quite busy during the nighttime hours, it's when I do my best work, clearly. How else would I be able to get a high score of 124/151 first generation pokemon on sporcle?!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Do You Have a Soul!?

So, in making that edit on the 'Tangled' post, I remembered a list I've been constructing in my head for awhile:

Krysti's How-To Guide for Determining If Someone Has a Soul
Basically it works like this. You (or someone you know) may be lacking a key piece/defining feature of their humanity. How can you tell? Well, someone might be lacking a soul if:
  • They do not smile when shown an infant under the age of one. The likely hood of them not having a soul decreases proportionally with the age of the child (ex: not smiling at a 'tween' is acceptable, they're annoying little - never mind, tangent)
  • They kick and/or otherwise violently assult any of the following: dolphins, baby seals, puppies, bunnies, kittens.
  • They do not like animated movies, specifically Disney movies produced during either the Disney Rennisance (Cinderella through Aladdin) or Disney post-Rennisance periods (Lion King through Tarzan).
  • They walk by Girl Scouts selling cookies in the freakin' freezing cold (because January is cookie season!) and completely ignore them, not even a 'No thank you.'
  • They are currently or have recently A. been released from Askaban or B. been in/gotten out of a relationship/one night stand with a Dementor
  • They throw recyclables into trash cans with recycling bins right next to them ([insert long string of explatives here])
  • They do not like those adoable sleeping puppy calendars
Please feel free to condole these people of their great loss and be supportive in their lifestyle choices (not just soullessness,  but ALL life choices people)

Don't Worry, I Didn't Forget You!!

Hello all, sorry for the long gaps between posts, life is pretty good, I'm not (very) mad at anything, hence the lack of rants. However, don't worry, I'm sure I'll find something soon (finals are next week after all- holy shit!) and as usual it would be my pleasure to distract you all with my accumulations of videos, pictures, and other nonsense to help you avoid your inevitable workload. So, here is my first of such posts, a collection of truly impressive musical holiday (and non) web sensations.

So, enjoy and let the holiday shopping frustration begin!! Wanna know what's on my list? Of course you do because you all want to go out shopping for me, right?!

  • Lego Star Wars X-Wing Fighter (as previously discussed)
  • Tea Tree mud mask (teehee I like scaring the freshman with my green face)
  • Gold spray paint (to finish my newest project....;])
  • A good GPA
  • A new laptop bag (mine's busting at the seams)
  • Snow on Christmas
  • To go on epic quests over break and completely forget about school
  • Never to pick up a Botany book again
  • Black tights, maybe some colors if I get ballsy
  • A Lady Gaga Monsterball 2011 calendar
  • Saladworks gift cards, millions of them
  • Clothes, obviously
  • Warm, homemade Christmas cookies
  • To shower without shoes for an entire month
  • Play video games until my brain melts (or, in the case of Just Dance, until I can no longer move)
  • "Inception" on DVD
That's all I can think of off the top of my head. But in order to get to these lovely gifts that I want to receive (and trust me, there are several I'm excited to give as well....) I need to get though one thing, or rather, five things that start with an F and rhyme with 'schminals'. Godspeed to you all, fellow scholars. And leave me topics to talk about cause I'm just about out. :(