Sunday, February 21, 2010


With Krysti, not Demitri Martin, unfortunatly. Here are somethings that I dislike.
  1. When you get angry at someone because they haven't responded to your text, but then you realise you never actually sent the text.
  2. When the aformentioned text gets saved as a draft because, honestly, who uses drafts?
  3. When you pick up a bottle (usually of iced tea) and it's unconfortable sticky. Ewww.
  4. When plans you're super excited for fall through.
  5. When you really want something to happen and you have a really realistic dream where it happens (and in my case I actually remember said dream) and you wake up and are super excited, but it never actually happened.
  6. When you go and try to be a sanitary person and wash your hands and are in a rush and fail to realise the clump of hair/toothpaste/soap/food shit that is all over the sink in time.
  7. When Lady Gaga is not on the radio.
  8. When you're snuggled up with people in the most comfortable arrangement on the face of the earth and someone has to move and you know that even if they're not even near you it will never be the same. UGH.
  9. When you realise how much your little brother misses you, even though he'll never actually say so.
  10. When you have a list of a million movies you want to see but when you get to Blockbuster you can't remember any of them.
  11. When Blockbuster doesn't have the one you can remember.
  12. When you have to wake up, and your feet hurt but you have a bunk bed so you have to step on the stupid rungs so you don't die.
  13. When the GPS falls off the winshield and you can't reach it while driving.
  14. When you go to a store and really want/need something they used to have and they don't have it.
  15. When you go to a store with money and you can never find anything but when you go with no money you find a million things.