Monday, February 21, 2011

Ugh I Hate Slow Internet

So, I've spent the last hour and a half watching a 25 minutes waiting for my computer to buffer a 35 minute Family Guy episode. During that time I've cleaned my room, twice, adequately prepared myself for my math test tomorrow, emptied the recyclables, watered the plants, made several To Do lists, cleaned out the fridge - again - read all of the newest Texts from Last Night and DBPBs, posted them on friends walls, and playing numerous games of Tetris. So, I figured the next logical non-productive thing to do with my life is to write a new blog post, because I hadn't realized I haven't posted in almost a week. My bad. But I posted a lot last week, so I don't feel too badly for you, dearest readers. Oh, speaking of which (yes, I mean speaking of YOU, lovely audience!) I've been meaning to thank you all ever so much for your lovely support. It is because of you that this month has been the first month since the beginning of this blog with more page views than the month before (because I've recently discovered Blogger's statistics feature, so I can tell)!! Which, you may see as a sad accomplishment, but basically there's a pretty steady amount of views each month, which I'm overjoyed with - let me assure you. But not even done February - the shortest of the months, might I point out - and you, you fabulous terrific, short-attention-spanned people, have risen above and beyond January's expectations! And, as usual as a thank you, here are two of my favorite viral videos (and you all know by now what a viral-video junkie I am...). Although according to a survey done by, well, whoever does these type of surveys, the word 'viral' was the most overused in 2010 and the surveyors begged it be taken out of conversation along with 'epic' and 'fail' and any combination of the two.

Screw that. Here are two examples of non EPIC FAIL VIRAL videos!

omg if you don't crack a smile you don't have a soul (note to self, edit old post about quailifications for not having a soul)

This video's been around since 2006 but I recently re-discovered this as I sought ways to express my newfound love for acapella music (thanks Darren Criss and the Warblers - for holding Glee to a higher, less instrumental standard!)

Oh, and for those of you wondering, Family Guy still hasn't buffered.
I HATE DORM INTERNET! Sporcle here I come...