Saturday, June 25, 2011

Cutest Kids On The Internet

So that you don't think I hate children. Here are some of my favorites [WARNING- EXCESSIVE ADORABLENESS AHEAD]:

And debatably my favorite kid video of all time because it never fails to make me tear up with happiness:

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Things I Learned At Comic Con

  • Physical appearance is one of the last things to be considered when choosing a costume
  • If you say what you want loud enough someone will help you find it
  • Never comment on how stupid getting elf ears surgically done is until you check out the ears of the people around you
  • Anything that can come unglued will come unglued
  • The fact that Zelda is the female character in the Legend of Zelda series is less of common knowledge that I thought
  • Reading Terminal Market is awesome
  • LARPers are incredibly nice and super crafty
  • Everybody loves Zatanna
  • When buying props, you get discounts for being dressed as that character
  • Comic book-collecting Jewish boys are incredibly nice
  • Ex-cops from Texas should not host costume contests
  • On the whole, nerds are extremely nice people
  • We're recognisable as 'regulars' at PhillyCon
  • There's something there for everyone, I found something my mom would like
  • Nail glue is kind of the shit
  • Electrical tape does not stick well to fabric
  • If you see something you want - BUY IT
  • Superman is kind of a jerk
  • If a female character isn't already over-sexed, cosplayers will find a way to make her so
  • It is possible to walk through North Philadelphia in costume and not die (however, not recommended)
Don't worry though, Comic Con isn't all serious learning and irrational purchases. Highlights included the very rational purchase of a Harry Potter replica wand, seeing the ever-grumpy Adam West, getting a picture with a portal gun, more Jedi fun, meeting the Boondock Saints (including Norman Reedus who was totally Judas in Lady Gaga's "Judas" music video) and seeing all the adorable kids in costume (OMG THEY KILL ME THEY'RE SO CUTE!)

Monday, June 20, 2011

Warning: Don't Read These to Children

A lot of times when I meet new people, or even are discussing my future with friends, they wonder (usually aloud) how the fuck I'm going to be a teacher with the mouth of a sailor and the sense of humor to match. To them I respond that I have an incredible sensor, always have. I've worked around kids/lived in my family forever and can turn my family-friendly self off in an instant. I just don't feel the need to if there's no occasion to. I think this might be one of the reasons I love this new wave of adult-version children's books that are cropping up. Written and illustrated like a children's book, they're just like me, seemingly child-friendly until you take a closer look. To be honest, I'm not to worried about the surprise I get from people. Having seen plenty of teachers behind-the-scenes I think it's funny to expose others to the fact that teachers have more than one dimension...

You can't actually 'click to read' that was just on the picture I

A kids-eye view of plastic surgury...oh, that's great...wait, WTF

This is older but the artwork is really cool.


I also considered calling this post "More Proof I Shouldn't Have Children" but I think I may make that a separate post, considering it could be a long one.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Sorry Ladies, This One's for the Boys

You know, these titles are reinforcing the types of gender stereotypes that I A. am not a fan of and B. don't really conform to but because all's fair in love and blogging I wanted to make it even. So, here goes.

For those who don't know, E3 is short for the Electronic Entertainment Expo or "that giant video game conference." Basically Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo and all other big companies announce their upcoming projects and games for the next few years. As a friends of mine put as his Facebook status "It's nerd Christmas." I figured since GLaDOS and I essentially spent the better part of this week doing nothing but watching I might as well write about it because currently my awesome life consists of just chillaxin with friends until real life kicks back in and subsequently kicks my butt. I would also like to preface this with this message: I wouldn't really call myself a gamer per say. I do have a much higher tolerance for video games then the average girl, but I also am just a great lover of subcultures; "gamer" being a personal favorite. Not to mention the awesome progress of video games is just STUNNING to watch, it blows my mind the things we've achieved in the field of entertainment. Now if we could only build a hover board I'd be really impressed....


The WiiU
(no, that's not a typo)
So, the big deal this year was Nintendo's long awaited announcement of their newest console, named the WiiU. Yes, the name is stupid as all hell, trust me, I agree. But the console looks freaking COOL. Above is a picture of the controller, which has its own screen (so you don't need a TV to play but you need to be in the room of the main console...) AND BUTTONS! THANK YOU NINTENDO FOR RETURNING TO A BUTTONED CONTROLLER! For some reason the gaming trends recently *cough* Microsoft *cough* seem to be moving toward full body motion stuff like the Kinect. Let's be real, while being a cool party trick to play games without controllers or button mashing, if we wanted to run around our living rooms to control Madden or FPS games, we would go outside and play football/paintball. Just give us our damn buttons. There's a reason gamers game, and it's mostly because they're not coordinated enough for the real version of things....(myself included, haha). Other than that, the controller can be used as a second screen when playing on the TV, as a drawing tablet, or be used with a WiiMote. Go watch a demo, it looks really cool. And Nintendo is clearly hoping to use it to get back some of the hardcore gamers it lost with the family-friendly Wii, there are a ton of more mature titles coming out for it.

Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
(This is a picture of Zelda, she's the girl, Link's the boy)
So GLaDOS's excitement about this was a bit contagious to say the least, but there's a shit ton coming for the Zelda series in the next year and Skyward Sword is the newest child in the LoZ family. A bunch of new artwork was released for the game (including the gorgeous pic above) and trailers and game play were being premiered left and right. Little Zelda looks quite adorable, adorable enough in fact to finally force me to give in to GLaDOS's constant subtle hints that I should dress as Zelda for this year's Philly Comic Con (WHICH IS RAPIDLY APPROACHING OMFG) to his Link, of course. Also, Nintendo had a full orchestra onstage playing classic Zelda music, which gaming aside, is wonderful music.

Sony's 3D TV
(it might not look like much, but this thing is world-altering)
So you're probably like 'oh Krysti, that's a lovely picture of a TV, but don't you hate 3D?" And to you loyal fans and friends I thank you for paying attention to my pet peeves, but I also would like to explain what exactly makes this TV worth of my praise despite the scarring "Honey I Shrunk the Kids in 3D" experiences...Anyone who has ever played a split screen video game can tell you how annoying and 'cheap' the practice of screen-peeking is (that is, looking at the other player's side of the screen to see where they are, what they're doing etc.). With this TV, players wear glasses that allow for each player to see A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT SCREEN. To Player 1, the whole TV will be showing only their activities while to Player 2 WHO IS LOOKING AT THE SAME TELEVISION they will see only their own activities. A true gaming revolution that will probably make me significantly worse at most FPS games but will revolutionize game play. Just trying to explain it is blowing my mind. If this is the effort we put into out entertainment, can you imagine the shit that top secret CIA bases are making!?

New Super Smash Bros. Game
(I know this is a Melee picture, but I love Melee. Also, poor Luigi)
So other than a passing mention, not much was said about a new Super Smash Bros. at E3. But that passing mention was enough to perk nerd ears worldwide. Basically development has barely begun on the game, so don't hold your breath. BUT word on the street is that this version with come out as a portable game on the DS as well as being on the WiiU. Possible customizable characters. I'M SO EXCITED THIS IS SUCH A GREAT FRANCHISE. I think I've logged more hours this summer playing this than sleeping. In fact, I know I have, because I usually play Smash instead of sleeping...

Just Dance 3
(Ganna be okay da da do do Just Dance....)
So if you haven't played this new DDR-for-the-two-left-footed party game yet, call me. I will invite you over and blow your mind. A million thanks to Mrs. Bieber for introducing me. Basically you follow the moves on screen and dance around like an idiot. This is one of the few games that I am obviously not all for putting buttons back into, motion sensitivity is fine. But it's also just a party game. All I'm waiting on is the addition of the actual song "Just Dance." Microsoft also announced their newest Dance Central game, which is the same game without the WiiMotes, your body is the controller. I have yet to play DC but I've heard it's also great.

Fable: Journeys
(Yes, this is the cover of a previous title, I know)
So, I don't play Fable. I played Fable III once for about 10 minutes. I dressed my character and killed my boyfriend and that was about all I got through. I'm not opposed to playing more, but that was all time allowed. However, I am dying to play the new title, announced at E3. Why? Because it's Kinect compatible. Meaning you can literally sit in your living room, wave your arms around, and CAST FUCKING SPELLS. HOW AWESOME IS THAT. I would say that this fact alone assured a sale from me, but they also explained that your main mode of transport is a horse and carriage that you have to sit in your living room mock-driving...once again Microsoft, why do you assume gamers hate pressing buttons for some things??

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sorry Boys, this ones for the Ladies

Or the men who sew. I spent today in superhero pajamas watching a video game conference and at a baseball game indulging in dollar hot dogs. Who am I to preach about gender stereotypes? Point being, today was a very manly day for me, and my body more or less rebelled against such treatment by viciously attacking me with cramps - reminding me of my place in the world (for the time being of course...). So I needed to equalize a bit. I painted my toenails ("Thunderbird" by China Glaze -ooh! obsessed!) moisturized like there was no tomorrow (why has it taken me so long to discover coco butter? I SMELL LIKE THE HERSHEY FACTORY!) and now have decided to write a post on fashion. Well, my sense of fashion anyways. As I was stumbling around the Internet this evening and cleaning my closets of late, I've discovered a need for downsizing my tshirt collection. Now, as anyone can tell you (because everyone has drawers overflowing with the things) tshirts are so hard to get rid of. There are sentimental ones, handmade ones, ones you paid a lot for, ones from organizations, gifts, concert tees, team shirts....the list goes on and on. And really, how many tshirts can a gal (or guy) wear? My solution? Make them into something that's no longer your standard run of the mill tshirt. Oh yes, if you haven't already guessed, this is going to be a crafting post. Why I haven't already done one of these, seeing as I am me, is beyond my comprehension. Regardless, I've taken quite a few tshirts from ahh to AWESOME in my time (and trust me, I've taken a good many from bad to worse as well, but this is a post focused on successes, not failures) and I've hunted down a few ideas and tutorials (click on the pictures for the links) that are my personal favorites to help you do the same! Enjoy!!

We've Got A Jumper
So, I kind of find this jumper insanely adorable and love that it's made from a single tshirt. Plus it's a cute summer look. AAAND it'd also be great if you were trying to pull together an easy Lady Gaga "Just Dance" costume. Disco bra not included.

Ruffle My Feathers
This one comes straight off the site that inspired this post, basically because as soon as it's not 3am anymore I'm making it. The site is jam-packed with adorable DIY stuff that looks pretty high-fashion. Not to mention there's minimal sewing involved here. Seriously, as we speak H&M/Forever21/Charlotte Russe are selling this shirt for like $24.99.

Another design I'm in love with that's made all the easier by the fact that apparently the ruffles sewn around the neck of this shirt are available pre-made at fabric stores (she found them at Hobby Lobby, but I'm sure Joanne's has some, I'll ask Mama). She ranks it as a beginner level project, so great for starters!

Scarf It Down
These scarves were all the rage recently, and they're so incredibly easy to make, I don't see why anyone would buy them. Not to mention light, fun scarves like this one are great in the summer to give blah tank tops a bit of an edge. This is a great one to use with shirts of the wrong size, or with a weird stain cause chances are you can cut around it. While you're on craftster, check out the site, they have some incredible talent floating around.

Left Standing At the Halter
There are like three million ways to transform a tshirt into a halter top. I really like the professional looking outcome of this instructable though. It's a bit construction heavy, but just google "tshirt to halter top" to find a million simplified variations. There are plenty of no-sew variations that work well for beginners (just cut some more of the back of that first project of the second link for a no-sew halter) or those in a pinch, but trust me, put the effort in and you'll have a shirt you want to keep wearing. The more effort invested the more likely you are to actually wear the shirt (learned this the hard way...sooo many crappy recons...).

I actually have yet to try this one, but I love it because you get to use the tshirts you love(d) that no longer fit, have weird stains, are too short/long/thin/thick/weird fabric-ed. I'll be trying these out next semester I'm sure!

Showing Some Skin (and Bones)
AKA: The Skeleton Shirt
Okay this is one of my all time favorite recons to date. I've made the variation on the left twice, once as a shirt I wear all the time and once specifically from a neon yellow tshirt for a rave party. I always get compliments and I love it to death, there may be another in my future. However, I got this idea from a book called "Generation T" and can't find the tutorial online (blah!) But, the Internet is a majestic place and as a replacement I've found this even cuter and less harsh version to the right. I will definitely be making it. It's a bit tricky to follow the directions, but once you get it, you get it. [NOTE: Only the pink variation is linked to a tutorial website]