Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Time Flies When You're...Living

So, it's kinda fucking nuts to me that a year has passed since I graduated high school. Like, I literally physically feel weird looking at the pictures of the class of 2010 in the stupid cap and gowns that they gave back seconds after the pictures were taken. I feel like that was me freaking yesterday and a whole year has passed since it was me. First off, this whole thing- I know- is super cliche' and boring, but there really are times that time just bitch slaps you in the face and is like 'HEY! AS YOUR SITTING THERE WRITING YOUR INSIGNIFICANT THOUGHTS I'M FREAKIN' FLYING BY!!' (Time's a sassy lady, like her bff Mother Nature). And I know every one's heard a million times that time flies and youth is wasted on the young, blah blah blah, but like most things that people tell you, they're meaningless drones until you experience it firsthand. It's incredible how much can happen in a year, how many new people you meet, how many memories you make, how many all nighters you pull, blog posts you write. Not that I'm dissatisfied at all with the past year, in fact, I wouldn't change a thing I'm so thankful for the people I shared it with-old friends, new friends, re-acquainted friends, family, basically-family- and the chances I've been lucky enough to have and the experiences I've gained. It just all passes by so fast. And we don't even notice until we hit some kind of marker that makes us step back and go 'shit, has it really been a decade since Y2K?' or 'holy crap my brother is going to be looking at colleges?' or 'damn! I've only known you a year? it feels like a lifetime!' It's fucking nuts.

So carpe die(h)m. Seriously. Time flies when you're not looking. Live whatever way leaves you with a heart full of memories and a mind empty of regrets.

Peace out, cub scouts.

Many Apologies to the Wifey

So, after playing a few vigorous games of Bananagrams, Clue, and Beatles Trivial Pursuit with the wifey today she reminded me that I had forgotten to post some excellent 'Spotted Around Campus' photos she's submitted like a month ago. So without even further ado than has already been had, I give you:

Spotted On Campus: Drexel Edition

Fighting negativity with love, I like your style graffiti-er.

I mean, sometimes writers block strikes strikes the best of us at the worst of times....

Might I add that stall graffiti/spotted on campus pics are my absolute favorite? (for future reference)

Some more Internet finds. Oh Internet, what would I waste my time on without you?