Friday, April 29, 2011


Quick post, cause I'm trying to get back into the habit and my laundry's in.

We in the quad enjoy YouTube. We enjoy it A LOT. And every semester or so, we pick a favorite video (or series of videos) and anytime someone has a shitty day or is feelin down or just needs a distraction, we play said video. Sometimes said video may or may not be loaded at all times on some people's computers to avoid inconvenient loading wait times...maybe. So, as I finish out half of my college career (talk about terrifying), I reminisce on the videos of bygone semesters.

FALL 2009: Our first love.


SPRING 2010: Damn youtube and copyrights

FALL 2010: Be careful, of them all, this is the least appropriate. This guy is on some drug in a room by himself just...chatting.

MOST QUOTED LINE: "Not mah chair, not mah problem."
RUNNER UP: Surprise Kitty <3<3<3<3

SPRING 2011: Omg, this man is our hero...recommendations: Dom vs Hipsters, Drunk Girls, Parties, Being Fresh

MOST QUOTED LINE: "Is today gonna be a good day? Yes. Double yes." and really anything he says.
RUNNERS UP: "Pug Can't Get Up" and anything with a weatherman in it...

We are now accepting applications for FALL 2011 videos....any suggestions? Keep in mind that between us (well, mostly me) we've seen a lot of viral videos in our day. Impress us.