Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Add A Little Fail to Your Night

from failblog.org (wonderful site)

Typical Tuesday

Again, uneventful, though I am now officially a member of a club/organization! Goal one (as discussed with the OL) fulfilled. Though I've never actually been in a musical I've been around enough theater people for enough time that I feel like at least a tiny portion of their endless talent has rubbed off on me. Plus we're doing a Disney showcase. How could I pass that up!? In other news... Sat next to Michael Cera (god I hope he never reads this for any freakish reason...) today in art class, think he may have spoken (abet under his breath) but still. Progress is progress. In other news, my sick rain boots arrived today and it did not rain ONE TIME while I was waiting. I half expected it to monsoon every day they were supposed to get here, but luckily it did not. Though now I won't mind. Next rainstorm I'm dragging the whole hall out to puddle jump.

Also, I've been hassled enough to add a side note to this blog. Yes, I am in the honors college, and no I cannot spell. I do have the decency to hit spell check most of the time before posting, but typos happen people. Catch them and let me know if you feel so inclined. But you know that you know what I mean. Also, a warning, some material that I post (such as the formerly posted 'Bro Rape' video) is somewhat coarse and vulgar. That's my sense of humor, and I apologise in advance for any offence caused. But from henceforth on, consider yourself warned. Don't say I didn't warn you.

So, to atone for some previous, semi-shocking links, here are some nicer, pretty freaking sweet (and really nerdy) craft projects...

That dosn't change the fact that I want them both.
On to today's lessons.
  • People are freaking creepy.
  • Fire drills are so unnecessary before like 11am, though there is an incentive to evacuate because you never know who thinks they're hot enough to come out without a shirt on.
  • There is totally enough time for those who are not hot enough to get out of the shower, go back to their rooms, and put on clothes.
  • Laundry is the most cruel of all chores. It just sits in a pile and stares at you every minute of every day...reminding you of the impending doom that is laundry day...
  • Galley breakfast sucks. EDIT: GALLEY BREAKFAST IS AWESOME
  • There's a parking garage on campus?
  • Spiral stairs (more like square stairs I guess, the ones that change direction every so often, whatever they're called...) almost always have eight steps in a block and four blocks between floors, which makes a perfect venue for humming the four eight-beat phrases of the 'Hungarian Canon' or really most songs...
  • Cleaning up your own messes is too much for some people to handle.
  • Not only have flying tarantulas invaded our hall, it apperares that there is also a clan of blue albino ones launching an attack on our room. Everyone should be informed, they are launching plotting and god forbid the two join forces....
  • For some people sending their half of a partner paper before 2 in the morning is just too much to ask.
  • Legends of the Hidden Temple is not as widely known of a show as I always thought...
  • Apparently if we have one more girl stay over our dorm we are considered a brothel in PA (although Chacha won't admit it)...so who's sleeping over?? (Kelly!)
  • The gods of weather and bad luck don't hate me as much as I always thought, it did not rain on me while I was carrying the box with our rain boots back from the mail room.
Not too many lessons today, sorry everyone. But, I'd like to issue an advisory to all my hall buddies, watch out for Gilbert Hall (not only does the name totally sound like it was name after the king of the creepers but...) it appears to be a hotbed for crime.
And with that (and this) I leave you all...
(248): Is your delayed response due to the massive amount of judging going on?

Word of the Week

Bromance [bro-mance] (noun): Describes the complicated love and affection shared by two straight males.

Steve: Ah, Dave!!! I can't believe you stole this first pressing of Aladdin Sane from your record store for me. We were just talking about this the other night. Dave: No sweat, pal. Steve: That is some full-on bromance. You're the man.

Sights Around Campus...

Corbin Bleu: spotted in Chem, marching around at during Saturday's halftime show, making waffles in UD

McLovin': spotted roaming around Diehm Hall pickin up the ladies.

Michael Cera: totally in my art class, sits next to me.

Also spotted today:
Dude (or at least pretty sure it was a dude) like this muscly 08 blue mustang, sleeveless tshirt, long unkempt hair, windows down, blasting Shakira's "Whenever Wherever"
The most intense showing of PDB (Public Displays of Bromance) ever. Two dudes hugged/wrapped their arms around eachother while patting eachothers hair. Held for a solid minute, let go and then the following convo transpired:
"So, what are you doing later?"
"Drinkin' probably..."
"Sounds good."
Girl, very petite, wearing floral rainboots, (on a 100% sunny day) sophie shorts, and a tank top and carrying a bright pink plastic lunchbox.
Remember to report any and all celebrity spottings and/or funny people around campus!

New Segment!! Episode I

I'm starting a new mini-post series for all my hallmates reading. Introducing:
"You Know You're a Diehmer When..."
  • You get excited when the next issue of 'Stall Talk' is up.
  • You edit the grammar in 'Stall Talk'
  • You join teams/support teams named after your hall.
  • You know what the term 'brostitution' is.
  • When anyone gets rainboots, you cheer.
  • You've seen more movies since you got to college than the rest of your life put together.
  • You know to watch out for MT.
  • You're crushin' on Ray-J.
  • You always try and get the corner shower, know the end one floods, and that the handicap one is just weird...

That's all I could think of for now, but suggestions welcome. Go Diehmers!