Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Na Na Na Na Na HEY Na Na Na Na Na

Clever title, right? This intro is going to be short and sweet. It's already over.

Today I learned:
  • The dimentions of every single piece of furniture in my room.
  • How to do the Creeper Shuffle.
  • What to do to protect myself from creepers.
  • That 2B has several sick people. If it's swine I'm going to put myself under house arrest.
  • That there's no worse feeling in the world than wanting to comfort someone but not knowing how.
  • That I'm kind of  a bitch.
  • That I am 5'7. Which is good because it means I haven't been lying on every form I've had to fill out recently.
  • That apperently Cream of Mushroom soup is more native to New England than clam chowder.
  • Why the forth, fifth, and octives are considered 'perfect.'
  • That 'linner' is not as commonly used a term as I always thought.
  • That I have many soulmates <3
  • Alex is (still) so over me.
  • Rearranging the quad is like one of those puzzles you know has an answer, but you just can't figure it out and it drives you insane until you get it.
  • I don't like working with charcoal.
  • That we 'roll quad deep e'ry day.' (Thank you anonymous white board writer)
  • Lysol is not supposed to be sprayed on skin or clothing. Oooopps. Sorry Jen-nay.
  • That I am most likely Y-chromosome repellent.
  • Curly fries are my guily pleasure.
  • New stall talks never seem like a big deal, until you get one.
  • Ray-J has been super-ill for the past few days, I'm not saying 'SWINE' like I usually do because I don't want to scare everyone.
  • I am now identified by what 'Whatcha Say' text tone.
  • That going to college doesn't mean the end of drama.
  • That I need to do more homework...
That's all I've got for tonight, but I will leave you with this video, because I found it today and fell in love with the idea of modifying behavior using fun as a reinforcer, I'm so all for this. It may take awhile to load,  but it's so worth it.

Enjoy, and goodnight, my faithful readers! In case you haven't noticed, the link for this blog is now posted always on my facebook profile under my picture in that little 'About Me' section. Also, For some reason Blogger has removed it's Spell Check feature and I am now on my own for spelling, which as you probably have already noticed, is a hot mess. And Word reformats everything when I copy-paste. So, for the time being, please excuse all the heinous spelling errors that I assure you will riddle this blog until I find the spell check again. I know, I know, I should be a better speller, but it's just not my strongest suit. I hope you can overlook it for now and I'll work on it. G'night all, and have a pleasent tomorrow.