Friday, September 25, 2009
Sleeping Around...*
- Peeling off a face mask is the weirdest feeling the in world.
- There are bacon bits for your salad at UD! I've been searching for them for weeks!!
- Homemade applesauce is, in fact, the shit.
- A table full of testosterone is a table full of obnoxious.
- MT is supposed to patrol the halls, she doesn't just do it for her health.
- The only thing worse than a loud AC is a broken AC and a half dozen fans.
- An empty quad is a lonely quad.
- You technically aren't allowed to play games (like Bananagrams) out in the halls, it's a fire hazard. Because the people playing totally will not get up and move to get away from the fire. That's just absurd.
- There are times that I do not feel like playing Bananagrams...
- People actually remember who I am.
- Some people in this great nation have still not seen an episode of 'Friends'
- I need to try a chocolate mud mask...
- Laying out on a blanket on the quad on a gorgeous day like this is probably one of the top ten most relaxing things to do. Ever.
- High school kids en mass are freakin' annoying.
- That when someone does something to one of the swans (namely kill it) they kill the other too, because swans mate for life.
- I should be a groupie.
- Spell check does not count 'Bananagrams' as a legit word...
- Men need pedicures just as much as we do sometimes.
I need to start taking notes during the day! I have such terrible short-term memory (which can be improved by a method called 'chunking' Hey! Psych! Look I actually did learn something in psych!!) But I feel like I miss so many potential lessons! Oh well, more tomorrow, probably more tonight too. P&B, P&B all.
*Don't be alarmed! (if you know me at all you already wouldn't be) I am literally sleeping around, not 'sleeping around.' As in I can now add the quad to the list of places I've fallen asleep in.
Potential MU Alerts* NEW SEGMENT
- CODE RED 'Sparrow!' - Ray-J isn't wearing a shirt
- CODE BLUE 'There's an ugly-ass crow out on the quad' - Someone's got a bad case of ManMS
- CODE BROWN 'The hawk is on the hunt'- MT is out busting people for fire code violations
- CODE PURPLE '5 o'clock Birdseed?' - mealtime!
- CODE PINK 'SWINE' - Quite obvious, someone's got the swine. No codewords here...
- CODE SCARLETT 'The geese are out on the [insert location here]' - A men's sports team is practicing shirtless somewhere.
- CODE GREEN 'Your migration route is clear' - no one's in the hall, you can keep your dignity while on the way to/from the shower.
- CODE BLACK 'The ugly duckling is taking a swim.' - RHRD is on the prowl, warn Ashley, Erin, and anyone else who struck his fancy.
Just some ideas, I'll bring them up at the next HCSA meeting...
*For those who don't know, MU Alert is the text messaging system that lets us all know via friendly text that something horrible is occurring on campus. Or that they're just testing the system...