Wednesday, December 8, 2010

(Another) Public Apology

So, I would like to make known an 'error' from a previous post, brought to my attention by one, Sir William of the Turn Table (like you're nickname? everyone needs a secret blog-dentity, this is yours sir). Thou hath been knighted.

Anyway, SW points out that, as defined by Wikipedia, the Disney Renaissance is technically defined as The Little Mermaid to Lion King, 50-odd years off what I defined it as in previous posts. However, let it be known that I still consider those 50-odd years of film (which included Alice in Wonderland, Great Mouse Detective, and Peter Pan) to be classic Disney animation and as such I lump them with the Renaissance period. But, for the record, that isn't the classically defined use of the term. Special thanks to Sir William, who earns his knighthood by fact-checking my audacious claims and offhand comments. We salute you, oh guardian of correctness :)