Monday, January 31, 2011


First off: bonus points to whoever can tell me where that title is from WITHOUT WIKIPEDIA.

Moving along, though I do not actually have blisters on my fingers they are all asleep (unlike me) due to my new compulsive habit: computer games, namely Half Life 2. So, in honor of my 8 hours of play time in the last three days (DON'T EVEN SAY ANYTHING I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT!) I'm composing two opposing lists.

Things I Can Do In Video Games
But Not In Real Life

  • Shoot people
  • Kill zombies
  • Eat brightly colored mushrooms
  • Fly
  • Shoot lazers, fire, and/or magic
  • Defeat evil monsters/robots/kings/aliens/etc.
  • Beat the bejezzus out of people I don't like, or even people I do like!
  • Teleport/shoot portals
  • Dance well
  • Catch pokemon
  • Do crazy science experiments
  • Be an awesome and questly race (i.e. elves)
  • Skip dialogue from people I don't like
  • Be a rock star (my lifelong dream, shhhh don't tell anyone)
  • Use kickass weaponry (ex: swords, crossbows, rocket launchers....)
  • Die and come back
  • Find money/jewels/currency lying all around
  • Double jump
  • 'spolde things!! BOOM!
Things I Can Do In Real Life
But Not In Video Games
  • Talk back to people
  • Drive cars (steering is so hard in video games!!! except Mario Kart, I'll kick your ass)
  • (as a female) Have feasible body proportions
  • Stop chasing a princess if that bitch isn't in the first castle
  • Do homework (with the exception of The Sims, but seriously? Who does Sims homework?)
  • Have real cake

Thursday, January 27, 2011

I Need to Flex My Creative Writing Muscles

So, unfortunately for my undulating desire to write things, I have absolutely no classes that challenge me to write creatively at all. I swear I'm not bragging or trying to say I'm an awesome writer (I saw you roll your eyes at that opening sentence) all I'm saying is I love to write and with my course load (or really any of my course loads, actually now that I think about it) there isn't a lot of demand for it. So fuck that, I have a blog and a will to do so, and am going to write goddamnit! So, I found this website that offers a shit-ton of random as hell prompts and whenever I'm low on things to blog (which is always, you guys know that) about I shall choose one from the list. TODAY: prompt 222 (my time of birth, triviaaaaaaaaa!!)

"Write a story about a beggar who loves to hear himself sing."

There once was a scoundrel named Edgar
The poor fellow t'was naught but a beggar
But ask him to sing
And slob became king!
Just as soon as you'd open the kegger.

Now along came a gentleman discontented,
His nuptials having just been upended,
His bride to be was a wreck
The minsteral'd run off with their check
The engagement was indeterminately suspended.

Now Edger, he was very smart
Jumped at the chance to spread his art
So he agreed to help
And the groom said with a yelp
"Tomorrow at noon! Bless your heart!"

Now the poor poor bride from old Readin'
All but lost her dear head from the frettin'
Edgar drank all their rum
Then got in on with her mum
The fellow had sung his last weddin'.

And, prompt 218 <3

"List 13 Good Reasons to Learn a New Language"
This is a coincidence, but for all my girlies over in Spain/Italy this semester!!
  1. To become a more successful traveler
  2. Because colleges and employers like it
  3. To gain a sexy accent
  4. So you can talk about others in public without them knowing
  5. Because English is not universal
  6. To open the Chamber of Secrets
  7. To broaden your own horizons
  8. To pick up Italian men (BEAN)
  9. So you can learn all sorts of dirty swear words and no one can yell at you for saying them
  10. So you can communicate with vastly more people (unless you learn something dead or obscure like Latin or Elvish)
  11. Genuine interest in that language or culture
  12. To decode codes craved into ancient artifacts and solve mysteries (a la Lara Croft, Dan Brown, or Nicholas Cage)
  13. Because your entire family speaks it

Why do I do these things? I have no idea. But if you liked this in the least bit LEAVE A COMMENT WITH ANY NUMBER 1-350 and that's the next prompt Imma doooo!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Snowman in the middle of the pond.

12ft tall snowman

Army of snowman lining the path to mah dorm

Monday, January 24, 2011

Happy New Semester

Gettin into the Valentine's spirit with Disney...

Maybe not so much....

New notebooks (obvs mine - TStorm, I'm putting my secret santa gifts to good use :])

This is quite possibly the single most inspiring thing I've ever seen in my life.
They're on all our stairwell doors. <3

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Oh Hayyyy

Well howdy strangers, as is becoming increasingly less unusual, it's been awhile. I'm sorry. I can't help that my life is not as exciting a place as it once was...I'm not simply stranded in a Hoth-like climate for the next few months left to my own quest-constructing devices.

So, what's new with me....hmmmm

  • Mah classes (as can be assumed, new semester and all. so far, so good. just don't try talking to me about kids after 6:15 on Mondays or Wednesdays after 5 straight hours of education classes)
  • Mah professors (omg Modern Ed proff is adorable. But don't worry, if there's one thing I've learned as an alum of CR....)
  • Mah roommate (who is very nice though we wish the Drape the best of luck over in SPAIN!! Girl jealous! Speaking of which...)
  • All mah friends being overseas! (the Drape & Little Miss Outdoors, Bean, Kjazz, Peas-n-carrots and J.Lo are both taking trips this summer....I HATE YOU ALL!!!! I WANNA GO ON AN ADVENTURE!!!)
  • Mah extracurriculars (this semester I'm doing costume design XD for a production of 'Godspell' - ask me about it I'm obsessed with it)
  • Mah video games (I'm newly obsessed with Portal and my FPS skills have greatly improved over break thanks to Nazi Zombies and my awesome little bro)
  • Mah ethics (after reading "Eating Animals" - which is an amazing read - I've started giving second thought to everything that I consume. Not that I'm joining PETA, but defiantly putting more thought into things)
  • Mah outerwear (so, as much as I hate to say it, I am now the warm and not-so-proud owner of a not-so north face knockoff. I know, I gave in, they're freaking comfortable, just ask anyone, I wear mine 24/7. But don't worry, plans are in the works for it to get Krysti-fied...)
  • Mah craft project (So, I finished revamping my nerf gun over break, unfortunately it's less 'steampunk' than I would like,  but it's still BAMF. also unfortunately I forgot to both bring it to college and take pictures. Oh well. My next project is deff going to test both my patience, my sewing skills, and my knockoff north face....)
So that's what's been going on with me, sorry it's not more interesting. But my hope is that the intermittent Links buried in my boring life might be. So enjoy, and until next time kids!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Midnight Musings (okay so its 4am, but that's not alliteration)

     So, you know that saying "All the worlds a stage"? The more I think about it, the less I think its bullshit. I mean really, what are we all doing but acting our parts, assuming there's some great script, or master plan, that's guiding us along and we're just these minor static characters acting the way that the other minor chorus members have grown accustomed to us acting. Have you ever just had a time where you sat back and wondered if there's even an original shred of character development in who you are? Or are you just a compilation of source material from the people around you? I'm trying to be smart like this person, witty like him, working on my diction to sound more like her, dressing like them, reading what they're reading. And not one ounce of this character we've designed for ourselves is for our own sake, but the sake of the audience. And who the hell is that? Who is this big performance for? Who's filling the seats in front of us? NO ONE. Why do we do this? Why do we put on these elaborate acts? We all do it: me, you, the person/people sitting next to you, maybe even your friends or the person (or people, if that's how ya swing) you're in a relationship with. We put on acts, we pretend, we shape shift into the character we thing best fits a scenario, but are we ever really ourselves?! Left to our own devices, with no one to impress or show off for, who are we? Can the actors exist without a stage? Will the show go on if the seats are empty? (answer: yes, it always does).
     Pardon the rambling (I'm sure you're used to it by now) but sometimes I just feel like I don't know who I am and only define myself by what's around me, like I'm always performing for someone and am never just myself. The only reason I'm even mentioning it is that I had one of those rare but epic awesomely cathartic earth-shatteringly refreshing candid conversations the other day and felt like it was the first time in so long I could just let go and be without thinking. It was amazing. And now I'm back, being the same uptight, literal, logical actor I've always been. Trying to please everyone and be what everyone wants. But what the fuck do I know about who I am or what I want to be anyway? Maybe acting is our way of experimenting, testing the waters to find a character all our own; a combination of all the good roles and the bad roles; the leads and the ensemble parts culminating in a persona all our own. Maybe that's the point, an actor (I'm told - God knows I'm not one, fear of failure doncha know....) has to develop a style all their own so that instead of allowing themselves to be shaped by a part, they shape their own character drawing on a well established bank of experience. Unfortunately for us, on the stage of the world, filling this experience bank is about as easy as filling a regular bank.
     So, what the hell am I saying, you ask. And I'm going to proudly stand center stage and say that I have no goddamn idea. You read this blog either because you're obsessed with me (oh stop, you're making me blush), you enjoy my sleep deprived rantings (more likely), or you accidentally happened upon this site and don't actually read this blog regularly (welcome stranger! care to stay awhile?). And I'm assuming that falling in one of these categories means you have both a sense of humor and a short attention span. Which is why I'm peacing out and leaving you to ponder this crap along with me. Good luck sleeping....

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Another List

Happy New Year Blogosphere!! I truely have nothing really to report over this break, hence the blogging being so slow. I will however, try my hardest for you, my dear audience. So here goes, first post of the 2011...

Things That Make Me Feel Physically Ill
  • Toddlers In Tiaras
  • The fact that there are radio stations offering Brest Enhancement Surgery as a prize for a contest
  • People touching their eyeballs
  • KFC
  • "The Killing Joke" by Alan Moore
  • The cast of Jersey Shore
  • Cashiers that hold personal calls throughout your entire transaction
  • Zombie dogs
  • Westboro Baptist Church
  • Thinking about the ingredients of hot dogs and jell-o
  • People who mistreat children or animals
  • Cartoon vomit (a la South Park, Family Guy, Drawn Together)
  • Actual vomit
  • Looking at the dessert menu of any restaurant ever (specifically Red Robin's Mile-High Mud Pie - oh Jesus....) EDIT: looking at the dessert menu post-huge meal
  • Broken bones
  • 'Mean Girls' Halloween costumes (aka lingerie and ears)
A great way to start the year off right? Well hopefully a nice link-loaded post might make up for it. More soon, and happy 2011 kids! Make every day count!