Tuesday, April 13, 2010

KRYSTI-MON! I Choose You!

I'm showin this off because Thomas is amazing and has mad photoshop skillz.

Also, cause it's awesome and makes me happy!!! Me as a Pokemon trainer (yeah, I know, Thomas flatters me with his phenom skills but the face looks like me dammit!)

Am I was more excited about this than I should be at my age? You decide. Does it make me wish I'd grabbed my Gameboy Color and Pokemon Blue before I went back to school? Heck yes. Am I the most stylish and questly trainer you ever did see? Well, before you answer you should probably check out his pic of himself, idk if I can beat the glasses and classic Ash pose.

And what mediocrity have I been working on? Well, I'll show it too you very small because it kind of sucks, but here's my unfortunate attempt at a realistic self portrait of myself. Sadly sitting on my desk chair. Bane of my existance.

Cowering behind a masquerade mask. Pitiful. Bane of my existance.

Live long and prosper y'all.