Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Something to Ruin Your Childhood

So, before this goes a step further, let me assert that I am such a HUGE fan of Disney. I want to be an Imagineer more than anything in the world, I kick butt at Disney Scene It, I can quote almost every get it. But despite all that I still think that these pieces are INCREDIBLE. Disturbing, but incredible. Take the time to really check out all the details in each one. Granted you can see them through your tears...

You still want to see them? Okay fine, don't say I didn't warn you.
Mad props to this guy, some of the best art is that which is confined to the Internet...g'night all/

Wacky Wednesday

So, I'd like to start tonight's double entry with one of the best quotes I've heard in awhile from someone who spends many a late night next to me (at a desk of course people....).

"Writing a paper single spaced is like walking on the beach
in the dark, it never feels like you get anywhere."
Deep thoughts from the quad, right the roomies!!
So more thoughts for today. Yesterday and today I learned...
  • That Kayla has no sense of smell!!!! That's right folks believe it! I was just as amazed as you were...
  • That fortune cookies are awesome. Well, I didn't actually learn that today, I knew it already. But I was reminded today...
  • That other people noticed me nodding off in design...luckily not the prof though.
  • That audio critiques do not get any less harsh after you know they're coming.
  • That I do in fact have pictures of all my artwork on my computer! They're even still on my PowerPoint portfolio that I had to submit here...
  • That men's soccer is a wonderful thing to behold (again, not freshly learned, but reiterated).
  • That I actually understand music.
  • That I like design. I had forgotten until we actually got to work on projects during class and the weren't stupid.
  • That the Galley serves kick-ass breakfast sandwiches.
  • That I should expect to receive a package sometime in the near future.
  • Naps are not, as previously asserted on this blog, the enemy. In fact they can be very, very wonderful when taken in moderation.
  • That I should not trust Kayla to tell me if there's a skunk around (see lesson number one).
  • Jenny G is the best journalist/creeper ever.
  • That the campus costume shop is BALLIN.' To the MAX! Like, if you've not been there yet, GO. And take me with you! It's only $35 to rent a costume! For as long as you need it!
  • That wellness actually gives tests. LAAAAAAAAAAAAME.
  • Sometimes college profs wear fish hats to class. Sometimes both of them do. And sometimes it's not really for that legit of a reason but is funny anyway.
  • Sarah Palin is writing a memoir.
  • I now have a new mission in life. Tis most noble of quests involving setting aflame every copy of a certain memoir....
  • Just kidding, I'm not book burner. As the great Ray Bradbury once said, "There are worse crimes than burning books, one of them is not reading them."
  • The Renn Faire is only 45 minutes from here.
  • That it frequently looks like it's going to rain here, but it usually holds off.
  • Some people actually like "Jon & Kate Plus 8." Really?
  • That sometimes fortune smiles down upon us and Ray-J ventures for a random jaunt down our hall when we all happen to be out there...<3
  • That soccer fans here (particularly parents) get games.
  • That all my days run together and I have not a clue what I did yesterday, which explains why I have to write every day or else all my valuable wisdom will be lost to you all!


So yesterday was the first day in my two week relationship with this blog that I have not posted lessons for the day *gasps, childen screaming, chaotic noises.* I know, I know, horrible, terrible, unreliable, lazy....what was I thinking? I'll tell you what I was thinking, I was thinking a few things, but first and formost I was thinking I have a wellness test at 9:00am tomorrow and I'd really like to get to bed before 1am, which is my usual bedtime/blogging time. And I did. I went to bed at 12:30.

But, as an apology to everyone who actually cares that I skipped one day, not only will there be twice the lessonage packed into today's blog, I will also leave you to amuse yourselves with this video, which is probably the cutest freaking thing you've seen in awhile (unless you've seen me in recently...)

P&B y'all, P&B!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Word of the Week

microvisit: (noun) [my-crow-viz-it] the real-world equivalent of microblogging. Stopping by to talk to someone for 140 seconds or less.
ex: "Have you talked to Mike lately?" "Just a couple of microvisits last week"

Monday, September 28, 2009

Sighted Around Campus! New Celebs!

So for those of you who I haven't told six times (Jen-nay...), our newest celeb look alike spotted on campus is:
Samwise Gamgee! Spotted by the black team while scavaging across campus. Last spotted: doing YMCA, signing autographs, trekking through Middle Earth, chillin' with Ray-J (or should I say Frodo?)
Everyone keep your eyes peeled, apparently we're a hotbed for famous people incognito...

I Hate Mondays

Cutting right to the chase, today I learned:
  • The laundry room again proves itself to be a wonderful place to hang out.
  • Three hour naps are the most glorious yet terrible creatures, now I'm tired but have no desire to sleep. DAMN YOU NAPS!
  • My quad kicks ass. My roommates are awesome!
  • Some people are just flat out rude.
  • That I haven't had real Chinese food for so long that the imitation stuff from UD tastes legit.
  • That I like psychology, es specially now that we're moving into genetics and developmental!
  • That my AP Bio has now been of use in both my Psych and Wellness classes (never thought I'd say this, but thanks Devlin.)
  • That dryers are the best invention since sliced bread.
  • That although they tell you Fridays and Sundays are the worst for laundry, Monday's no picnic either.
  • That sometimes all you need is a little techno.
  • There's no quad in 2C!
  • That we should totally have a quiddich league! AU did it!

It's late, as usual, and I'm not tired but at a bit of a loss for words. My brain feels like exploding from having to read and encode like seven chapters of various subjects. So now I'm going to go and listen to some mind numbing Basehunter and whittle the night away on facebook. P&B all, P&B!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Oh, and Just to Prove What A Classy Blog This Is: Some Classical Music...

I can't even chose which I like more...


Some Quick Lessons Before I Fall Asleep on My Keyboard

First off, Today. Was. Epic. In every sense of the word. Diehmers, awesome scavenging.
Moving on, all that savaging really wore me down, so this one is going to be quick (or at least I intend it to be, but I just learn so much every day and love to ramble on about small insignificant things, which is why it surprises me so much that people actually read this. Thanks, by the way...)
Today I learned:
  • People are more tolerant of absurd requests when you tell them it's for a scavenger hunt.
  • Even when you tell people it's for a scavenger hunt, people still kind of give you a funny look though.
  • There are syrups, like for Shirley temples and stuff, at UD. I feel like every day I find something new there!
  • Laundry rooms are the perfect place for hour long conversations on life, the universe, and everything really.
  • MT is actually not so bad when she's not on hall patrol. She highly approved of our savaging.
  • Gaige is freaking FAR AWAY.
  • And it's really confusing inside...
  • There's a costume shop on campus!
  • Sunday is the best day in terms of food from UD.
  • Brunch is the most superior of all meals. It's the only meal where you can eat cinnamon sugar pizza alongside like ribs.Check Spelling
  • The hallway that launders together stays together.
  • Speaking of laundry, I learned that I need to wash my socks, ASAP.
  • Rolling down the hill at Lyte is probably the funnest freaking thing ever. Although the mud puddle at the end was a bit of a downer....
  • Epic jumping pictures do exist...

That's all for now. Hope everyone had an awesome day and enjoyed both the scavenger hunt and my last post of nerd tattoos...g'night all. Live long and prosper!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

YKYADW: Episode II

I realised I keep putting up 'new segments' and never following through, so here I'm attempting consistency. Don't come to expect it...

"You Know You're a Diehmer When..."
  • You've purchased rain boots in the past month and have been waiting for it to downpour.
  • It's absurd for people to be out and about past like 11:30 on weekdays and 12:30 on weekends.
  • You've had Eddie come fix your computer.
  • You go to the creamery and Starbucks way too often 'to visit' only to end up with a large milkshake....again.
  • You've spent time with the swans, squirrels, cats, skunks or other local wildlife.
  • Going to NSB is something new and different.
  • You sign up for every volunteer opportunity you can, even if it means getting up at 7:00 (or 8:15 if you're me).
  • You come back from shopping to find all you bought was a book(s).
  • You find yourself wandering down the guys hall at least twice a day.
  • You've found yourself nonchalantly avoiding the topic of where you live for fear of the 'Oh, you're one of those kids.' reaction.
  • You're one of those kids.

What A Liberating Day!

So I love the rain. Why? Because of rain boots and puddle stomping. If you have never puddle stomped I pity you. In the case of most people if, by the time you read this, you have never participated in this wholesome activity let it be known that deep inside you there is a small and underdeveloped fun gland. However, since I am a Diehmer and absurdity is what Diehmers do best, we got a chance to relive that part of our childhood, (with a lovely audience of smokers) en route to our dorms. Yes, there is nothing more satisfying to your lost inner child than taking a running leap into a large, deep puddle on a rainy day. Nothing. I'm counting this as the primary lesson of today, because it totally is. Anyone with rain boots will agree and anyone without rain boots should stop whatever they are/were doing and go and get themselves a pair of rain boots (I suggest Target). Other quick lessons; today I learned...
  • Though the bus schedule says the bus runs somewhere, that's no guarantee it actually does.
  • That I love Goodwill (technically not a new lesson, but still)
  • Where Gaige is.
  • That even though you're late to things you can still get bagels, and prizes!
  • That without my roommates, an alarm, two calls, three texts, and at least four people knocking on my door is not enough to wake me up.
  • Goodwill and the movies are not in the same plaza.
  • This blog prevents people from doing actual work...(sorry!)
  • How to play Balderdash
  • That All American Rejects are in fact coming here! Along with Taking Back Sunday and Anarbor.
  • That I should never again attempt to get a plain wrap from that jerk girl at UD. She always does everything WRONG!
  • I do not like tofu.
  • That I really miss my friends (although I love the people here as well) and it hadn't hit me until tonight...
  • Where the term 'shotgun wedding' was derived from.
  • Someone in the guys hall totally has Beatles Rock Band. I don't know them yet, but it is now my mission to meet them and snag some playing time...
  • Great minds think alike.
  • It's liberating to litter (when you know it's going to be picked up by you later...).
  • Our AC got fixed sometime on Friday, even though one of us was in our room 95% of the time and our work order had only been put in Thursday night....
  • That narrow minded people can be the most frustrating kind to hold a conversation with.
  • At NSB you can get your sandwiches grilled!

So that's all for now, hoping tomorrow will be an exciting day, I know it always is! More posts later, maybe a follow up to 'You Know You're a Diehmer If...'???

Really Nerdy but Somehow Also Freakin' Awesome Tattoos.

This I feel would be perfect for someone like me. It's eco-friendly and I would never forget anything ever again!!

Ultimate math nerd right here. Although the picture also suggests that maybe his math major friend tattooed this on him while he was drunk?

On one hand, I'm repelled, on the other intrigued. This seems like such an awesome and painful idea. Super cool in theory, and it looks really good, but permanently? I don't think I would do it...

Freaking awesome.

This would probably be one of the only types of tattoos I would ever consider getting. Something that's artsy, intriguing, yet easy to hide, and I'm sure a hit at parties.

Gotta love the nerds, although I'm pretty sure this is a girl, which is a bit unexpected. Dedicated nonetheless though. She'll regret it soon enough is my guess....

Same deal as above, although a little easier to conceal. Really cool concept, but who ever is looking at his bare torso at this angle?

My favorite of the bunch, awesome idea, really well done, sort of subtle, probably painful as hell though. Applause though.

Friday, September 25, 2009

A Few Friday Fails :)

Sleeping Around...*

What a glorious, glorious day. The weather, the fact that I had one 40 minute class, the smoothie I got at Javateas, the mud masks. Glorious. So, as you've all come to expect, here is what I learned at school today...
  • Peeling off a face mask is the weirdest feeling the in world.
  • There are bacon bits for your salad at UD! I've been searching for them for weeks!!
  • Homemade applesauce is, in fact, the shit.
  • A table full of testosterone is a table full of obnoxious.
  • MT is supposed to patrol the halls, she doesn't just do it for her health.
  • The only thing worse than a loud AC is a broken AC and a half dozen fans.
  • An empty quad is a lonely quad.
  • You technically aren't allowed to play games (like Bananagrams) out in the halls, it's a fire hazard. Because the people playing totally will not get up and move to get away from the fire. That's just absurd.
  • There are times that I do not feel like playing Bananagrams...
  • People actually remember who I am.
  • Some people in this great nation have still not seen an episode of 'Friends'
  • I need to try a chocolate mud mask...
  • Laying out on a blanket on the quad on a gorgeous day like this is probably one of the top ten most relaxing things to do. Ever.
  • High school kids en mass are freakin' annoying.
  • That when someone does something to one of the swans (namely kill it) they kill the other too, because swans mate for life.
  • I should be a groupie.
  • Spell check does not count 'Bananagrams' as a legit word...
  • Men need pedicures just as much as we do sometimes.

I need to start taking notes during the day! I have such terrible short-term memory (which can be improved by a method called 'chunking' Hey! Psych! Look I actually did learn something in psych!!) But I feel like I miss so many potential lessons! Oh well, more tomorrow, probably more tonight too. P&B, P&B all.

*Don't be alarmed! (if you know me at all you already wouldn't be) I am literally sleeping around, not 'sleeping around.' As in I can now add the quad to the list of places I've fallen asleep in.

Potential MU Alerts* NEW SEGMENT

Kudos go out to the lovely ladies of DH for helping with these:

Potential Ideas for MU Alerts
  • CODE RED 'Sparrow!' - Ray-J isn't wearing a shirt
  • CODE BLUE 'There's an ugly-ass crow out on the quad' - Someone's got a bad case of ManMS
  • CODE BROWN 'The hawk is on the hunt'- MT is out busting people for fire code violations
  • CODE PURPLE '5 o'clock Birdseed?' - mealtime!
  • CODE PINK 'SWINE' - Quite obvious, someone's got the swine. No codewords here...
  • CODE SCARLETT 'The geese are out on the [insert location here]' - A men's sports team is practicing shirtless somewhere.
  • CODE GREEN 'Your migration route is clear' - no one's in the hall, you can keep your dignity while on the way to/from the shower.
  • CODE BLACK 'The ugly duckling is taking a swim.' - RHRD is on the prowl, warn Ashley, Erin, and anyone else who struck his fancy.

Just some ideas, I'll bring them up at the next HCSA meeting...

*For those who don't know, MU Alert is the text messaging system that lets us all know via friendly text that something horrible is occurring on campus. Or that they're just testing the system...

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Sightings Around Campus II

Today I saw...

One, way too old, man flabby and shirtless driving around campus in his explorer.

America Ferarah? Some girl from my art class introduced me to her friends as 'that girl who looks like America' I'm way flattered, she's way prettier than me, but it's actually not the first time I've heard that.

Nothing else really exciting to report? Let me know if you see anything post-worthy around campus.

Thirsty Thursday

Not to much happening today, well technically yesterday...but then again I always say that and end up with really long posts. Whatever. Today I learned:

  • Zumba is not just for strippers anymore!
  • The red-yellow apples are clearly the best kind ever.
  • The lead singer of Queen died in 1991.
  • If you stay still in Halo, you don't show up on other people's radars.
  • I'm terrible at Halo
  • Where to go if I ever need to borrow a Harry Potter book.
  • Who to talk to if I ever need new music.
  • The guy who works at Gordy's that I chat with on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays is in my music class and recognises me, whereas it took me until today to figure out where I knew him from.
  • That some guys have cherry chapstick.
  • That there is such a thing as Man-MS, which is when men PMS.
  • When you go Greek you stay Greek for life and pay them a percent of your salary and all this crazy stuff!
  • The Galley does DIY salads!
  • How to avoid the inevitable semi-creepy conversations with the omelet guy.
  • That if you try to be lazy and take the easy volunteer job you end up being stationed all the way across campus in bumble fuck.
  • That the sound of 6+ fans is much worse than one slightly annoying air conditioner.

To be frank, I've got a psych test that I just spent an hour studying for and it pretty much pushed any other important lessons out of my brain. More later perhaps?

As a sign off, here are some awesome shirts that I feel like you all, my ambiguous audience, might appreciate. I know they're on my birthday wish list!!

This is another excellent website to check out, if you're bored Like I always am, they've got great articles and even better t-shirts. I love intelligent humor...(even if I can't fully utilise it).

Oy vey!

Ever have one of those mornings where you wake up and feel like at some point in the night you were hit by a truck? Even though you had no alcohol the night before...I hate that. I guess that's my reward for taking the initiative to actually do a load of laundry (yes, yes, it's true...). Although the way I'm feeling this morning plus the effort it takes to actually do said laundry (it is currently hanging off every available surface to dry) explains my hesitation in the first place.

But you sure as hell don't read my blog to hear me piss and moan (or maybe you do? In which case, you're welcome!). So here's a fun link on an even more enjoyable website, Sporkle. First introduced to me by a certian wife of Forrest Gumpp but now a favorite past time for those late hour study breaks...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

"Speak Slow"

For reference, blog title is the name of the song playing right now, by Tegan and Sara (check them out, they're awesome...).

Here is me meeting the aforementioned Tegan and Sara....again, look into them, very chill, awesome people.

Anyway, today I learned...
  • That a missed a decently sized patch of my leg while shaving. Which went so well with the dress I decided to wear.
  • That skype has all but eliminated the need to ever actually interact with people, even if they live DOWN THE HALL.
  • That other people hate Diehmers are are really against us honors kids being awesome. Quit breakin' up the band Yoko!
  • That there is actually a mathematical method to successfully choosing between two potential mates.
  • Chinese food in UD isn't as bad as I would have expected. It's no Hong Kong Gourmet, but still...
  • Socks and flip-flops are a hilarious looking combination (just ask Dan).
  • Bring an art/art ed major means everyone assumes you carry around art supplies on your personage at all times. (False, by the way. Only sometimes).
  • There are snakes on campus?!
  • Getting on the roof is actually highly frowned upon by admin, despite the fact that there is no signage posted about getting up there...(and if they're stupid enough to leave the door open, I'll be stupid enough to go up there!).
  • The guy at Gordy's whenever I seem to get lunch is a sweetheart, we chat.
  • Our school got totally screwed over! Other districts gave out cool rewards like prom tickets and get out of class free passes for doing well on PSSAs. We got soft pretzels and a pat on the back!
  • Our RA now totally thinks I'm freaking weird because someone mentioned that I have a blog and invented the word 'brostitution.' Among all the other weird stuff I do/have done.
  • I am actually really freaking weird.
  • Painting a jewelery box is no easy task.
  • Laundry is so much more trouble than it's worth (speaking of which, my hamper is still giving me the stink eye...I really have to get on that. I've been reduced to sweatpants, dresses, and unmatched socks.)
  • Nothing makes you feel more like a flower child than walking barefoot across the quad in a flowy dress (I highly recommend you try it sometime....)
  • That I am actually more performance motivated than task motivated. At least according to our psych survey. I think I'm going to retake it...
  • That international exchange students enjoy talking about karma sutra while sanitising their hands in the main hallway?
  • Miller wasn't mearly replaced, both of them were! Because someone shot them with a Beebee gun!
  • People actually read and enjoy this blog!
  • At least one other person on this campus knows what/visits mugglenet! See earlier post...
  • That I have wonderful roomies, especially when they don't kill me for not letting them in when they get locked out... (among many many other reasons....<3)

Other than that, I'd like to thank everyone who actually takes the time to read this! I'm not used to it! I'm glad you enjoy it, and it makes me so happy that people enjoy this ridiculousness that is me. Until later, p&b, p&b (check earlier posted video to figure out where that's from)...

In my searching of Urban Dictonary I found...

Jizzum Tree (noun): A common tree in the Northeast that when in bloom it has the awkward smell of semen. College campuses, particularly in Pennsylvania, are covered with these trees making it a standing joke at all universities to walk outside and smell the Jizzum Trees.

Example: "Welcome, parents, to Millersville University. It may smell like sex is in the air but I assure you it is not your 18 year old daughters getting a Moose Knuckle for the fist time. It is only the Jizzum Trees in full bloom. Right this way is the school Dining Hall...."

Somehow I can't wait for spring now?

A Little Hump Day* Pick-Me-Up

*Hump Day [Huhmp-Day] (noun): The middle of a work week (Wednesday); used in the context of climbing a proverbial hill to get through a tough week. Has no relation to the verb form of hump.

So this video is probably one of the funniest things I've ever seen. You may notice that this is the inspiration for many of my sign offs on this very blog. Warning: you may find yourself LMAO-ing for real and you will deffinatly be quoting this for days, if not months...

Enjoy. More later...Chacha for now!

A Quickie in the SMC....


Just some quick thoughts between classes while loitering in the SMC for an hour:

Okay the couches in here are much to comfortable, every MW I sit on them and try and study and ALWAYS end up falling asleep. EVERY FREAKING TIME. Now, you might be thinking 'Krysti, then why don't you sit somewhere less comfortable?' to which I would reply 'Why would I sit somewhere less comfortable??' But, consider yourself warned. SMC couches induce naps.

Also, kid in SMC lab two rows away is totally browsing Mugglenet. I think I'm in love.

Off to psych, peace and blessens, peace and blessens!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Add A Little Fail to Your Night

from (wonderful site)

Typical Tuesday

Again, uneventful, though I am now officially a member of a club/organization! Goal one (as discussed with the OL) fulfilled. Though I've never actually been in a musical I've been around enough theater people for enough time that I feel like at least a tiny portion of their endless talent has rubbed off on me. Plus we're doing a Disney showcase. How could I pass that up!? In other news... Sat next to Michael Cera (god I hope he never reads this for any freakish reason...) today in art class, think he may have spoken (abet under his breath) but still. Progress is progress. In other news, my sick rain boots arrived today and it did not rain ONE TIME while I was waiting. I half expected it to monsoon every day they were supposed to get here, but luckily it did not. Though now I won't mind. Next rainstorm I'm dragging the whole hall out to puddle jump.

Also, I've been hassled enough to add a side note to this blog. Yes, I am in the honors college, and no I cannot spell. I do have the decency to hit spell check most of the time before posting, but typos happen people. Catch them and let me know if you feel so inclined. But you know that you know what I mean. Also, a warning, some material that I post (such as the formerly posted 'Bro Rape' video) is somewhat coarse and vulgar. That's my sense of humor, and I apologise in advance for any offence caused. But from henceforth on, consider yourself warned. Don't say I didn't warn you.

So, to atone for some previous, semi-shocking links, here are some nicer, pretty freaking sweet (and really nerdy) craft projects...

That dosn't change the fact that I want them both.
On to today's lessons.
  • People are freaking creepy.
  • Fire drills are so unnecessary before like 11am, though there is an incentive to evacuate because you never know who thinks they're hot enough to come out without a shirt on.
  • There is totally enough time for those who are not hot enough to get out of the shower, go back to their rooms, and put on clothes.
  • Laundry is the most cruel of all chores. It just sits in a pile and stares at you every minute of every day...reminding you of the impending doom that is laundry day...
  • Galley breakfast sucks. EDIT: GALLEY BREAKFAST IS AWESOME
  • There's a parking garage on campus?
  • Spiral stairs (more like square stairs I guess, the ones that change direction every so often, whatever they're called...) almost always have eight steps in a block and four blocks between floors, which makes a perfect venue for humming the four eight-beat phrases of the 'Hungarian Canon' or really most songs...
  • Cleaning up your own messes is too much for some people to handle.
  • Not only have flying tarantulas invaded our hall, it apperares that there is also a clan of blue albino ones launching an attack on our room. Everyone should be informed, they are launching plotting and god forbid the two join forces....
  • For some people sending their half of a partner paper before 2 in the morning is just too much to ask.
  • Legends of the Hidden Temple is not as widely known of a show as I always thought...
  • Apparently if we have one more girl stay over our dorm we are considered a brothel in PA (although Chacha won't admit it) who's sleeping over?? (Kelly!)
  • The gods of weather and bad luck don't hate me as much as I always thought, it did not rain on me while I was carrying the box with our rain boots back from the mail room.
Not too many lessons today, sorry everyone. But, I'd like to issue an advisory to all my hall buddies, watch out for Gilbert Hall (not only does the name totally sound like it was name after the king of the creepers but...) it appears to be a hotbed for crime.
And with that (and this) I leave you all...
(248): Is your delayed response due to the massive amount of judging going on?

Word of the Week

Bromance [bro-mance] (noun): Describes the complicated love and affection shared by two straight males.

Steve: Ah, Dave!!! I can't believe you stole this first pressing of Aladdin Sane from your record store for me. We were just talking about this the other night. Dave: No sweat, pal. Steve: That is some full-on bromance. You're the man.

Sights Around Campus...

Corbin Bleu: spotted in Chem, marching around at during Saturday's halftime show, making waffles in UD

McLovin': spotted roaming around Diehm Hall pickin up the ladies.

Michael Cera: totally in my art class, sits next to me.

Also spotted today:
Dude (or at least pretty sure it was a dude) like this muscly 08 blue mustang, sleeveless tshirt, long unkempt hair, windows down, blasting Shakira's "Whenever Wherever"
The most intense showing of PDB (Public Displays of Bromance) ever. Two dudes hugged/wrapped their arms around eachother while patting eachothers hair. Held for a solid minute, let go and then the following convo transpired:
"So, what are you doing later?"
"Drinkin' probably..."
"Sounds good."
Girl, very petite, wearing floral rainboots, (on a 100% sunny day) sophie shorts, and a tank top and carrying a bright pink plastic lunchbox.
Remember to report any and all celebrity spottings and/or funny people around campus!

New Segment!! Episode I

I'm starting a new mini-post series for all my hallmates reading. Introducing:
"You Know You're a Diehmer When..."
  • You get excited when the next issue of 'Stall Talk' is up.
  • You edit the grammar in 'Stall Talk'
  • You join teams/support teams named after your hall.
  • You know what the term 'brostitution' is.
  • When anyone gets rainboots, you cheer.
  • You've seen more movies since you got to college than the rest of your life put together.
  • You know to watch out for MT.
  • You're crushin' on Ray-J.
  • You always try and get the corner shower, know the end one floods, and that the handicap one is just weird...

That's all I could think of for now, but suggestions welcome. Go Diehmers!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Oh, Now You Got Me Started....

So this whole blogging thing is new and exciting and to celebrate our one day anniversary (and since I was surfing around (check it out!)) I decided to post one of the funniest things I have read recently and the one that caused me the most roommate anxiety ever...

Enjoy, I know I did. I swear this is my last post of the night...

(713): I've walk of shamed through this apartment complex so many times, I think people think I live here.

A Public Service Announcement....

In light of the recent rise in Brostitution has demanded that I post this and inform the public of the terrible, terrible crime of Bro Rape...

Manic Monday

Every day in an adventure at college, some moreso than others. Today, no so much. Today I learned:
  • A baby swan is a cignent (hence the ice cream place).
  • Sugar Bowl milkshakes are way too much for one sitting...
  • The Sugar Bowl has a Lord of the Rings pinball mechine (which costs $.50 just so you know).
  • Hall signs are highly flamable.
  • There are apperently a lot of skunks who like to hang out on campus? Esspecially around the quad. (Just ask Alex)
  • We were, at one point, supposed to get a Chick-fil-a but the plans fell through.
  • The infamous rave that took place during orientation was held in Wickersham.
  • Miller was replaced.
  • There is no crueler way to have your work degrated than by person specific voice recording sent to you in an email.
  • A midnight milkshake run can make everything better, but don't drink the whole milkshake.
  • Men can PMS.
  • Baclava holds up well during midnight jaunts.
  • Everyone else knows that the honors college kids are way tight, and are jealous.
  • That one song that I have always loved but never knew the name of is "All I Ever Wanted" by Baserunner.
  • There is not only a used bookstore within walking distance but also somewhere I can get fingerprinted for my FBI clearance.
  • You can always find smokers outside the dorms. ALWAYS.
  • My secret spot for being on the phone also doubles as a makeout spot?
  • Target's shipping is very unreliable.
  • A huge portion of Honors kids wear glasses/contacts.
  • Some people still do not know what a Snuggie is.
  • There is such a thing as a homework hangover...and the only cure is MORE COWBELL!
  • Naps are such a tease, I hate them...

It amazes me that on such a seemingly eventless day I learn so much! I mean, I believe everyone should be aware of this stuff! It's a big deal! I'm totally conducting a survey to find out if in fact a higher percentage of honors kids wear glasses as compared to the general population. In other news, my quest to get involved is moving along quite nicely, ACMO meeting tomorrow that I'm sure like half the hall is going to, Zumba on Thursday, and I'm just going to tag along to everyone else's stuff. Tai Quan Do perhaps? Oh man look at me trying all this new stuff! A second quick thought, being on a mostly rural campus really brings people close. I mean, we totally have fun hanging in our dorm doing utterly ridiculous things (fashion show anyone!?).

Also, a roof update, still not open. UGH! Possible lock-picking techniques wanted. I'm willing to try the CD/credit card method as well as old school bobby pin. Any other ideas?

Getting up for breakfast and a quick printing session early tomorrow so peace and blessins, peace and bleseins....

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Things I Learned on a Lazy Sunday

Sundays are lovely days for randomness, and for leftover homework. They also do just fine for frisbee on the quad (now I am officially a college student), watching flag football games, making sexual innuendos, sharing embarassing encounters, discussing the merits/origins of various swear words, and just generally enjoying oneself. So, in the spirit of learning and new experiences and technology (which are really the roots of today's college education) this blog will (hopefully) be a detailed account of all the new things I learn living at college. to begin, todays lessons:

  • Simply looking like a celebrity is enough to get a good portion of campus talking about how you get laid every night.
  • The word 'shit' originated from an acronym used by sailors to ensure that loads of poop weren't placed below deck where they would explode.
  • I'm not the only one in the Honors College who enjoys a good sexual innuendo.
  • Swans make a pig-like snorting noise when angered.
  • The meaning of the term 'pocket pool.'
  • That one simple mistake, like confusing the term 'Islamic' with 'Arabic' will get you made fun of for a good ten minutes.
  • It takes a good eight refs to control a scrimige game of flag football.
  • "God Bless Ye Merry Gentlemen" is not as obscure of a Christmas carol as I once thought it was. "God Bless Ye Merry Hippogriffs" however, is still widely unknown.
  • There is such a very as 'raptor-ing' and it is one of the most delightful verbs I've ever experienced.
  • Some guys actually do put alot of thought into things like jewelery and flowers.
  • Triscuts are the most impossible food to stop eating, EVER.
  • That I should not try and sing in a school production, there are way more people with way more talent than me.
  • Never use the end shower, it floods and is awkward to subtly kick water out of the stall and into the drain.

I would have to say that about covers it for today, tomorrow (hopefully) more college wisdom. Until then: Live long and prosper.