Thursday, September 24, 2009

Sightings Around Campus II

Today I saw...

One, way too old, man flabby and shirtless driving around campus in his explorer.

America Ferarah? Some girl from my art class introduced me to her friends as 'that girl who looks like America' I'm way flattered, she's way prettier than me, but it's actually not the first time I've heard that.

Nothing else really exciting to report? Let me know if you see anything post-worthy around campus.

Thirsty Thursday

Not to much happening today, well technically yesterday...but then again I always say that and end up with really long posts. Whatever. Today I learned:

  • Zumba is not just for strippers anymore!
  • The red-yellow apples are clearly the best kind ever.
  • The lead singer of Queen died in 1991.
  • If you stay still in Halo, you don't show up on other people's radars.
  • I'm terrible at Halo
  • Where to go if I ever need to borrow a Harry Potter book.
  • Who to talk to if I ever need new music.
  • The guy who works at Gordy's that I chat with on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays is in my music class and recognises me, whereas it took me until today to figure out where I knew him from.
  • That some guys have cherry chapstick.
  • That there is such a thing as Man-MS, which is when men PMS.
  • When you go Greek you stay Greek for life and pay them a percent of your salary and all this crazy stuff!
  • The Galley does DIY salads!
  • How to avoid the inevitable semi-creepy conversations with the omelet guy.
  • That if you try to be lazy and take the easy volunteer job you end up being stationed all the way across campus in bumble fuck.
  • That the sound of 6+ fans is much worse than one slightly annoying air conditioner.

To be frank, I've got a psych test that I just spent an hour studying for and it pretty much pushed any other important lessons out of my brain. More later perhaps?

As a sign off, here are some awesome shirts that I feel like you all, my ambiguous audience, might appreciate. I know they're on my birthday wish list!!

This is another excellent website to check out, if you're bored Like I always am, they've got great articles and even better t-shirts. I love intelligent humor...(even if I can't fully utilise it).

Oy vey!

Ever have one of those mornings where you wake up and feel like at some point in the night you were hit by a truck? Even though you had no alcohol the night before...I hate that. I guess that's my reward for taking the initiative to actually do a load of laundry (yes, yes, it's true...). Although the way I'm feeling this morning plus the effort it takes to actually do said laundry (it is currently hanging off every available surface to dry) explains my hesitation in the first place.

But you sure as hell don't read my blog to hear me piss and moan (or maybe you do? In which case, you're welcome!). So here's a fun link on an even more enjoyable website, Sporkle. First introduced to me by a certian wife of Forrest Gumpp but now a favorite past time for those late hour study breaks...