Sunday, March 28, 2010

WTF iTunes!?!?

Okay, so today I was thinking about how I kind of felt bad for never actually purchasing songs anymore, but getting them from other people or whatever. And I've been meaning to get a copy of Lady Gaga's new CD. So, since today (well, technically yesterday I guess) was her birthday I though to myself 'Hey, fairly decent upstanding citizen, why don't I go and legally purchase the rest of her album of my good old friend iTunes. I've still got a gift cards worth. Awesome, happy birthday Gaga.' Little did I know...


And the music companies wonder why everyone pirates music illegally? Here I am trying to be a good person and pay for my music and four songs cost me almost $5?! I CAN BUY A CD ON SALE FOR THAT MUCH! It's absurd. I understand that recording labels/artists/etc. have the right to be angry about pirating, I understand that it really isn't right to do but at the same time, consumers 'vote' with their money. And if they are 'voting' against current music prices by stealing them instead, that means one of two things. One, what is bring produced is not worth anything or two, they think the prices are unreasonable. Logically, this would mean that the prices are too high. In this day and age people listen to a lot of music, like A LOT, and paying $1.29 for that? That would mean that the music on my iPod currently is worth $1190.67. Now, being resonable, does anyone expect ANYONE to pay that much for music? No. So we're left to either steal it (artists lose money) or buy less of it (artists lose money). Now, not that I can't listen to 'Bad Romance' for days on end, but really, today, 90% of the music buying market has music ADD thanks to the shuffle feature on their iPods, so we really can't survive for very long without a great variety of music. But logically, the solution to this is to raise prices, right? To screw over the people who actually pay for music. Now, I'm not saying that I'm completely guilt free here (I'm not saying I'm not either) but I will say that the price jack just makes me less inclined to buy from iTunes. In fact, I think I'm more likely to run out and buy the CD, because I'm pretty sure if a CD is more than 8 tracks it's cheaper to buy the hard copy, plus you actually own something as opposed to 'buying' a file.

Basically, iTunes should lower prices. That's the bottom line. G'night all.