Saturday, July 17, 2010

Click This If...

So I decided instead of randomly embedding links in my posts I will actually give you some reasoning as to why you may enjoy a particular link. Hope this helps. I spend much too much time on the Internet, I know.

If you want to feel better about your life choices
If you want to think deeply about your values
If you want a tiny pin-prick of insight into the insanity that is humanity
If you want to feel better about never sleeping
If you want to set your fond childhood memories aflame
If you're trying to up your 'IQ' (Indie Quotient)
If you're looking for a small bit of hope for the future of social interaction'
If you're an online gamer
If you're sick of using the classic 'hey cutie, what's your sign' pickup line
If you hate graffiti
If you're ashamed your spouse/crush/boy or girl friend is super-lame
If you freaking love 'A Goofy Movie' anywhere near as much as I did/do


  1. These are all phenomenal

  2. Thank you for these!! :D I clicked on all of them because i too spend most of my time on the world wide web. hahah.
