Monday, August 9, 2010

Speaking of the Lady...

This is quite possibly one of the best excerpts I've ever read about Gaga- possibly I've ever read period. It came from a great and extremely well thought out article here about why Taylor Swift (the musician/public icon, not the person is hated by little monsters everywhere).

"Let’s bring it back around to the lady that obvs should’ve won: Lady Fucking Gaga. Lady Gaga is viscous hungry sex in hellfire. She’s more theatrical than Broadway and every night she sings in romantic open fists. Lady Gaga opens her dress, extracts her gut, assembles it in shapes splashed in sinister glitter and then shatters her dangerous violent diamonds onto the piano and screams FIRE and it sounds like bad romance. She wants your ugly, she wants your disease, and she’s everything Taylor Swift will never be. Punks don’t win awards, they eat awards.

And so that’s what I hope for my hypothetical unborn children, whether it’s from Gaga or another powerhouse female who owns it on stage: pop music that shuns tired Dawson Leary cliche in favor of your drama, disease, love, revenge, and (when you’re ready) your dangerous ambisexual kiss in the motherfucking sand.



I only hope that one day I'll be able to write something on this blog that is good enough to lick the stilettos of this one. Because it is fierce. Sorry, T Swift fans, I'm not hating on y'all (see, I'm from PA and can use country slang too Taylor) but I am hating upon your idol, who propagates waiting around for big stong men to come and save you and happy endings and fairy dust. Newsflash. You think like that and one bad romance will shatter that poker face leave you speechless cause you can't play the lovegame.

Gaga-ooh-la-la indeed.

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