Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Spotted Around My Life

So, as is per usual, I'm taking this opportunity to clear all the random pictures of things I take and put them up on my blog for your personal enjoyment, so enjoy.

I deffinatly posted a picture of this before. It's a toilet paper dispenser in one of the art building bathrooms. Someone wrote "what will you do with your life" and it was there for awhile, so I added "find adventure." The dispenser and wall around it is now covered in other answers.

So, this Spring Break I quested with my favorite questers. And on our journey we decided to go and poke around this incredible cathedrel that we'd all always passed and admired from afar but avoidede actually seeing due to its mysterious affiliations with a certian crocodile-keeping, cult-like religion. Needless to say we ventured in, and were given a full tour of the gorgous place. Just goes to show you that a sense of adventure can get you into all sorts of cool places.

I just thought this was funny/shady so I took a picture.

I love being creepy in the parking lots on campus because people always have the best bumper stickers. I wish I still had the Questmoblie just so I could stick this on the back because it is so insanely accurate.

These are the most incredible things I have ever seen in real life made out of snow. Three igloos that, if you look at the building behind, are taller than the first floor. Completely hallowed out inside too.

Ahh, humanity, your sick and twisted suggestions for going green. Also useful, the person who suggested recycling condoms. Classy. And we wonder why our environment is the shit show that it is...

Found this on the pilliars at the library entrance. Words to live by. I love finding stuff like this.

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