Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A Letter to My Loyal Fanbase

Dear Three People Who Still Read My Blog,

If you're out there, I love you and I appreciate you. I want you to know that, dispite how it may seem, what with me not writing anything interesting anymore. I'm sorry. I love you, and I'm sorry, that's all I've got for you. I'll change. God, it sounds like we're breaking up. But, here, I'll make it up to you. Double posts! Here goes:

I'll start by getting you caught up with myself, your favorite blogger. I have now done something that over 80% of college students will do (and no mom, it's not drink, that's 84%): change my major! No longer will I be found prowling the art building, random assorted supplies in hand, scrambling to finish my design projects. Although I'm keeping an art major (I'm only 6 credits away), I am now an Elementary Education major!! Also, to everyones relief (including ours) the Quad will be reuniting next year, same dorm, same room, joined by a whole flock of new freshman in 2A! They'd best be nice too...cause....we're living with them. Other than that, did some questing over break <3 and....yeah.

Things I've Learned:
  • No one person on this green earth knows everything that applys to your scheduling. No one person can help you, you need to go and find three different people who each can tell you a small bit of what you seek. You then must solve the riddle of the Spynx and return the Golden Idol to the Hidden Temple. Then you may schedule.
  • I'm a crafty person, not an artsy person. I've learnered there is a difference.
  • Sunshine can bring college kids out of a dorm faster than if the whole building spontaneously caught fire.
  • Apperently, door key swipers are not matience's priority.
  • Walking around the building to swipe your key at the back door is a lot more pleasent when spring is here.
  • Lady Gaga = <3 (I didn't really learn this, but was re-re-re-reminded)
  • There are interesting things to do in Bucks County, even after all these years...
  • Craftsmenship is important.
  • If I lived in DC I could be making an easy $45/week.
  • Some people are actually jackasses. As in, doing pointless things for no other reason than to annoy someone else in a stupid way, like flipping over full recycling
  • Mickey Mouse was originally a rabbit named Oswald until Disney lost the rights to him, so the chopped his ears off and made him a mouse.
  • Walking to the education building requires sneakers.
  • One can only eat at Galley so many times a week.
  • UD gets worse everytime we get back from a break...
  • Speech sucks.
  • Changing your major is the most stressful/greatest thing ever.
  • I can't multiply fractions...
  • But I remember what prime factorization is and how to do it.
  • There is no greater feeling of relief than when the female model enters the room rather than the male on the first morning class back from break.
<3 Wow, I missed this. I know its been so long since I last wrote and can't remember all the lessons I learned since. Esspecially considering my last entry was complaining about snow and now I'm raving about the sunshine (have I mentioned how GORGOUS it is?) TTFN: Ta ta for now!

Also: for those few of you who read this, you should also write on my formspring page, where you can ask me all sorts of things with or without revealing who you are. Challenge me! Why? Because I love talking about myself to anyone who listens and the internet lets me do it without feeling like an ecotistical, pompus ass.

Peace an' Blessins'

1 comment:

  1. I still read your blog, Krysti!!! I know I'm a couple days late... but last week was really stressful XD And I would definitely agree that changing your major is one of the most stressful/greatest things ever :3 Are you officially changed, now? As for being in Deihm again... that's awesome! A couple of my friends are going to be in there next year, too. I'll have to visit sometime :P
