Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Krysti's Tips for Taking Finals

So, considering this is my fourth round of finals, I consider myself to be a bit of an old hand. So, for those of you second (or even first?) timers, and even some fellow veterans, I'm putting this list together. Partially because I like to blog to debrief from studying, partially because my view-count is plummeting because I never post but mostly because I love you all and care deeply about your mental well-being.

  1. Snacks. Snacks are a vital part of any studious kids survival kit. They are equal parts practical and distraction and make you the hit of any study session (hint: if there will be girls, bring chocolate). Make them more relevant by picking snacks that fit your material (ex: Loof and I enjoyed chocolate milk and sushi while studying for our Botany final because both contain seaweed, which is a plant). Generally my go-to snack is tortilla chips, Mike-n-Ikes or anything from Sugar Bowl.
  2. Breaks. I when I mean breaks, I mean stop all work. Not like, oh I'll stop reviewing special ed to start reviewing math. I'm talking leave your desk, close your computer (SAVE ANY CHANGES FIRST!) go on a walk, stand up, chat with your roommates, etc. If you're just looking for something shorter, watch a youtube video or something. Anything to de-stress your brain and stretch its muscles before another intense cram-session.
  3. Music. A strong, studious playlist is important. It must factor in the intensity of material (reviewing/teaching yourself shit because it was never covered in class), your mood and the extent of your iTunes. Currently my three main playlists are as follows: Star Wars/LotR soundtrack playlist, Ke$ha, acapella music or a genius playlist based on "Dog Days are Over." Maybe I'll post a playlist for you guys later tonight.
  4. Facebook. Sign yourself off if you plan on doing work. No excuses. That's my advice.
  5. Markers. Even if there is absolutely no system behind it, for some reason writing with fine-point markers (I like the PaperMate ones best) improves my neatness in note-taking by leaps and bounds. Plus you can actually use the color to your benefit, whether it be sorting information or highlighting key ideas.
  6. Study Groups. Like snacks, they are equal parts motivation and distraction. While helping you to both stay sane and understand shit you may have missed in class, study sessions (provided you actually like the people you're with) can provide a nice balance between sanity and studying. Note: only effective until like 2am maximum. After that, all usefulness deteriorates pretty quickly.
  7. Time Management. Let's be real, you can't know everything. It's impossible. It's stastically been proven that your brain would explode. Prioritize information and only study the big ideas that you'll get the most mileage out of. Especially for essays. Most of that is BS anyway.
  8. Energy Drinks. A Pepsi max, a Starbucks caffenated drink, and some crazy energy drink, all at one computer. Clearly this kid's got the right idea.

Sorry this was terribly practical and not very entertaining, that's pretty much how my brain is right now. But good luck to all on finals! More entertaining shit later.

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