Thursday, May 5, 2011

Five More Journaling Prompts

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be, and what would you do if later on you changed your mind?
I mean, I like to tell myself I can change whatever I want about myself. But I know that's not entirely true. I assume this question is one of those wave-a-wand-and-change-this questions. In which case I'm going to be totally vain and say I'd chance my appearance. And if I didn't like it later, I'd change it again. And again. Etc.

What are your religious beliefs? Have they changed, or have they always stayed the same?
I was born and raised Catholic. But I don't like to talk religion. Mostly because religion and politics are many times deeply rooted within one another and both are topics that I don't like having conversations about in any other venue but face-to-face. Because I believe both are increasingly touchy subjects and by writing my views I am having a totally one-sided conversation about such matters. And I don't want anyone to feel attacked in their beliefs nor do I want people attacking me. My personal philosophy is believe whatever you want to, whatever you need to to be happy and it's not invading other people's rights to do the same. If you want to believe a master-race of jellyfish spaghetti monsters planted us here as an energy resource, than go right on ahead. Who am I to tell you you're wrong. Because really, we can fight about it until the end of time, but until we pass, we'll never know who was right. And by that point, it'll be too late to rub it in anyways. I think religious is a beautiful thing for people and there's no denying faith has done incredible things for people. Personally, I'm just wanderin.

When was your last food craving, and what did you crave?
I mean, I'm pretty sure my last food craving was leftovers. I LOVE leftovers, cold, for some odd reason. And obviously at school there are none available to me. Before that (and currently) it was tomato and mozzarella. And Mike-n-Ikes, now that I think about it...

Who was your first crush and what made them special?
Jordan. Jordan M from kindergarten through second grade. I remember it like it was yesterday. Basically, he paid attention to me and played tag with me on the playground and may have given me my first pokemon card. A Pidgy. <3 And damn it, if that's not the way to win my heart I don't know what is. And damn me if my mom ever will drop this boy either. She still runs into his mother periodically even though we moved, so basically I don't think I'll ever live this one down...

Name your most cherished childhood memory.
(Okay, bear with me on this one). I remember a lot of small details from being a kid, pieces of memories and experiences, but nothing I would categorize as 'most cherished.' The one thing I miss the most is the imagination that I used to have. The feeling of anything being possible, the lack of a grasp of reality. The feeling that on my eleventh birthday that it was completely and totally realistic to expect a tawny barn old to swoop down from the skies and whisk me off to wizarding school and that Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen could quite feasibly be my best friends (I used to love them). I miss being able to conjure quests and adventures from nothing, whip up plot lines and create characters and play pretend and no one gave it a second thought, least of all myself. I guess my most cherished memory of being a kid was...being a kid?

Please forgive any errors, it's late and spell check isn't working. I'll revise tomorrow.

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