Wednesday, November 10, 2010

My 'A-ha' Moment

So, I had an a-ha moment last night (and no, not like a 'Take On Me' moment - although that video is epic!). I figured out why I blog. It was amazing. It just hit me as I was bawling down in the basement.

I blog because I hate other people seeing me upset. I hate unloading my shit on people who clearly have better things to do. I don't like bothering people with my issues, especially because half the things that really upset me are stupid and not worth being upset over. And then the fact that I have no one to talk to because I don't want to bother anyone upsets me more. But really, that's my big thing, I don't like people seeing me a wreck. Like, I try to have as few people as possible see/hear me cry (do those who've put up with me, your medals are in the mail...) So, my solution? Sit behind a keyboard where no one can see me and bitch about things that bother me. That way, no one is forced to deal with my problems, but I get the therapeutic value of telling someone about what annoys me. Plus. I don't have to go into specifics, name names, or get really detailed about anything, and if you don't care about what I'm writing about, you can stop. It's perfect. I get to talk and no one has to listen.

Well, that and I love to write and I love to talk (primarily about myself) but also about my opinions on stupid things and share all the fun shit I find in my day-to-day life. It keeps me sane. So, here's a big thank you to you all out there wondering when I'm going to stop rambling and write something of substance (NEVER!!!)

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