Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Stepping Up to the Soapbox

I just flipped over to facebook and was reminded of something that has pissed me off to no end recently. 'GAY' is NOT a synonym for 'stupid.' Nor is it a derogatory term. I HATE PEOPLE WHO USE IT AS SUCH. THERE'S NO EXCUSE FOR IT! There are plenty of gays out there (I can think of several) who have more talent, personality, and fantastic-ness in one eyelash than many people have in their whole body. Not only is it hurtful to use the term in such a way, it's downright ignorant and needs to stop. Though I hope that anyone reading this is intellegent enough not to be doing this, I don't live under a rock and I know that tons of people say it. I'm not pointing fingers, but please please please, think twice before you say 'that's so gay' or use it as an insult. It's rude and insenitive. And don't give me any bullshit about how it's just a force of habit or a 'cultural norm' because that is exactly that: bullshit. Just because something is widely used does not make it any more right. It needs to stop. Now.

Okay, I'm off my soapbox. Sorry for the rant. Just hit a nerve I guess.

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