Friday, March 19, 2010

Welcome, welcome, welcome Springtime

Look at this, here I am, posting again! I toldja I'd be back. Todays topic: thing I like vs things I do not like.

Things I Like
  • Insanely nice spring weather.
  • People swordfighting on the quad.
  • When UD's food isn't complete shit.
  • Pretzel fish.
  • Dressing up (nicely and in costume).
  • Not doing homework.
  • Sleeping in.
  • Not having class on Fridays
  • Comments on my formspring *hint*
  • Masqurade masks.
  • Lady Gaga.
  • Spring-y music.
  • "You Make My Dreams Come True" by Hall and Oates
  • Playing rummy (4000).
  • Sitting out on the quad.
  • Good looking guys playing shirts vs. skins anything on the quad.
  • Cleanliness.
  • Target.
  • Not having speech homework.
  • Sequins.
  • Mario Kart Double Dash.
  • The Zoo.
Things I Don't Like
  • That there are no couches in the dorm.
  • Always having two art projects due the same day.
  • Spray paint.
  • Spray gloss.
  • Boobs.
  • Homework.
  • My bangs when they don't feel like straightning.
  • Sunburn.
  • Waking up for things.
  • Smelly dorm rooms.
  • People who play frisbee too close to people sitting and enjoying a picnic lunch.
  • Alarm clocks.
  • Not recycling.
  • People who are good looking but assholes (what a waste)
  • Schoolwork on the weekends.

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