- Nutella is the second greatest invention of all time. Coming in a close second with mothers as a whole.
- Nutella and peanut butter are very close to kicking mothers from the top spot, however.
- There is, in fact, a legit flying tarantula residing in the lame-duck doorway of 218.
- The Renn Faire is possibly the greatest place ever, next to Disney World.
- I should work at the Renn Faire.
- I have the greatest friends, who have the sweetest parents, of all time!!
- Megan Fox is just a huge slut. Like, legit hoebag. Just look at the newest Rolling Stone. All she is is a porn star who somehow wanders into auditions for real movies.
- There's nothing more distracting from homework than a beautiful day, a RS with Megan Fox on the cover to verbally tear to shreds, a blanket, and people to tear Megan Fox up with.
- LC is a pretty cool place.
- The best spot in LC is the jumping fountains, by far.
- Creepy workers at the Fractured Prune will assume you're flirting with them through the front window of their store, even though a group of your friends is sitting between you and him.
- Blue-slushy things from the Fractured Prune are wonderful!
- Cygnets is closing after this year and the whole lower floor of UD is being redone.
- I have three less classes this week!
- Tickets for All American Rejects go on sale next week.
- Ebay is a horrible place invented solely to crush dreams.
- My RA doesn't think I'm weird. Or at least won't admit it.
- I have no class on Friday!
- I'm not very good at Halo, even shuckyducky is starting to get better than me.
- A spoonful of peanut butter will not make the medicine go down. In fact, it will barely make itself go down.
- I currently hold the 'most creeped on in 24 hours' record with 10 creeps. Beat that! (No, seriously, someone beat that...).
- Even Ray-J is susceptible to the evils of alcohol.
- He is, however, also a very adamant environmentalist.
On that note, I shall leave you to study up on my rhythm syllables and hand signs for my music test. 'Rocky Mountain', here I come!!
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