Sunday, August 22, 2010

Happy 200th Post-aversary!

So, I've been delaying this post, because I was trying to think of something epic for my 200th post, because 200 posts about nothing is kind of a big deal in my book. And for someone with such commitment issues coming into this blog, 200 posts was basically ridiculous to even consider reaching. But here I am, almost a year later, still going (sort of) strong! So, I went to my BFF google to search '200' and see what came up, looking for potential material for a blog post, and sadly, my go-to buddy left me sorely disappointed. Other than a two hundred sit-up work out plan (which actually looks quite promising, I'll let you know if I get anywhere with that) there wasn't much inspiration lurking on the interwebs tonight. So I'll have to come up with this one from scratch.

200 Things
A List
25 Things I Am Thankful For
  1. My family, who love and support me
  2. My friends
  3. My education
  4. The opportunities I've been given
  5. The roof over my head
  6. Umbrellas
  7. The clothes on my back
  8. The county, state, country I live in
  9. That I do not have to live in a state of fear
  10. WAWA
  11. Spell Check
  12. That I can express who I am without fear
  13. The people I've meet
  14. The people who risk their lives daily in the service of our country, to keep me safe
  15. Walt Disney
  16. My health
  17. Lazer tag
  18. My literacy
  19. The sacrifices that have been made on my behalf
  20. Craftster and DeviantArt for their inspiration
  21. Late night TV
  22. Target
  23. Technology
  24. X-Acto knives (they help with EVERYTHING)
  25. Cameras
25 Things I Love
  1. My family
  2. My friends
  3. Looking at the stars
  4. Classic animated movies
  5. Disney World
  6. Road trips
  7. Laying in the sun
  8. Writing
  9. Talking to people for hours
  10. Crafting strange and unusual things
  11. Midnight movies
  12. Driving alone and singing along to the radio
  13. Driving with friends and singing along to the radio
  14. Dressing up in costume
  15. Boggle
  16. Watching cartoons
  17. Designing things
  18. Thrift stores
  19. Doodling
  20. Complimenting strangers
  21. Receiving random texts that make me smile
  22. Going on an unexpected and unplanned adventure
  23. Nerdy guys
  24. Beating everyone in Mario Kart Double Dash
  25. Browsing bookstores

25 Places I'd Love to Go

  1. New Zealand (to all the sets of LotR)
  2. Paris, France
  3. London, England
  4. Australia
  5. Texas
  6. San Diego (to the International Comic Con)
  7. Las Vegas
  8. Area 51
  9. Angel Falls, Venezuela
  10. Pyramids at Gisa
  11. Chicago, IL
  12. Portland, OR
  13. Alaska
  14. Hong Kong, China
  15. Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando, FL
  16. Natural Bridges National Monument, Utah (first and foremost Dark Sky Park in the nation)
  17. Scotland
  18. New Orleans, LA
  19. Canada
  20. Japan
  21. Puerto Rico
  22. Barcelona, Spain
  23. PSU (what? I've never been and am curious!!)
  24. Taj Mahal
  25. Rome
25 Places I've Been
  1. Philadelphia, PA
  2. New York City
  3. Richmond, VA
  4. Lancaster, PA
  5. Bird-In-Hand, PA
  6. Washington D.C.
  7. Intercourse, PA
  8. Bar Harbor, ME
  9. Los Angeles, CA
  10. San Diego, CA
  11. Monteray, CA
  12. Belmar, NJ
  13. Wildwood, NJ
  14. Nags Head, NC
  15. Williamsburg, VA
  16. Ocean City, MD
  17. Ocean City, NJ
  18. Orlando, FL
  19. Santa Monica, CA
  20. Trenton, NJ
  21. Carlisle, PA
  22. Shelburne, VT
  23. Sea Isle, NJ
  24. Chelfont, PA
  25. Assateague Island, MD
25 Things I'd Like to Do

  1. Go paint balling
  2. Learn to play piano
  3. Perform onstage
  4. Buy a car
  5. Knit a Harry Potter scarf
  6. See 'Rocky Horror Picture Show' performed
  7. Fall in love
  8. Ride Steel Force
  9. Walk a red carpet
  10. LARP
  11. Get a pedicure
  12. Learn how to use Photoshop & Illustrator
  13. Ride in a hot air balloon
  14. Get my teaching licence
  15. Go on a cruise
  16. Learn karate
  17. Travel
  18. Buy something from Modcloth
  19. Take an epic road trip
  20. Scuba dive
  21. Throw a rock through a window
  22. Read the 'Alice in Wonderland' books
  23. Have my own classroom
  24. Dance in the rain
  25. Leave the country

25 Things I've Done

  1. Parasailed
  2. Eaten a bug
  3. Attended a Comic Convention
  4. Traveled to a major city alone
  5. Learned guitar
  6. Been to California
  7. Graduated high school
  8. Made craft-foam armor
  9. Been to a drive-in movie
  10. Stayed up all night reading
  11. Helped a stranger
  12. Survived freshman year of college
  13. Rode in a taxi
  14. Given blood
  15. Gotten a cavity filled
  16. Been bitten by a mosquito
  17. Painted a set
  18. Been elected
  19. Been in a parade
  20. Camped on the beach
  21. Grilled hamburgers with a spatula in one hand and a solo cup in the other
  22. Watched every episode of 'Avatar'
  23. Dressed up for a midnight movie
  24. Been heckled
  25. Created a bucket list

25 Favorites

  1. Food: clam chowder, mike-n-ikes, chocolate, triscuts, potato salad
  2. Drink: iced tea
  3. Movie: PotC, Star Wars, V for Vendetta, anything Disney
  4. Book: Harry Potter, 1984
  5. Quote: "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing." Helen Keller
  6. Place: my room
  7. Color: it changes almost daily, mustard right now
  8. Cartoon: Avatar, Scooby Doo, Recess, Pokemon (original series)
  9. TV Show: Project Runway
  10. Actor: Johnny Depp
  11. Actress: Natalie Portman, Helena Bonham Carter
  12. Time of day: night time
  13. Singer/Band: The Killers, Lady Gaga, The Beatles, Bright Eyes, Kate Nash
  14. Song: at the moment 'Bulletproof' or 'Paparazzi'
  15. Holiday: Halloween
  16. Ice Cream Flavor: cookie dough
  17. Video Game: Mario Kart Double Dash, Sonic Adventure 2, Pokemon Blue, Super Smash Melee
  18. Animal: it changes, wolves, big cats, birds of prey
  19. Superhero: Hit Girl (if she counts), Batman, Wolverine, Mistique (if she counts)
  20. Shoes: chuck taylors, painted vans, black flats
  21. Board game: Boggle, Bananagrams, Sorry
  22. Resturaunt: WAWA! Sonic, Red Robin, Olive Garden
  23. Store: TARGET
  24. Season: fall
  25. Weather: huge late-night thunderstorms
25 Lessons

  1. Don't take rides from harmonica players.
  2. Sometimes the unknown should remain so.
  3. Sometimes not.
  4. People can make you feel the best you've ever felt, but also the worst.
  5. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
  6. Those meant to stay in your life, will.
  7. Sometimes you don't realise the people who care until they're gone or you are.
  8. I'm a huge nerd.
  9. Rain boots, like most everything in life, are easy to find when you're not looking.
  10. Sometimes you should buy/sell your books at the school store, sometimes not.
  11. Try new things.
  12. Some people were never taught the Golden Rule. But it still applies to them.
  13. If you aren't enjoying what you're doing, stop doing it.
  14. Going somewhere alone does not make you lonely.
  15. Confidence cannot be bought, sold, or traded, but it's worth its weight in gold.
  16. Once the feeling you're about to shit yourself has passed, roller coasters are a blast.
  17. Some things need no words.
  18. Water your plants, and keep them in direct sunlight.
  19. Stupid things, when done in large groups, are still stupid, but they're a whole lot funnier.
  20. You can take files from an iPod and put them on a computer.
  21. Disney movies will never ever cease to enthrall me.
  22. Sometimes your gut is wrong. But mostly not.
  23. It's never to late to turn around. You may not be able to go back the same way you came, but it is possible.
  24. Life is messy.
  25. Good friends are easy to find, great friends are unforgettable.

Hope you enjoyed this little share-session. And thank you all, wonderful readers, for bearing with me through all my stupid nonsense. You're all super-mega-foxy-awesome and I appreciate the feedback!!! Any suggestions for further posts are always appreciated! I'll be back at school soon-learning all sorts of crap- and hopefully this blog will be more interesting then. Love you all, peace & blessins!!