200 Things
A List
25 Things I Am Thankful For
- My family, who love and support me
- My friends
- My education
- The opportunities I've been given
- The roof over my head
- Umbrellas
- The clothes on my back
- The county, state, country I live in
- That I do not have to live in a state of fear
- Spell Check
- That I can express who I am without fear
- The people I've meet
- The people who risk their lives daily in the service of our country, to keep me safe
- Walt Disney
- My health
- Lazer tag
- My literacy
- The sacrifices that have been made on my behalf
- Craftster and DeviantArt for their inspiration
- Late night TV
- Target
- Technology
- X-Acto knives (they help with EVERYTHING)
- Cameras
- My family
- My friends
- Looking at the stars
- Classic animated movies
- Disney World
- Road trips
- Laying in the sun
- Writing
- Talking to people for hours
- Crafting strange and unusual things
- Midnight movies
- Driving alone and singing along to the radio
- Driving with friends and singing along to the radio
- Dressing up in costume
- Boggle
- Watching cartoons
- Designing things
- Thrift stores
- Doodling
- Complimenting strangers
- Receiving random texts that make me smile
- Going on an unexpected and unplanned adventure
- Nerdy guys
- Beating everyone in Mario Kart Double Dash
- Browsing bookstores
25 Places I'd Love to Go
New Zealand (to all the sets of LotR)- Paris, France
- London, England
- Australia
- Texas
- San Diego (to the International Comic Con)
- Las Vegas
- Area 51
- Angel Falls, Venezuela
- Pyramids at Gisa
- Chicago, IL
- Portland, OR
- Alaska
- Hong Kong, China
- Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando, FL
- Natural Bridges National Monument, Utah (first and foremost Dark Sky Park in the nation)
- Scotland
- New Orleans, LA
- Canada
- Japan
- Puerto Rico
- Barcelona, Spain
- PSU (what? I've never been and am curious!!)
- Taj Mahal
- Rome
- Philadelphia, PA
- New York City
- Richmond, VA
- Lancaster, PA
- Bird-In-Hand, PA
- Washington D.C.
- Intercourse, PA
- Bar Harbor, ME
- Los Angeles, CA
- San Diego, CA
- Monteray, CA
- Belmar, NJ
- Wildwood, NJ
- Nags Head, NC
- Williamsburg, VA
- Ocean City, MD
- Ocean City, NJ
- Orlando, FL
- Santa Monica, CA
- Trenton, NJ
- Carlisle, PA
- Shelburne, VT
- Sea Isle, NJ
- Chelfont, PA
- Assateague Island, MD
25 Things I'd Like to Do
Go paint balling- Learn to play piano
- Perform onstage
- Buy a car
- Knit a Harry Potter scarf
- See 'Rocky Horror Picture Show' performed
- Fall in love
- Ride Steel Force
- Walk a red carpet
- Get a pedicure
- Learn how to use Photoshop & Illustrator
- Ride in a hot air balloon
- Get my teaching licence
- Go on a cruise
- Learn karate
- Travel
- Buy something from Modcloth
- Take an epic road trip
- Scuba dive
- Throw a rock through a window
- Read the 'Alice in Wonderland' books
- Have my own classroom
- Dance in the rain
- Leave the country
25 Things I've Done
Parasailed- Eaten a bug
- Attended a Comic Convention
- Traveled to a major city alone
- Learned guitar
- Been to California
- Graduated high school
- Made craft-foam armor
- Been to a drive-in movie
- Stayed up all night reading
- Helped a stranger
- Survived freshman year of college
- Rode in a taxi
- Given blood
- Gotten a cavity filled
- Been bitten by a mosquito
- Painted a set
- Been elected
- Been in a parade
- Camped on the beach
- Grilled hamburgers with a spatula in one hand and a solo cup in the other
- Watched every episode of 'Avatar'
- Dressed up for a midnight movie
- Been heckled
- Created a bucket list
25 Favorites
Food: clam chowder, mike-n-ikes, chocolate, triscuts, potato salad- Drink: iced tea
- Movie: PotC, Star Wars, V for Vendetta, anything Disney
- Book: Harry Potter, 1984
- Quote: "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing." Helen Keller
- Place: my room
- Color: it changes almost daily, mustard right now
- Cartoon: Avatar, Scooby Doo, Recess, Pokemon (original series)
- TV Show: Project Runway
- Actor: Johnny Depp
- Actress: Natalie Portman, Helena Bonham Carter
- Time of day: night time
- Singer/Band: The Killers, Lady Gaga, The Beatles, Bright Eyes, Kate Nash
- Song: at the moment 'Bulletproof' or 'Paparazzi'
- Holiday: Halloween
- Ice Cream Flavor: cookie dough
- Video Game: Mario Kart Double Dash, Sonic Adventure 2, Pokemon Blue, Super Smash Melee
- Animal: it changes, wolves, big cats, birds of prey
- Superhero: Hit Girl (if she counts), Batman, Wolverine, Mistique (if she counts)
- Shoes: chuck taylors, painted vans, black flats
- Board game: Boggle, Bananagrams, Sorry
- Resturaunt: WAWA! Sonic, Red Robin, Olive Garden
- Store: TARGET
- Season: fall
- Weather: huge late-night thunderstorms
25 Lessons
Don't take rides from harmonica players.- Sometimes the unknown should remain so.
- Sometimes not.
- People can make you feel the best you've ever felt, but also the worst.
- Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
- Those meant to stay in your life, will.
- Sometimes you don't realise the people who care until they're gone or you are.
- I'm a huge nerd.
- Rain boots, like most everything in life, are easy to find when you're not looking.
- Sometimes you should buy/sell your books at the school store, sometimes not.
- Try new things.
- Some people were never taught the Golden Rule. But it still applies to them.
- If you aren't enjoying what you're doing, stop doing it.
- Going somewhere alone does not make you lonely.
- Confidence cannot be bought, sold, or traded, but it's worth its weight in gold.
- Once the feeling you're about to shit yourself has passed, roller coasters are a blast.
- Some things need no words.
- Water your plants, and keep them in direct sunlight.
- Stupid things, when done in large groups, are still stupid, but they're a whole lot funnier.
- You can take files from an iPod and put them on a computer.
- Disney movies will never ever cease to enthrall me.
- Sometimes your gut is wrong. But mostly not.
- It's never to late to turn around. You may not be able to go back the same way you came, but it is possible.
- Life is messy.
- Good friends are easy to find, great friends are unforgettable.
Hope you enjoyed this little share-session. And thank you all, wonderful readers, for bearing with me through all my stupid nonsense. You're all super-mega-foxy-awesome and I appreciate the feedback!!! Any suggestions for further posts are always appreciated! I'll be back at school soon-learning all sorts of crap- and hopefully this blog will be more interesting then. Love you all, peace & blessins!!