I was on stumbleupon.com the other day and seeing as I checked 'art' as one of my interested, a lot of times it will bring me to online galleries. This one I felt like I needed to share. The artist, David Kawena, is extremely talented, not to mention creative. His 'Disney Heroes' series focuses on bringing each of Disney's male heroes 'to life,' putting them each in modeling poses and drawing them as realistically as possible. Now here's the catch (for those of you wondering why the warning was in the title). Mr. Kawena took his theme to a bit of an extreme, and each hero is posed as, well, a male underwear model. Take that as you will, don't judge me for putting it here. Dispite it's slightly off-kilter subject matter, the concept and craftsmenship are phenominal (as are many artists on deviantart - take a look around!!). Below is one of the tamer ones, for those with less tolerence for, what could essentially be viewed as cartoon nudity. Hopefully you enjoy it. If not COMMENT ME (I love comments) and I'll make sure my future efforts to bring art into my blog are a bit less contriversial (that's sort of a lie, I post what I want...).
Damn, now we know who put the 'glad' in 'gladiator.'