- Do you ever get that sneaking suspicion that you're not individual at all, but a composite of everything you think others want you to be?
- Ever notice how much gratification from the other sex (or the same sex - honey that's fine, you were born that way) means to you? It kind of bothers me how much it does actually.
- Confidence is tricky. You have to be careful not to have too much or too little, but in just the right amount it's so freakin sexy. On the one hand, why value what others think of you? But on the other, self worth is kind of like money, its not really worth anything if everyone else doesn't think so...
- One of the worst side effects of technology is the ease of avoiding people we don't want to talk to, leaving them panicking about what they did wrong that doesn't merit a response from you.
- I think the reason I'm hesitant to make a decision in my belief in love is that I don't like the idea of someone having so much subconscious control over me. I'm pretty sure if I get right down to it, I don't think I have the confidence in myself (I guess these ramblings do have a little theme going on...) to accept that someone else would want to fill the role of the other party in said relationship. Not that I'm not somewhat confident ("Krysti" you're probably saying "you write a fucking blog about your boring-ass life. I think you're pretty full of yourself." "huh aren't you saucy!" i reply) and I think one of my okay qualities is that I've more or less come to terms with who I am (not that I have any really outstanding hardships in identity to overcome). And I don't say this in a 'I'm-going-to-be-a-lonely-cat-lady-forever' way, just in a realistic way: I can't picture myself in a relationship because I don't know who the fuck out there I would even come close to being compatible with.
- Oh, also, recently decided I'm absolutely having cats as an adult. I guess this is already a warning sign of my future....
- I'm also kind of saucy because there was this kind of adorable kid in the laundry room the other day who was just chillaxin there with me and gave me his dryer and looked totally up for some random 1am laundry room chatting and I totally missed that opportunity. *sigh* Which goes against what I was saying in the other bullet point a little but hey, me contradicting myself? Like that's a first...
- I'm much to selfish to have kids of my own. I think it's a valuable thing for me to know this though, because if I were to have children I know for a fact I'd want to give not only the world to them, but the whole damn solar system (Pluto included - you'll always be a planet to me buddy <3) and I just don't think I really want to do that. I want to make use of my (hopefully) degree. I want to travel. I want to live for me, visit friends whenever I want, stay out all night, go to Comic Conventions, and move at the drop of a hat. None of this is conducive to being a parent. So basically I'm in the market for an awesome roommate/travel buddy, I suppose.
- Cell phones: the great equalizer. Now men and women are equally as poor drivers and ignore each other equally as efficiently.
<3goodnight kiddles, sweet and adventurous dreams my dears!