Monday, October 19, 2009

WOW: Word of the Week **Now With Added Bonus Content**

Prostitot: (noun) A young girl with too much makeup and not enough clothes.
(ex: That prostitot should put on some clothes.)

BONUS: Elven phrase of the week. Impress all your friends and charm all the ladies with this tried and true phrase:
"Cormamin niuve tenna' ta elea lle au'"
Which translates in common speak to "My heart shall weep until it sees thee again." You'll be a hit at parties.

Things On YouTube You Must See Before You Die.

Probably #1 must see. Watch it, and edjamacate yourself.

"Today, on MSN my boyfriend said to me 'You're such an angle', meaning angel. He didn't understand why I replied 'Aww, you're so acute. MLIA" < Love this site (

***NEW*** Celeb Sighting!

Alrightly kids, here he is. I've upped my creeping to actually taking pictures of these look-alikes. This was too good to miss. We have a repeat offender here. In case you cannot tell from the pictures, Charlie Brown everyone! Top picture is submitted from 'Jenny from the Block.' Thanks, girl! Creep onward!

Also sighted: Shaggy! Diehmers, you may see him around!

Smile, You're on Candid Campus!

"Illegal Fountian"

Apperently it is illegal to take picture with this fountian. So natch, I did.

"Hack the Planet"

So, this anamorphic message has been haunting the lawn by the pond since Thursday and has been known to say "I love rain" in addition to the phrase "hack the planet" as seen here. Being Diehmers, we of course changed to to "save the planet."

Just Another Manic Monday

So I've decided that posting every day is a bit much, but I'm still trying to post as often as possible. Plus, on the bright side, now I'll have more to say when I do post! Okay, so Saturday, Sunday, and today I learned...

  • Cleaning ladies are not maids. They are simply here to smoke and yell about how we don't clean our own bathrooms.
  •  Forking is epic. And a good way to spread the work.
  • Never trust the SMC printers.
  • Doors are totally classifiable as WMD.
  • Bacon Cheeseburgers are wonderful.
  • That three Smornoffs=3 slices of apple pie.
  • Creepers=great dance moves.
  • It is possible to create a large shoe-house out of cardboard in two hours.
  • What I am being for Halloween.
  • What it is like to love and have lost.
  • Sometimes, life does cut you a break.
  • However, sometimes not.
  • There are so many fun things you can draw with circles, try it.
  • There is a four lane freaking highway and a 90 degree hill between the bus stop and Joann’s.
  • I have access to TWO Halloween stores.
  • Choir kids are awesome at doing the robot.
  • I love dressing up!
  • Glee is still the SHIZZZZZZz. If you haven't checked it out, DO IT NOW.
  • My hall would rather watch Lord of the Rings than a chick flick.
  • I am sooooooooooooo totally in the right place.... (see above).
  • I am wayyyy too obsessed with Halloween...
  • Waking up early can actually lead to increased productivity.
  • You can draw a shitload in eight weeks.
  • Sometimes laundry isn't so bad...
  • Laziness is actually the mother of invention; necessity is just the baby mama.
  • Some things make you wayyy happier than they should, but you don't even care.
  • There is no quicker way to get hypothermia than walking through Lake Harbold without shoes.
  • Flats are sooo impractical for rain.
  • One can get tired of rain boots, that's when you know it's been raining entirely too much.

Other than that, an all around exciting weekend, psyched for the parade on Saturday, hoping to get some slouchy boots (preferably before ye olde hallows eve...) and SO EXCITED to go home on Halloween <3.

Th-th-th-that's all folks!