I always thought I should do this, seeing as I have some similar posts and seeing as I am an evesdropping, stalker creep according to some people (*cough* DAN *cough*) although those some people still complain I don't blog enough....but I digress. So though I've heard a few that I thought were good at the moment, I've forgotten them. But now, thanks to a guest submission by GlindatheGood, I have been forced to create this segment. This quote is to great to not tell the world. As always people, guest submissions are welcomed, nay, ENCOURAGED! You get to see your (code)name in print and you get all the associated glory! So, here goes (thank you GTG for this!!):
Overheard @ the Galley by some random guy in line:
"You know that Josh Grobin song that makes you orgasm every time you hear it?"