Hey kids, quick post tonight, it's late and I have first grade bright and early tomorrow then class then have to assemble some more costumes, write some more papers, plan some more lesson, do some more shit. But, I noticed I haven't posted in a week (SAD, I know) and I love you all so much, I wanted to check in. So, here's a quickie.
This is kind of epic. I don't care if you don't really know what Starcraft is (it's a video game, beyond that, I'm on the same page as most of you - noooo idea). But you cannot deny the awesome mash-up power that these two random-ass pop culture items have when, well, mashed up. It's the audio for the video game trailer dubbed over clips from the 'My Little Pony' TV show. WHO THINKS OF THESE THINGS?!
Speaking of mashups...guess whose favorite blogger got to see the Beelzebubs (AKA: the Warbler's from Glee/the guys from 'The Sing Off') this weekend. That's right, your favorite blogger (ie - me). Ph.D. (sorry girl, it's late and that's the best codename I could think of after our lovely car ride talk) and I road tripped it up to PSU to see the 'Bubs' perform with NOTA, PSU's equally awesome acapella group (GLaDOS, kiddo, ya did great!). So, basically as if the Warblers were not already my favorite part of Glee....
The Beelzebus on 'The Sing Off' (if they don't make you melt you don't have a soul - add that to my list!)
PSU's NOTA (Think they sound good? They're even better live. Espesh when they do 'I'll Follow You Into the Dark, one of my favorite songs of all time. And I've been told 'Helena' isn't too shabby either.)
More or less the Bean kinda nailed it down today during our two hour discussion of acapella music: "NOTHING IS MORE ATTRACTIVE THAN A MAN WHO CAN SING" (granted that was one of the more blog-ppropriate comments we exchanged, but let's leave it at that...acapella music is incredible. The performers (both male and female, haha) have such an extreme degree of talent in every fiber of their being that just being around it makes you feel so great. Bottom line: GO SEE YOUR SCHOOL's ACAPELLA GROUP(S)!!! Or, if you're at a lame-ass school like me without one, travel an exuberant amount of time to see someone else's!! I'm pretty sure my total travel time for acapella music is fast approaching the 10hr mark. Addiction? Maybe.
Wow, this was supposed to be a quickie post...now look at it, three videos and a small inner monologue/soapbox speech later and here we are. At the end, I swear. G'night lovelys. Sweet, acapella (singer) filled dreams!