And this is why. Literally everything I've ever aspired to be is on that list. And as much as I tell myself that the money isn't important and it's about making a difference (because really, that's a large chunk of my motivation for becoming a teacher) it's still tough to think that I'm working my butt of for four years toward the second worst-paying degree in 2010. I mean, I knew teachers were paid badly, I've always had people tell me that, and I'm not about to change my major for it. But it's just a little...depressing, I guess. That everything I've ever wanted to do falls on this list. Makes me feel a little worthless. And also a little angry. Because honestly, there are few things that (SHOULD) fall higher on our nations priorities than education, yet the people educating our nation are paid the least. Not that I don't have the utmost respect for athletes, but it's absolute bullshit to argue that they deserve the paychecks that they get. They render no necessary service to our nation, they do nothing for society, they do nothing for our future yet they get paid for a few months what most teachers won't make in five years. Complete crap. And I'm not just saying that because I aspire to be a teacher and don't want to be sleeping on my parent's couch until I'm 40. I'm saying that shouldn't we put a higher price tag on education than entertainment? Shouldn't someone who is vital to the success of future generations get paid a little more than someone who can catch a ball well and will retire in fifteen years to a life of easy living? Let's give a little credit to the teachers who slave their asses off five days a week nine months a year to keep our country running in the future rather than throw money at athletes who manage to keep our attention for about an hour a week by skillfully prancing around a field in spandex.
In case you were wondering: the other end of the spectrum.