Monday, March 22, 2010

She's Crafty (And She's Just My Type)

So, as I write this, I should be doing my art homework. Just so you all know, I want to write for you guys more than do my homework (big shocker). Mom, if you're reading this, I'm just taking a break...

But, in the spirit of all things crafty, I decided I don't really display my crafty side as much as I would like. At college I learned that there is a difference between being artsy and being crafty, and I've embraced the fact that I am a more crafty, stupid gimmicky projects type person rather than a sophisticated and super hip art person. Also, I feel like I'm not that great at the fine arts, I'd rather make t-shirts and monopoly boards and magic Zelda armor and whatnot. So, because I'm celebrating my embracing of my crafty side, I wanted to show off a few past projects (esspecially my most recent ones!). Enjoy:

Magic Zelda Armor
(craft foam, hot glue, spray paint, gems, and keyrings)
I think this may have been one of the most absurd things I've ever made and one of my favorites! Mostly because I'd never even tried anything like this before and I'm really happy with how it turned out. I am, however, still searching for the perfect blue beads to complete it...

Masquerade Masks
(mask, sequins, feathers, dowel rod)
This is my latest project, and is one of three masks I did for an upcoming masquerade ball that my roommates and friend will be attending this weekend. I'm pysched at how they came out, esspecially this one, I love the sequins and feather. And I'm sure I'll be making at least one more for the HCSA formal, which is also masquerade.

Jonas Brothers Sneakers
(canvas sneakers, elmers glue, hot glue, patience, computer printouts)
Probably one of the best gifts I've given. These were the lovechild of an unheathy obsession with the Jonas Brothers (not mine, though Kevin is adorbs) and a good find on a Target clearance rack.

(chain, charms)
Just one of several necklaces I've made over the years, salvaging beads from the clearance rack, my mothers craft stash, and other necklaces. I wear this one the most and get the most compliments though.

Obama Jeans
(jeans, Sharpies)
So, Peas-n-Carrots or any other Republicans reading this might get saucy about these, esspecially in light of the heath care bill passing Sunday, but I'm a democrat, and as such was big on showing my support this past election. I pretty much just drew on a pair of jeans that were ripped beyond repair anyway, but I love them, and they're still in my election box, along with the newpaper from his win and my awesome Sarah Palin book <3.

Beatles Wall Art
(canvas, acrylic paint)
These are currently hanging above my desk *sneaks a look up at them.* I kind of just though they'd be a cool thing to do on the adorable little canvases (about 5x7).

"I'm a Little Teapot"
From Tay-Tay's class in highschool, just a practice drawing that I really liked.

Frankenstein Bag
(masking tape, duct tape, promotional postcards, sweat, blood, tears)
This was annother of my 'best gifts of all time.' Made from about 20 promotional postcards for my school's show that were strewn about the school for months, sadly this bag didn't last quite as long. Though textbook tested, apperently not tested intensly enough, and it died shortly after being recieved. But I love the idea and the end result before it was killed.

So I guess that concludes my little eco-centric trip (although if you're interested more of my stuff can be found on, my username is bold_as_love) ahope you enjoying seeing my stuff as much as I did making it, and I know that even though I changed my major (but am keeping my art minor) I'll always have crafting to come back to whenever I need some random gift that I'll never be able to find in stores or online for that special occation. But that's all for now, because I have a drawing to finish! God help me!! Ttfn: ta ta for now!