Wednesday, August 24, 2011

College Rumors: Dispelled!

So, I don't actually think anyone here is starting college, but I'm writing this anyway. Partially because I should probably start posting more and partially because the idea struck me. If it helps anyone out when starting college: fabulous. If not, I mean, you're not really here for college tips anyway are you?
RUMOR 1: College Cares Who Your Roommate Is
I have yet to hear of one person who got assigned a roommate based on a survey, mutual interests, or the school making any effort whatsoever to match people based on literally any commonality other than gender. It's just a fact, college doesn't give a crap who you live with, even if they are a crazy goat-loving serial killer whose only goal this year is to make a three piece suit out of your flesh (at here at good old MU you'd have to keep that skin on you for two weeks during the housing freeze until you could move out...). People skills, it's all about people skills....but keep a hatchet, can of mace or chainsaw on hand just in case...

RUMOR 2: You Don't Have to Go to Class
Okay, I guess this one is more of a 'depends on who you ask' kind of rumor but honestly, class is two or three times a week cushioned by at least a few hours of nap time before and/or after. It's not that hard. Granted, I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who have stories of 'Oh la de da I'm a bad ass and didn't go to a single class and got an A.' Good for you jerk face, I hope that you have as much fun paying the loans you took out to go to college as you did not going to the class you paid that money for. Am I saying I've never skipped class? If you're my mother or grandmother reading this, YES THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT I'M SAYING, WHO ME? SKIP CLASS? NEVER. But for those considering, set yourself some boundaries. As much as I hate going to class in the rain, I like to wait until the opportune moment to skip class, usually on a day without a test, quiz or due date as professors are usually less forgiving about making that stuff up later.

RUMOR 3: Everyone Drinks and You Will Look Like a HUGE SOCIAL OUTCAST If You Don't.
Not to be cliche, but this is false*. I know a ton of people who don't drink at college. Granted I used to know more....but there are certainly a percentage of college students who don't and have a perfectly peachy college experience. This is not me commenting on underage drinking or preaching you shouldn't - do what you want to do, just I beg you to be smart about whatever it is you're doing. And don't do anything absurd, like make a three piece suit of your roommates skin or something. This is just me saying that if you don't drink I promise that this does not mean your college experience will be awful.
*Except maybe at Penn State

RUMOR 4: Upperclassmen Hate Freshman
So this is another one that I might be wrong on, and I'm sure that in some instances, yes freshman might be singled out for 'special treatment' especially in some clubs and organizations, but it's not like they hate you. Most times it's tradition for new recruits to do some unpleasant task, mostly as bonding (although, Greek life, I have my suspicions...). But most upperclassmen are friendly, helpful and don't really hold anything against freshmen. It's not like you can do anything about being a freshman anyway, you've got to start somewhere....

RUMOR 5: Gen Ed Classes are Exceedingly Stupid and Pointless
This is more of a half-rumor. In that yes, I've taken some INCREDIBLY STUPID AND POINTLESS general education classes (World Lit, Botany anyone?) but I also got to take some really cool ones (Psych, Music). I think the biggest thing with gen eds is not to waste them - don't just let your advisor shove you into whatever, look around a bit. Now that almost all of my gen eds are done, I miss having a little wiggle room in my schedule. And there's so much I never got to take that I would have LOVED (science fiction literature, costume making, Latin, photography, History of Math...the list goes on and on). So bottom line is that there are some pointless gen eds, and some that are downright TORTURE either because they're super hard/picky/boring but there are also a lot of chances to take some stuff that you've always wanted to check out. Trust me, MAKE THEM COUNTTTT.

RUMOR 6: Dining Hall Food is Gross/Great
I've had two years of dining hall dining under my belt now, so I think I can be considered a decent authority on it. In my experience, it depends on what you eat. Random things can be yummy while normal things can leave you praying to the porcelain gods for the next hour and a half. My advice: don't eat anything you think looks suspicious and/or undercooked and nonchalantly try and make your dining companions taste-test things you're iffy about.

Hmm, any more rumors you'd like me to address? I'm stuck for ideas.