So, contrary to popular believe (or at least what I assume all of you have started to believe seeing as I haven't posted on here since LAST YEAR) I am not dead. Nor have I been abducted by aliens, forced into hiding by the government, been critically injured, or have begun a highly secretive underground jedi training program. And considering the amount of time I've been stuck at home sans Questmobile, it is rather surprising that I haven't posted. But, regardless of the past. Here I am. And speaking of the aformentioned vehicle, let's all have a moment of rememberence of the ol' QW:
You were a good van. In fact, I would go so far as to say you were a fucking great van (And I don't use italics lightly...). Given to my by the hands of fate mere weeks after I got my licence, when you were replaced by my family by the more modern 'Green.' You were always number one in my heart. Helping me to illegally park in the honors lot for the last two months of school senior year, transporting us in various states of questing, and accompanying us on our various adventures. You were the Shadowfax to my Gandalf, the Millenium Falcon to my Han Solo, the Firebolt to my Harry Potter...and you are sorely missed QM. Now more than ever. No, really. I honestly miss the days where I could actually drive places when I wanted to and wasn't at the mercy of a higher power to dictate when I was worthy of using a car. Like; I miss you hardcore.
Phew! Now that that's out of my system (could you tell there's recently been a power stuggle in my home over car usage? Probably not, I'm pretty sublte).
Hope that everyone had a happy holiday season, doing whatever it is your family does. I know I did. Although after the first half of my family asking the same exact questions about college and making the same awkward innuendos to my excessive partying (yeah, okay) I was ready to take my presents and run...but II stuck it out. Because that's the kind of trooper I am (and, as previously mentioned, it would have taken awhile to appeal to a higher power for a gettaway car and by the time my paperwork went through reserving my the time slot for our van my relatives would have caught me and probably force fed me the whole casserole dish of carrots-n-turnips (a holiday dinner staple at my table...which I will not touch). Other than that, all was merry and bright. Sadly I only got two and a half of the gifts I asked for in my last post, but don't worry, the half of a gift was not the pony. No animals were harmed for my Christmas gifts. Kwanza was also quite joyous for me. As had become tradition, we visited Red Robin and exchanged gifts and left messagages for future patrons in the promotional ginderbread house boxes. I recieved a mini-harmonica! Speaking of which, also sighted this holiday season, everyone's favorite traveling companion: Harmonica boy!! He came over to pick up his brother leaving me stranded and caught like a deer in headlights in my kitchen and in pajammas. I took shelter and didn't move until he had left, so I didn't actually see or interact with him. But don't worry, there's still a story! More for the class-o-meter too: he got caught plagerising on a final. Yeah. According to him (as overheard when my mother asked him about it) the essay question asked him to define a term and then explain its relevence in the course. So of course, he writes word for word the textbook definition....BECAUSE THAT'S NOT THE TEXTBOOK DEFINITION OF PLAGIRISM OR ANYTHING! And he didn't think there was anything wrong with that. Really!? Is it that hard to change WORD ORDER at the very least!? All in all, he got a zero on that portion, bringing his grade in the class from an A to a C(ish). *sigh* Other than that; released my inner child and saw Disney on ice, in a tiara. EPIC. Tiana (from Princess and the Frog which was also SO GOOD) had her own number. Plus the villians, princesses, Lilo and Stich, Alice in Wonderland, and Jack Skellington all had numbers! So what if we were most likely the only ones there under 20 who weren't with kids!? It was fantastic!
Anyway, that's what going on with me for the time being, I think I'm going tp put up some typical best of/worst of 2009 list later, but haven't given it much thought, so I'll leave you with a video instead. I really want to try this:
Wishing everyone a happy remainder of break! Live long and prosper!!