Monday, December 21, 2009

Sometimes, People Are Wonderful

All I Want For Christmas Is....

My two front teeth.

No, actually in all seriousness, I've compiled a list of things I'd like for the holidays (although I celebrate Christmas I also accept Hanukkah and Kwanza gifts...) and I thought I'd share it with you, my wonderful blog audience, as well as any cyber Santas surfin' the net, in case either of you need any gift ideas for your favorite blogger (me).
  1. For magic, like Hogwarts/Middle Earthian magic, to exist and for going on long and epic quests to be a completly natural occupation. Like, so badly.
  2. The ability to Apperate and Disapperate. If I can't have all the magic and quests at least let me teleport.
  3. World peace. Like, not just wars. I mean like I want the Moteques and Capulets to shake hands and be besties, I want to put a stop to major and minor quarrells between friends, family, Team Edward and Team Jacob supporters, mythical creatures, ancient tribal warriors, my many suitors,EVERYONE to end. No more fighting, no more drama, just peace and harmony among everyone. The only conflicts that are allowed to remain are inner conflicts, and only because they provoke self-growth and betterment.
  4. The power to morph into whatever and whoever I want. Come on now, who wouldn't want that?
  5. Coraline and Singing In the Rain on DVD
  6. For every single Harry Potter DVD on earth to be instantly replaced by a copy of the book. Do the world a little good.
  7. A boyfriend? Perhaps. I'm still undecided on the make and model Santa dearest. You can decide, but please remember all those hours of commuinity service I've done... ;)
  8. Obviously, a cure for cancer, AIDS, and all other terrible and currently incurable illnesses. Except STDs. You sluts deserve those.
  9. For the next season of Glee to start, like, tomorrow.
  10. Guitar skills far beyond what I currently posess.
  11. Ditto for singing skills. So that I can fufill my secret dream of rockstardom.
  12. In the event that singing skills are unavailable, a mic stand will do.
  13. Awesome socks.
  14. All six Star Wars movies on DVD.
  15. A sick new umbrella.
  16. A legit Hogwarts robe.
  17. My car back...
  18. To be allowed to have Christmas (HOLIDAY) lights in my dorm room.
  19. An endless supply of double sided sharpies (in black)
  20. Twenty things would make me sound so greedy...(*cough* A PONY! *cough*)
Anyway, I wish everyone the best this holiday, no matter what you celebrate. Remember those less fortunate and if your college student budget permits, help them out. If not, there are all sorts of ways to give something as priceless as your time and energy to charities, homeless shelters, or retirement communities this holiday to brighten someone elses. Peace and blessings to all and to all a good night!