So, as those of you who have ever spoken to me for more than like 10 minutes already know, I'm a viral video addict. I really don't search for videos, I swear, I just am online a lot and people send me stuff all the time that then links to other gets bad. However, my latest find may be one of my favorites, ladies and gentlemen (are there even any out there?) I present to you....TRIPOD!
I just know you'll like them, because chances are that if you're reading this blog that you like one or more of the following:
A. music
B. Australians
C. Nerd stuff
D. Funny stuff
E. Me <3
and if any (or all, if you're awesome) of the above is something you like, you'll love 'em. That's about all you'll get in terms of explanation, because honestly, they speak for themselves...enjoy.
Personal favorite (as my status prowlers might already have seen...I could see myself in a relationship like this, I'm not sure which party I'd be though....):
Seriously, look them up, they're hilarious. I'm in love...WITH THE INTERNETTTTTTTTTTT!
P&B <3