Monday, January 11, 2010

WOW: Word of the Week

2KX (noun): an abbreviation for the year 2010 which, when I tried to post the deffinition from, was not really given a great deffinition because the first person to post it wrote that the 'K' was the roman numberal for thousand (it's M). But I like it nonetheless and, for the record, the poor soul who is now being cyber-bullied on urbandictionary due to his mistake was probably thinking of the prefix 'kilo' meaning thosand when he wrote it. He gets my vote though.

And, the sometimes present Elvish Phrase of the Week! (note that I call these things 'of the week' even though their posting is sporatic and not at all weekly. So sue me, it's my blog.)

Feeling insulted? Want something unique and clever to tell off the scurvy dog who made a stab at your dignity? Why not tell them in a long-dead, Tolkien-invented language! That'll show them! Try these handy translations!

Llie n'vanima ar' lle atara lanneina. (You're ugly and your mother dresses you funny.)
Lle naa haran e' nausalle. (You are king in your imagination.)
or the ever popular:
Auta miqula orqu. (Go kiss an orc.)