"I guess you could argue my affinity for dressing up and hats means I'm not happy with myself and feel the need to adopt other personas to make me feel complete. And I would reply that you're not a certified psychologist and that you should back off. And then you might argue that I just self-diagnosed myself, indicating a whole host of other problems. In which case I would say that you diagnosed me. Then you might remind me I am having an entire hypothetical conversation with myself on my blog. In which case I might agree to go see someone..." May 2010
So, as you can see, not a whole lot has changed about me. This post is actually from one of my several on all the interesting things I found in my closet whilst cleaning it out pre-summer. Which is a coincidence seeing as I once again cleaned my closets and found equally as interesting things. So I'm still crazy, I'm still a pack rat, and I still have nothing to blog about during the summer. So that's comforting. As for what's changed, I have a significantly larger collection of costumes and a significantly lot less junk thanks to said cleanings. Also, instead of listening to Lady Gaga's "The Fame Monster" I'm now rocking out to "Born This Way" - which of course comes highly recommended, maybe a review later? Other than that, I think I'm the same old me, I really feel like I don't change a whole lot honestly. Oh, I have bangs? But I think I had those last summer?
What is one thing nobody knows about you because nobody ever cared to ask?
I talk a lot. And write a lot. And take a lot of surveys. So there isn't a whole lot I can think of that no one's asked me before, to be honest (cue shameless plug, I'm back on formspring, so if you DO think of something to ask me, please by all means do. I welcome a challenge. Plus it relieves my near-constant boredom). But on the whole I'm a pretty open person, for gods sake I write a blog about myself and my terribly uninteresting life. I love talking.
Robert Frost write a poem titled The Road Not Taken. Name a road you’ve always wanted to travel. Where do you hope it takes you, and what might you see on the way?
A specific road? Or a hypothetical road? I've always wanted to take a road trip across America. By car, with nothing but a suitcase full of my important shit, a digital camera full of memory cards, a carload of friends and an iPod full of music. When I go anywhere with my friends, I feel like - not to sound cheesy - but the journey is as fun as the destination. I want to see the United States, not like monuments and national parks (been there, done that) but stupid things, the world's biggest ball of twine, tiny waterfalls hidden away from beaten tourist trails, tiny clubs and hole in the walls where bands I'll never hear of again play, thrift shops filled with crazy vintage shoes and rocking chairs, gorgeous old houses alongside lakes and trash dumps alike. I just have an insane itch to GO SOMEWHERE. But there are so many millions of places to go, how does one go about choosing?! Where do I hope it takes me? Enlightenment, worldly-ness, experience, sense-of-self, California, I don't know?
Name one thing you always wanted to do, but haven’t. What has prevented you from doing it?
Hm. How about a list:
- I always wanted to dress as a group of superheros for Halloween. [No one else wanted to.]
- I always wanted to be a rock star. [Not that it matters that much anymore, but I don't have the talent.]
- I always wanted to sleep outside, under the stars. No tent, no nothing. Maybe on my trampoline for comforts sake. [I'm not really sure why I've never done this. Anyone up for it?]
- I always wanted to travel. [Time, money, logic, fear.]
- I always wanted to have a laser tag birthday party. [I decided that at age 18 and it's not that socially acceptable at that age...]
- I always wanted to make my prom dress. [Time, laziness, skill, love of shopping.]
- I always wanted to learn piano. [Laziness, lack of musical skill.]
I included this question for the sake of representing every question on this list. I will not, however, be answering it. SORRY!