Tuesday, July 6, 2010


So...I'M GOING TO SEE LADY GAGA IN CONCERT ON FRIDAY (haha super, super last minute plans <3)  and need to decide which of the gaggle of Gaga's I'm dressing as. Help me out, and VOTE in the left hand sidebar!!!

Keep in mind that of course they'll all be done Krysti-style because I am nowhere near pretty enough or have enough self-confidence to pull these off normally. Which means:
A. Zebra poncho: I'll be wearing black leggings with this
B. It'll most likely be a 'disco tank top' not a bra
C./D. These are actually pretty tame for Gaga
E. God I don't even know how I can do this one, but It'll deff be longer

Oh and I've already got some glasses and bangs, which should help, and facepaint for a lightening bolt. So there's a start.
HELP ME OUT! IDK WHAT I SHOULD DO! And any crafty suggetions would be nice, if you've got 'em!