Monday, September 13, 2010

I Swear, I Haven't Died

o here's a quick mishmash of things to keep you occupied because I haven't posted anything recently:

Overheard on campus:

"....You're not paying come to school to give guys p***y, you're paying to go to class....abstinence...." Classy, UD, classy.

Spotted On Campus:

Every one's favorite musical traveling companion trekking across the quad....that's right! Harmonica boy is back this semester, and car-less so I hear, so looks like no more carpooling for me. What the heck do I write about now?!

At the VMAs (in keeping with my prepositionally phrased headings...)

Yes, she wore meat, no I don't condone you wearing cold cuts around campus any day, but yes I still freaking love the woman to death. Not to mention she won 8 freaking VMAs. Waddya have to say about that Kanye?! So, in celebration: some new Gaga off her upcoming album EDIT: Some Gaga you might not have ever heard that may or may not be from her new album (title officially announced at the VMAs) Born This Way. Stay chill lil monsters (ignore the weird fan-made video, just listen to the music).

Oh, and this one always makes me laugh..."FRISBEEE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"