Things I Like About Snow:
- I like how if you go out early enough in the snowstorm no one else has been there and you have no idea where the paths are and you get to blaze your own. And the people walking after you will be like 'hey! the footprints are here, this is probably the right way to go' even if it isn't. And it's kind of a power-trip.
- I like throwing snowballs. And the occational ice-ball. Because, face it, there's no better way to release pent-up agression towards someone and pass it off as a jovial wintertime tradition.
- I like falling on ice. Hey! I wasn't using my tailbone anyway groundskeepers, so there's no need to salt the's like my own personal ice rink everytime I leave my dorm! Awesome!
- I like that snow masks everything. The dirtiest, ugliest place in the world would look beautiful blanketed in snow. It's like cover-up for the earth.
- I like getting my money's worth out of my rainboots.
- I like hot chocolate from Gordy's. And I like the feeling of supiriority and sophistcation that comes with holding a little coffee cup with the little coffee collar on it.
- I like turning the heater on and then climbing into bed with it still on and forgetting how hot it gets and then waking up covered in sweat because the room is eighty five degrees.
- I like eating snowflakes.
- I like seeing people express themselves in snow-art. Whether it be giant igloos (pictures to come) or snowangels, or snowmen, it's always unexpected and makes me happy.
- I like having my jeans be soaked and my thighs get windburn from inside my jeans. Nothing makes you feel quite so alive as a few raw limbs.
- I like that the campus dosen't get deserted.
- I like that I get an excuse to wear the million scarves that I have hanging on Ashely and I's bedpost.
- I like that when I'm cold and come in I get to turn on the heater and then the room smells plesently like burnt dust for an hour or so while the room warms up.
- I like the way that everything is always bright when there's snow on the ground.
- I like that only the friendly people brave the cold, ergo, if you are out in the snow, you are probably friendly.
- I like that campus has its own version of the Naked Cowboy. Except he just wears shorts, a tshirt, and a cowboy hat when it snows. And exhibits the same degree of Southern charm.
- I like riding on the bus while the underqualified (and usually grouchy) busdriver tries to get us to the mall, or tries not to pick us up from the Goodwill plaza.
- I like that people still sit on benches and leave their butt-marks. It makes me laugh.
- I like singing Christmas carols even though its not Christmas but because they're about snow and it's snowing.
- I like using snow to wash my hands because last-minute I need to splatterpaint and art project and need to get my phone out of my pocket because someone has to let me in the back door when I'm done but my hands are covered in paint.
- I like that it could hypothetically get me out of class :)