Not to much happening today, well technically yesterday...but then again I always say that and end up with really long posts. Whatever. Today I learned:
- Zumba is not just for strippers anymore!
- The red-yellow apples are clearly the best kind ever.
- The lead singer of Queen died in 1991.
- If you stay still in Halo, you don't show up on other people's radars.
- I'm terrible at Halo
- Where to go if I ever need to borrow a Harry Potter book.
- Who to talk to if I ever need new music.
- The guy who works at Gordy's that I chat with on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays is in my music class and recognises me, whereas it took me until today to figure out where I knew him from.
- That some guys have cherry chapstick.
- That there is such a thing as Man-MS, which is when men PMS.
- When you go Greek you stay Greek for life and pay them a percent of your salary and all this crazy stuff!
- The Galley does DIY salads!
- How to avoid the inevitable semi-creepy conversations with the omelet guy.
- That if you try to be lazy and take the easy volunteer job you end up being stationed all the way across campus in bumble fuck.
- That the sound of 6+ fans is much worse than one slightly annoying air conditioner.
To be frank, I've got a psych test that I just spent an hour studying for and it pretty much pushed any other important lessons out of my brain. More later perhaps?
As a sign off, here are some awesome shirts that I feel like you all, my ambiguous audience, might appreciate. I know they're on my birthday wish list!!
This is another excellent website to check out, if you're bored Like I always am, they've got great articles and even better t-shirts. I love intelligent humor...(even if I can't fully utilise it).