So I love the rain. Why? Because of
rain boots and puddle stomping. If you have never puddle stomped I pity you. In the case of most people if, by the time you read this, you have never participated in this wholesome activity let it be known that deep inside you there is a small and
underdeveloped fun gland. However, since I am a
Diehmer and absurdity is what
Diehmers do best, we got a chance to relive that part of our childhood, (with a lovely audience of smokers) en route to our dorms. Yes, there is nothing more satisfying to your lost inner child than taking a running leap into a large, deep puddle on a rainy day. Nothing. I'm counting this as the primary lesson of today, because it totally is. Anyone with
rain boots will agree and anyone without
rain boots should stop whatever they are/were doing and go and get themselves a pair of
rain boots (I suggest Target). Other quick lessons; today I learned...
- Though the bus schedule says the bus runs somewhere, that's no guarantee it actually does.
- That I love Goodwill (technically not a new lesson, but still)
- Where Gaige is.
- That even though you're late to things you can still get bagels, and prizes!
- That without my roommates, an alarm, two calls, three texts, and at least four people knocking on my door is not enough to wake me up.
- Goodwill and the movies are not in the same plaza.
- This blog prevents people from doing actual work...(sorry!)
- How to play Balderdash
- That All American Rejects are in fact coming here! Along with Taking Back Sunday and Anarbor.
- That I should never again attempt to get a plain wrap from that jerk girl at UD. She always does everything WRONG!
- I do not like tofu.
- That I really miss my friends (although I love the people here as well) and it hadn't hit me until tonight...
- Where the term 'shotgun wedding' was derived from.
- Someone in the guys hall totally has Beatles Rock Band. I don't know them yet, but it is now my mission to meet them and snag some playing time...
- Great minds think alike.
- It's liberating to litter (when you know it's going to be picked up by you later...).
- Our AC got fixed sometime on Friday, even though one of us was in our room 95% of the time and our work order had only been put in Thursday night....
- That narrow minded people can be the most frustrating kind to hold a conversation with.
- At NSB you can get your sandwiches grilled!
So that's all for now, hoping tomorrow will be an exciting day, I know it always is! More posts later, maybe a follow up to 'You Know You're a Diehmer If...'???