Friday, October 30, 2009
And So It Began, Stupid School Internet
New Celeb Spotting!
Looks like Sue finally got her way and disbanded Glee because Mr Schuster was spotted today on campus directing traffic then hopping into a campus work truck. Keep and eye out for this one!!
On a related note, but sadly nowhere near Mr. Schuster, Emma! Although this girl had a bit longer hair, the style, color, wide-eyedness, and general posture made her a 'shoe-in' for Emma. Spotted near the quad, kind of heading in Shoe's general direction.
To sum up, everyone should start watching Glee!!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Smile! You're On Candid Campus!
"The Lone Cycle"
Haha the best part of this picture (other than the fact that it's hilarious) is the story of how it came about. I was walking past this bike rack and this guy was walking towards me and he paused and took a picture on his phone. Then he saw me see him and looked at me sheepishly. Then I pulled out my phone, took a picture of it too, and nodded at him. Respect, sir. You have good taste in oddities.
*DISCLAIMER* This WAS NOT taken on campus, it was sent to me by my friend and I found it to be quite awesome. If possible, I would love to find this and go...
Sunday, October 25, 2009
WOW: Word of the Week
ex: The party's supposed to be in Amsterdam man. Where are we now? Yorkshire. Quest!!!!!!
This one pays homage to any fellow Questers who may be reading this. Don't worry, I'm spreading the word...QUEST WEEK 09: WINTER EDITION!
"Lle naa haran e' nausalle"Which means "You are king in your imagination." Ladies, use this to punch a hole in some jerk's giant ego. It says 'I'm classy, yet well versed in the ways of nerd.' Who knows? You may attract a slightly nerdy yet adorable replacement for the jerk you just shut down? Good luck!
Random Video Fun
Oh the things parents put on youtube..."is this real life?"
This is one of a few awesome videos done by the same people about turning fun into positive reinforcement for desirable behavior. I love it!
And this one is compliments of SG (who I have not yet asked for a codename, start thinking SG!) about the impending doom that is swine!
Holy Moley!
- Glee will not be back on until sometime in November. HUGE DISAPPOINTMENT.
- Sometimes some good old fashion Nursery Rhymin' will win over the hearts of even the most senile of judges.
- Becca has an attitude.
- Here, when it's not raining, the sky is thinking about when next to rain.
- Elven ears are a rare commoddy.
- The best way to watch a LOTR movie is with people who A. know random trivia B. can recite lines from memory and C. know of corresponding parodies/youtube videos that go along with it.
- The quad can fit a shitload of people.
- Napping can lead to really weird dreams.
- The Sims is way too addicting for its own good. And mine too.
- Slouchy boots are FANTASTIC.
- I should not go shopping with WhoreNextDoor. EVER.
- The people at the Chinese food places in the mall don't care how many times you walk by or how many times they see you stopping by the competition, they will always feed you.
- Gertrude Hawk, however, will not.
- Costume stores ain't what they used to be.
- My family misses me, and I miss them!
- Unicyclists are people too.
- We Diehmers make quite the impression.
- I love Tasha, and hope she reads this and knows how horrible I feel for not letting her know when I was done with my homework!!
Family Guy clip that kills me every time:
Freaking Hilarious Posts by My Bretheren in the Blog:
at least read Legolas if nothing else...
And, an awesome alternate ending:
And with that, I take my leave.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Welcome to Swine 09.
Cover your freaking mouth when you cough or sneeze.
Drink lots of hot drinks, they will kill possible swine germs because they fester in your throat and not your stomach (thanks Damsel in Distress!! See you did use your codename!)
No high fives!! You never know where that hand has been.
Hand Sanitizer is your best friend.
Surgical masks are this season's hottest accessory. Decorate for added flair.
Gargle with salt water and use mouthwash (again, to kill germs in your throat. Thanks D.I.D.!!)
Hold your breath if you must go down 2B.
Don't go into 2B for any reason.
Refrain from kissing pigs, dogs, and other wildlife.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Na Na Na Na Na HEY Na Na Na Na Na
Today I learned:
- The dimentions of every single piece of furniture in my room.
- How to do the Creeper Shuffle.
- What to do to protect myself from creepers.
- That 2B has several sick people. If it's swine I'm going to put myself under house arrest.
- That there's no worse feeling in the world than wanting to comfort someone but not knowing how.
- That I'm kind of a bitch.
- That I am 5'7. Which is good because it means I haven't been lying on every form I've had to fill out recently.
- That apperently Cream of Mushroom soup is more native to New England than clam chowder.
- Why the forth, fifth, and octives are considered 'perfect.'
- That 'linner' is not as commonly used a term as I always thought.
- That I have many soulmates <3
- Alex is (still) so over me.
- Rearranging the quad is like one of those puzzles you know has an answer, but you just can't figure it out and it drives you insane until you get it.
- I don't like working with charcoal.
- That we 'roll quad deep e'ry day.' (Thank you anonymous white board writer)
- Lysol is not supposed to be sprayed on skin or clothing. Oooopps. Sorry Jen-nay.
- That I am most likely Y-chromosome repellent.
- Curly fries are my guily pleasure.
- New stall talks never seem like a big deal, until you get one.
- Ray-J has been super-ill for the past few days, I'm not saying 'SWINE' like I usually do because I don't want to scare everyone.
- I am now identified by what 'Whatcha Say' text tone.
- That going to college doesn't mean the end of drama.
- That I need to do more homework...
Enjoy, and goodnight, my faithful readers! In case you haven't noticed, the link for this blog is now posted always on my facebook profile under my picture in that little 'About Me' section. Also, For some reason Blogger has removed it's Spell Check feature and I am now on my own for spelling, which as you probably have already noticed, is a hot mess. And Word reformats everything when I copy-paste. So, for the time being, please excuse all the heinous spelling errors that I assure you will riddle this blog until I find the spell check again. I know, I know, I should be a better speller, but it's just not my strongest suit. I hope you can overlook it for now and I'll work on it. G'night all, and have a pleasent tomorrow.
Monday, October 19, 2009
WOW: Word of the Week **Now With Added Bonus Content**
(ex: That prostitot should put on some clothes.)
BONUS: Elven phrase of the week. Impress all your friends and charm all the ladies with this tried and true phrase:
Which translates in common speak to "My heart shall weep until it sees thee again." You'll be a hit at parties."Cormamin niuve tenna' ta elea lle au'"
Things On YouTube You Must See Before You Die.
Probably #1 must see. Watch it, and edjamacate yourself.
"Today, on MSN my boyfriend said to me 'You're such an angle', meaning angel. He didn't understand why I replied 'Aww, you're so acute. MLIA" < Love this site (
***NEW*** Celeb Sighting!
Alrightly kids, here he is. I've upped my creeping to actually taking pictures of these look-alikes. This was too good to miss. We have a repeat offender here. In case you cannot tell from the pictures, Charlie Brown everyone! Top picture is submitted from 'Jenny from the Block.' Thanks, girl! Creep onward!

Smile, You're on Candid Campus!
"Illegal Fountian"
Apperently it is illegal to take picture with this fountian. So natch, I did.
Just Another Manic Monday
- Cleaning ladies are not maids. They are simply here to smoke and yell about how we don't clean our own bathrooms.
- Forking is epic. And a good way to spread the work.
- Never trust the SMC printers.
- Doors are totally classifiable as WMD.
- Bacon Cheeseburgers are wonderful.
- That three Smornoffs=3 slices of apple pie.
- Creepers=great dance moves.
- It is possible to create a large shoe-house out of cardboard in two hours.
- What I am being for Halloween.
- What it is like to love and have lost.
- Sometimes, life does cut you a break.
- However, sometimes not.
- There are so many fun things you can draw with circles, try it.
- There is a four lane freaking highway and a 90 degree hill between the bus stop and Joann’s.
- I have access to TWO Halloween stores.
- Choir kids are awesome at doing the robot.
- I love dressing up!
- Glee is still the SHIZZZZZZz. If you haven't checked it out, DO IT NOW.
- My hall would rather watch Lord of the Rings than a chick flick.
- I am sooooooooooooo totally in the right place.... (see above).
- I am wayyyy too obsessed with Halloween...
- Waking up early can actually lead to increased productivity.
- You can draw a shitload in eight weeks.
- Sometimes laundry isn't so bad...
- Laziness is actually the mother of invention; necessity is just the baby mama.
- Some things make you wayyy happier than they should, but you don't even care.
- There is no quicker way to get hypothermia than walking through Lake Harbold without shoes.
- Flats are sooo impractical for rain.
- One can get tired of rain boots, that's when you know it's been raining entirely too much.
Other than that, an all around exciting weekend, psyched for the parade on Saturday, hoping to get some slouchy boots (preferably before ye olde hallows eve...) and SO EXCITED to go home on Halloween <3.
Th-th-th-that's all folks!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Not too much from me, seeing as it is 3am
- Potatoes are both veggie and herb.
- Peanut Butter Chocolte muffins are very resillient.
- There are quite a few less LOTR vigins in this hallway now.
- I love my hallway.
- There are other teachers equally as creepy as Hawkins.
- Who I can go to on Wednesdays to watch Glee with.
- That Septa costs more on Fridays.
- Rain SUCKS.
- I have like 12000 meals left this week.
- I've been spending at least $2 less than I could have been for every lunch at Gordy's.
- Twelve people is about max capasity for good bunkbed movie watching.
- I can get my laptop into my bed with my ethernet cord.
- A bunk bed can hold five people.
- The tables at UD could quite easily be arranged into very phallic shapes very easily.
- Where to get cheap slouchy boots.
- Leveage cookies work. REALLY WELL.
- The stamp: envelope exchange rate is currently 4:5 according to Dan's rates.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Welcome, dear readers (I love addressing you guys like that, it makes this blog seem classy...) to the fiftieth installment of my wildly (or mildly) popular blog! I can't believe I've actually stuck with this so long, 50 posts is a hell of a lot of rambling. You would think that talking almost nonstop to my roommates and hall mates would leave me speechless, but no. Silly readers, I am almost NEVER at a loss for words. As you probably have already noticed. So, to ring in post numero fifty, I will resume with my lessons for the day. I don't think I've posted them since before break, so I'm ending about a week's drought. Over break/this week/today I learned...
- The mall has TWO costume stores. I'm in heaven...
- October is a freaking COLD month.
- Rain boots are the greatest invention. Ever.
- My portfolio is waterproof. Good thing too, because I had to lug it across campus in the 30 rainy weather.
- That apperently, if you're a cleaning lady, the stairwell is a perfect place for clipping your nails.
- Sometimes the ride is more fun than the destination.
- The saddest face I ever saw is when Lindsey lost the contents of her perfectly constructed
- subway sub.
- Glee is SUCH A QUALITY SHOW. Except the internet here sucks and is moody about playing Fox on demand and hulu.
- Michael Cera can speak!
- Gavin DeGraw's 'Chemical Party' never gets old. Thanks Kel!
- There's nothing to brighten up your weekend prospects like a planned weekend-long quad sleepover :)
- People do not know who George Lucas and Peter Jackson are. AND YOU CALL YOURSELVES HONORS STUDENTS!
- Melissa is even more creeply associated with my life than I first though.
- The internet jack in the downstairs meeting room is shitty and does not work.
- My computer hates me sometimes.
- Kayla has a small third world country hut's roof for an umbrella.
- The puddles here are so deep they cover my whole feet.
- There's a fine line between 'soul food/Motown night' and racism.
- Hawkins is even creepier than first though. F-ing asswipe.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Holy Crap...
I love this kid:
If you don't know who Bon Qui Qui is, end you're ignorance. If you do know, watch it again, she's that great:
These guys are great...the Harry Potter part is my fave:
Also, for your listening pleasure, check out:
'Chemical Party" by Gavin DeGraw
'Starstuckk' by 3Oh!3
'Laughing With' by Regina Spektor
Back From Break
So, my youngest brother's friend's older brother goes here, and he's technically a junior and has a car on campus. Lives ten minutes from my house, goes home all the time. Awesome, right? Yeah, I mean, I've never really met the kid before in my life with the exception of like a 'hi-bye' when one of us dropped off our sibling at the other's house. So I text him, introduce myself, set everything up, coolio. So Friday rolls around and he rolls up in his family's mini-van. Whatever, I drive one too, nbd. He introduces himself, I introduce myself, minor awkwardness ensues, majors are exchanged, etc. He stopped for coffee and gas, all the while insisting that every time he gets his grande iced latte or whatever he always has to pee by the time we get off the turnpike. A little too much info, but I laugh it off. And off we go. Not two seconds after he gets back into the car, he lights up a cigarette. Ugh, a smoker. Which I can tolerate, I mean, if you don't care about your lungs, why should I? He's pretty good about it, keeping it by the open window as to minimize my cancer intake. Lovely. Anyway, half hour later, he's on his third cancer stick and has proceeded to start spitting- yes spitting- out his window, while driving. Ten more minutes and he pops in his David Bowie CD and starts singing along. Minutes later he is accompanying Mr. Bowie...ON A FUCKING HARMONICA. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, he has a cigarette in one hand, a harmonica in the other, and he is just free styling along the road. The steering wheel? Oh, he'll pause for a moment and adjust it as needed.
Needless to say that by this point I'm a little, surprised, to say the least. I mean, the guy has a case of harmonicas in every key sitting on his center console and is just playin' away as we weave through traffic on the way to the turnpike. So then, we get stuck in traffic, which I don't know if you knew this, but is actually the best time to switch to a Cake CD and start to harmonica along with that because then he can easily use both hands to play. An hour later, we are now back at full speed and listening to a metal 'concept album.' AKA the songs tell a story of a man living in a haunted house with his cat (Magic, in case you were wondering) who falls in love with some little girl ghost child who was hacked to death with an axe by her father.
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. About that.
Don't get me wrong, dear readers, Mr. Harmonica was a perfectly nice person, we chatted about books and majors and music and whatnot, but seriously? I'm all for honest first impressions, but jeeeeez! A bit strong there....
Anyway, break went fine, got to see the parents, brothers, grandparents, a wedding, the golden wingers, Nora, a movie, wonderful weekend overall. So Tuesday night rolls around and now I find myself in a ye old Explorer this time, at least playing a radio station I know and love, pulling 80+ down the turnpike. Little to no harmonica this time, still the same amount of smoking and spitting unfortunately though. Plus, the door of this car rattles like an old woman's dentures in the dead of winter. Like, I am concerned that this car is going to survive the trip. He warns that sometimes on sharp rights it'll fly open unexpectedly. Peachy....just peachy. So, we're about a half hour from school and have had a pleasantly metal-free, harmonica-free, abet kind of quiet ride and we're almost back. I guess I spoke to soon because as soon as we get off the t-pike he starts scanning the side of the road. For a nice place to pee. Yup, right there on the side of the road. Does he ask me if I have to pee (I do...) and if I'd like to stop at somewhere civilized, like a fucking McDonalds at the very least? Nope. I just have to sit in the car and pretend to text to avoid obviously looking away. Needless to say the last thirty minutes were very quiet, with only a small goodbye and comment about the only part that's out of his way is taking me to my hall, which is across the street from his house. So, at the back door we part ways, him lighting up another cancer-stick as I wait, locked out, at the back door, frantically texting everyone I know to let me in. He waves goodbye, which I don't return (because my hands are filled with my bags which he didn't offer to help with) and he drives away. And I'll most likely be getting a ride from him next time I go home. Oh, I can't wait...
So, I figured, if nothing else, this would make for an amuzing blog entry, and I hope it did. I discovered over the weekend that I have quite a few readers back home (hey guys!) which made me happy. Still missin' everyone like crazy though, but I did get to see two out of the three BFFs (twenty four days Bean, if you're reading...) and some other people I've been missing. All in all, a sucess.
Anyway, longest blog entry ever. If you're still reading, pat yourself on the back, I love ya! Live long and prosper!
Word of the Week
THERE! ROOMMATES, it's legit.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Things I Love About Being Home
Things I Love About Being Home:
> I can walk in bare feet around without worrying about getting herpes or H1N1 or athlete's foot, or AIDs
>There are towels and soap on hand in the bathroom.
> I can shave without worrying about touching the walls, see point one.
> I can shower in bare feet!
> I eat without swiping my meal card.
> I get to use a computer with a mouse!
> All my Harry Potter books are on-hand.
> Two words: WIRELESS. FREAKING. INTERNET. (Technically three words, but the middle one's optional).
> I can drive again!
> I can nap in silence and without worrying about what I'm missing and when I next have to wake up.
> I get to lay on my bed freely without having to scale Everest and can get down at will to fetch things, switch songs on my iPod, etc.
> No walking about in public in a towel.
> No worrying when someone knocks on your door...
> It doesn't smell like ass when you walk down the hall.
> No fruit flies.
Things I Already Miss Since Coming Home
> The Diehmers!!!!!!
> My roomies!!!
> My memory foam topper...
> Being able to walk down the hall and find something to do.
> My nutella!
> Playing 'how many people can fit at one table'
All in all, life it good. Hope everyone on break is living it up, can't wait to see everyone tomorrow and get all jazzed up for the wedding! P&B, I'll post my trip home escapades soon! Teaser: David Bowie, harmonicas, conceptual metal album.
Candid Campus!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009
- The cleaning ladies are legit married. To each other. Not a rumor.
- There is actually a guy who unicycles around to classes.
- The worst thing ever is when there are no good desserts at UD when you really want them.
- Apparently I can not sufficiently fill in my quarter notes.
- I miss painting for fun.
- I miss reading for fun too.
- Nothing beats doing art to put of your art homework...
- Sometimes laundry just has to be done.
- The Phillies are playing the Rockies in the postseason right now. Did not know that.
- Dining hall workers apparently have the party info.
- I only have two freaking classes until fall break.
- Painting on canvas makes you feel like such a legit artist.
- I need a bigger drying rack.
- The SMC gym is closed?! WTF. Zumba's now in freaking Pucillo?
- There's an app for that.
Other than that, this is a quick post. I've got 12 more sketches for drawing alone plus three design projects and an additional hour of work on my two point perspective drawing. Oh joy of joys. Live long and prosper, we're almost there people...
Candid Campus, Back Again

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
"You Know You're a Diehmer When..."
- You know what to do when someone shouts "Sparrow!"
- Your favorite game is 'Let's see how many people we can fit at one round table!'
- You've spent at least one weekend night down in 2B playing/learning to play/getting your ass kicked at Halo.
- You sit in the hallway all the time because there's nothing else to do.
- Late night is an every night affair.
- You really, really want to take your Fabreeze with you whenever you go down to 2B.
On to the Day's Lessons
- Sometimes you just need to grin and bear it. Karma, people, karma. It's a big thing.
- Solfege syllables are more important than one might think.
- Being 'on time' to some people may actually mean 12 minutes early.
- Don't rely on technology, it's in cahoots with Karma.
- People can kind of be jerks.
- I should start my art homework sooner.
- There is nothing like praise to make you feel like a million bucks.
- Harry Potter and the Magical Muggle Museum is BACK! And I am so totally going.
- There are only five classes until fall break.
- Skype is really really distracting while doing homework.
- The Hills is even stupider than I thought it was.
- That I am, once again, out of jeans and need to do laundry. Ugh.
- The fruit flies are now laying siege to the bathrooms as well.
- That I will be seeing more of my friends parents than my friends over fall break.
- People actually watch The Hills, like, on purpose.
- I love apples. I had forgotten until today I went to Gordy's to get a snack, and picked apple slices. As a snack. Look at me, eating healthy on purpose!
Other than that, not much to report. Recently no new celebs have been spotted roaming the campus, and no new sightings of anything really interesting either. Maybe some around campus photos will be posted soon, who knows?
And so the Countdown Begins...
- Windex (we tend to fog up the mirrors up in here)
- Kites (because the Quad is absolutely perfect for kite-flying)
- Curtains (to keep out creepers, oh wait, we need a functional peephole and coded knocks to do that...)
- New cover up (because the color I have now is more appropriate for the Twilight premiere than for everyday usage)
- Air Hogs mini-helicopters (for epic sky battles in all the airspace we have above our island)
- basket and pulleys (for our clothesline-esque transport system between bunk beds).
- Slip-on shoes (because my Vans can only take so much more duct tape before I'm wearing shoes made completely from duct tape)
- Cherry Chapstick (not for that reason Katy!! I don't know where mine got to and it is legit the best stuff for chapped lips!! Don't judge!)
- Game Cube & Karaoke Revolution (because we need some game systems down in 2A and we don't have to be drunk to sing karaoke)
- A real coat (because all I have is sweatshirts and it is freaking cold some days!)
Monday, October 5, 2009
Pimp Yo' Ring
Current ringtones:
'Happy Days Theme' for mom and home
'Zero to Hero'
'Little Shop theme'
'AVPM opening'
^for besties
'Great DJ'
'Human classical'
^for everyday use :)
Back from Weekend Hiatus.
- Nutella is the second greatest invention of all time. Coming in a close second with mothers as a whole.
- Nutella and peanut butter are very close to kicking mothers from the top spot, however.
- There is, in fact, a legit flying tarantula residing in the lame-duck doorway of 218.
- The Renn Faire is possibly the greatest place ever, next to Disney World.
- I should work at the Renn Faire.
- I have the greatest friends, who have the sweetest parents, of all time!!
- Megan Fox is just a huge slut. Like, legit hoebag. Just look at the newest Rolling Stone. All she is is a porn star who somehow wanders into auditions for real movies.
- There's nothing more distracting from homework than a beautiful day, a RS with Megan Fox on the cover to verbally tear to shreds, a blanket, and people to tear Megan Fox up with.
- LC is a pretty cool place.
- The best spot in LC is the jumping fountains, by far.
- Creepy workers at the Fractured Prune will assume you're flirting with them through the front window of their store, even though a group of your friends is sitting between you and him.
- Blue-slushy things from the Fractured Prune are wonderful!
- Cygnets is closing after this year and the whole lower floor of UD is being redone.
- I have three less classes this week!
- Tickets for All American Rejects go on sale next week.
- Ebay is a horrible place invented solely to crush dreams.
- My RA doesn't think I'm weird. Or at least won't admit it.
- I have no class on Friday!
- I'm not very good at Halo, even shuckyducky is starting to get better than me.
- A spoonful of peanut butter will not make the medicine go down. In fact, it will barely make itself go down.
- I currently hold the 'most creeped on in 24 hours' record with 10 creeps. Beat that! (No, seriously, someone beat that...).
- Even Ray-J is susceptible to the evils of alcohol.
- He is, however, also a very adamant environmentalist.
On that note, I shall leave you to study up on my rhythm syllables and hand signs for my music test. 'Rocky Mountain', here I come!!
Friday, October 2, 2009
This Makes Me Smile...
New Segment: "SMILE! You're on Candid Campus!"
Some creative 311 desk graffiti from my psych desk, taken for a friend of mine who loves the band...
"Aida Rocks"
Small Bit of Happiness in the Middle of a Friday
(267): so i decided im only going to give him head once he reads the 7th harry potter book
Ohhhh man....also, one from a little bit ago,
(267): yeah, an aryan and a jew, we're so cute.
(I-267): hitler would be proud.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Welcome to the Weekend
- I'm an apple-dumpling virgin.
- That drawing a staircase is quite hard
- That karma, despite any previous notion of us being friends, it actually a huge b*tch. Like, legit, karma. I thought we had something special. Apparently not.
- That I need to get to the gym and get my awesome Wellness journal signed.
- That teaching oneself on the piano is not as easy as I tried to convince myself it would be.
- It takes a lot of work to put music notes on a staff in Microsoft Word.
- I miss people, a lot.
- Apple day is awesome. I love apples!!
- Nothing is better than receiving a surprise package, except receiving a surprise package of COOKIES!
- I have the best friends EVER.
- I want to go home and be Arwen for Halloween so badly now!
- That I really should go to bed soon, but I won't....
- That South Park just isn't as good as it used to be.
- That my roommate has not seen Star Wars or LOTR. Which I must remedy as soon as possible.
- They're making an Avatar movie. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't kind of excited.
- The cleaning ladies here make shady ticket deals.
- That someday (apparently) I'm going to be a famous art teacher who runs all sorts of trendy up-and-coming NYC galleries in my spare time (right, Ashley?).
Other than that, not too much new. However, I would like to warn everyone that my one of my best friends is visiting and not to expect too much from me on the blogging front. Do however prepare yourself for an up and coming segment...and by up and coming I mean I have no idea when I'll get around to it.
In other news: some news. This explains why my life has always been so difficult...*over dramatic sigh*