- A baby swan is a cignent (hence the ice cream place).
- Sugar Bowl milkshakes are way too much for one sitting...
- The Sugar Bowl has a Lord of the Rings pinball mechine (which costs $.50 just so you know).
- Hall signs are highly flamable.
- There are apperently a lot of skunks who like to hang out on campus? Esspecially around the quad. (Just ask Alex)
- We were, at one point, supposed to get a Chick-fil-a but the plans fell through.
- The infamous rave that took place during orientation was held in Wickersham.
- Miller was replaced.
- There is no crueler way to have your work degrated than by person specific voice recording sent to you in an email.
- A midnight milkshake run can make everything better, but don't drink the whole milkshake.
- Men can PMS.
- Baclava holds up well during midnight jaunts.
- Everyone else knows that the honors college kids are way tight, and are jealous.
- That one song that I have always loved but never knew the name of is "All I Ever Wanted" by Baserunner.
- There is not only a used bookstore within walking distance but also somewhere I can get fingerprinted for my FBI clearance.
- You can always find smokers outside the dorms. ALWAYS.
- My secret spot for being on the phone also doubles as a makeout spot?
- Target's shipping is very unreliable.
- A huge portion of Honors kids wear glasses/contacts.
- Some people still do not know what a Snuggie is.
- There is such a thing as a homework hangover...and the only cure is MORE COWBELL!
- Naps are such a tease, I hate them...
It amazes me that on such a seemingly eventless day I learn so much! I mean, I believe everyone should be aware of this stuff! It's a big deal! I'm totally conducting a survey to find out if in fact a higher percentage of honors kids wear glasses as compared to the general population. In other news, my quest to get involved is moving along quite nicely, ACMO meeting tomorrow that I'm sure like half the hall is going to, Zumba on Thursday, and I'm just going to tag along to everyone else's stuff. Tai Quan Do perhaps? Oh man look at me trying all this new stuff! A second quick thought, being on a mostly rural campus really brings people close. I mean, we totally have fun hanging in our dorm doing utterly ridiculous things (fashion show anyone!?).
Also, a roof update, still not open. UGH! Possible lock-picking techniques wanted. I'm willing to try the CD/credit card method as well as old school bobby pin. Any other ideas?
Getting up for breakfast and a quick printing session early tomorrow so peace and blessins, peace and bleseins....
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